Tuesday, December 22, 2015

More about tea

Ok so most people who know me in New Zealand may or should know that I love tea. Tea is the reason I had to have my teeth cleaned for staining before I came to Japan. It is also the reason I will need them cleaned again soon I think... The stains are back....only 5 months later....
Anyway I know more about tea than is really important to know. I know most of the dos and don'ts and the ins and outs. I am considering studying to become a tea sommelier but I don't know... Maybe. Maybe not. Anyway, I have seen a few posts about tea in my time but this one was quite good, nice and simple. Here us the link: http://www.pastemagazine.com/articles/2015/08/how-to-drink-tea.html

Thank you to paste magazine, I guess?
Anyway as I live in Japan I am going to buy and drink gyokuro and sencha and bancha. I already had black marco polo tea, oolong, houjicha and genmaicha so I think I am getting there. I have already had all these in New Zealand but the air, water and soil is different here so I need to taste it in its own land. Right I better go and have lunch. Take care! God bless.

Kurosengoku - what is it?

Kurosengoku is called black tea and I suppose it is, except that it doesn't taste like tea and I'm not sure it contains any Camelia Sinensis... Which is how I usually classify something as being tea. 
You know, it actually having actual tea in it. So opinion may be divided here. 
Anyway, I bought it at an organic cafe in Sapporo and it was just over 100 yen for one tea bag. But most tea bags which are more novel are sold for a similar price so hey, I thought, "Whatever, will try it the once."
Now when I went to make it I realised it's supposed to be boiled like coffee. According to the pictures on the back, anyway. But I didn't have any pot I could or would use on my little stove so I went ahead and made it up like a normal tea bag. The taste was - different... 
It tasted like weak watery coffee and something oddly familiar which was not unpleasant yet I did not like...

I did what I always do to tea with a slightly questionable flavour, I went ahead and added milk. Sometimes that vastly improves it, sometimes it does not.
In this case, it didn't help.
I drank it anyway and googled 'kurosengoku black tea'. To my surprise I discovered it is made from a black, smaller and rarer variety of soy bean! That explained the taste! It reminded me a bit of the taste of natto! Anyway if you want something healthy and with a mild, faintly coffee like and nutty soy like taste, get kurosengoku. It was nice. But not what I expected. Actually that is how I could sum up Japan thus far, nice but not always what I expect. Here's a link from someone who travelled in my island of Hokkaido and reviews food and drink rather cheerfully.

Saturday, November 14, 2015


After 3 and a half months worth of assistant English teaching at all three of my junior high schools, most of the students remember my name and don't act up as much in class anymore. That is my achievement, getting through tough times with patience, persistence and not reacting to anything. My teachers are slowly giving me more responsibility too. But I still need to be patient. At the moment I have a mild cold which is in my throat mostly. Very annoying. I am praying to get better quickly but the weather is getting colder by the day. I hope I can manage well, living in sub zero temperatures for the first time...
All in all, my life in Japan is average. It would be far better if only my family or at least my mother were here. I think actually she could live here with me just fine, I get more money here than I did in my own country. It's frustrating. Many of the comparisons in lifestyle between NZ and Japan are frustrating. Frustration is a problem for me, it always has been. That's the thing with being Autistic, controlling your emotions is amazingly taxing at times. Even I, on the higher functioning end if the spectrum, even I often get looks from people due to loudly overreacting to something. I feel my reaction is just normal, expressing feeling or emotion but other people tell me to calm down. That's when I need to do damage control and tell them I'm part Latin or say I'm just joking. It usually doesn't work, but they just think I'm weird or highly strung. Here in Japan usually nobody says anything, at least not to your face. But they will spread info about you throughout the whole town so I need to be especially vigilant. They will judge foreigners in general by my behaviour, so it's a big responsibility. I will be writing emails about Japan to people I know, and I will paste them on my blog and maybe add extra, to save writing a lot more than I need to. I suppose I better start writing my journal too... Hmm there's a lot to do.

Saturday, September 26, 2015

My Top Ten red-eyed Pokemon. Gonna be a tough list...

Ok this will be hard. So many Pokemon have red eyes!!!! I better make it a list of Pokemon that I think have their appearance enhanced by their red eyes rather than just red-eyed Pokemon in general. So I would think, "Would you look as cool with diff coloured eyes?" If no, then they are on the list.
Top Ten:
Bulbasaur and evos
Diancie. The only thing I like about Diancie is it's eyes...

Honorable mention: Lopunny. I would not consider it's eyes to be a true red but if they were, it would be on my list, I love Lopunny. Same applies to Finneon.

Ok then I can't stop thinking about another Pokemon list

This time, I have to do my fave bi-coloured eyed Pokemon. I wasn't going to, but oh well. And no, I don't count black or white as colours here.
Top Five:
Meowstic (maybe female more than male)
Honorable mention to Blitzle. So cute!

Bonus list: my fave Button-eyed Pokemon. Like, their eyes are small and round.
Top Five:
Honorable mentions: Wailord, Spoink, Lileep, oh so many more. Maybe this shoulda been a top ten....

Friday, September 25, 2015

My top 5 Yellow-eyed Pokemon!

Certain Pokemon look so much more charming because their eyes are yellow or orange-ish. After doing my blue-eyed list, I realised I like yellow-eyed ones too. So my top 5 yellow-eyed ones are:
And it's a tossup between Noibat and Pumpkaboo...

Honorable mention: Misdreavous, both yellow and red eyes, soooo couldn't count it. It's my fave Ghost though, with it's evo. There are other Pokemon with bi-coloured eyes, like Infernape. Hmmm maybe one more list? Nah. Oh I forgot, I love Joltik!!! From my blue-eyed list, I can't believe I left it out!!!

My Top 5 Blue-eyed Pokemon

These Pokemon all have eyes that look blue, but some in certain artwork or games only. For example it's sometimes hard to see, but Sandshrew's eyes are blue. I made this list to celebrate the Pokemon whose design I felt was enhanced by their eye colour.
So my top 5 Pokemon with blue eyes:
Aron and it's evos.

Honorable mention: Charmander and Charmeleon. But since I like Charmander more and it's eyes sometimes look a bit more green than blue in contrast to Charmeleon, I decided not to count them in my list.
There are other blue-eyed Pokemon like Torchic and Mew and Celebi and likely more but there are not many blue-eyed Pokemon compared to the red-eyed ones. So many Pokemon have red eyes! I wonder why... probably not hangovers.

Friday, September 11, 2015

New food I didn't know about, yeah may be quite a lotta posts like this in future

Nuru senbei are flattened soft rice crackers and they are great if you want a gluten-free, chewy savoury cookie (assuming the flavours have no gluten). I had one today and it was very good! It was from MaruYama (hirika?) in Sapporo. I'm going to look in my local supermarket to see if I can find any more nuru senbei, I will probably have to buy a different brand, though.

Sunday, September 06, 2015

Game Rivalries

I don't worry about which is "better" when comparing, for example; Quake to Unreal. I played both anyway! Same with Sonic and Mario, Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat. I played Doom, Tekken, Dune, Command and Conquer, I never worried about certain games being alike and choosing a favourite. I just loved them all. And I still do. I loved Jazz Jackrabbit even though it reminded me of Duke Nukem (original sidescroller). And I loved Commander Keen too... I bet I'm repeating myself but the truth is, games are great and there's no need to say one is better than another if they both have good points. Play them all and you get more out of it. Ahhhh, Wolfenstein 3D... I miss you. Bring back all the old games, someone! Steam??? Original MK trilogy!!!! *sigh* Rise of the Triad I think it was called was great, it was the first time I played multiplayer. Day of the Tentacle, Sam and Max Hit The Road... Jolly fun point and click games. Ok ok will stop talking. 

Monday, August 31, 2015

Food Revelation number one:

Vegetables and milk taste different here in Hokkaido. Some milk isn't so nice, I'm still testing different brands. But veggies, the veggies are better. In New Zealand, most pumpkins are fuzzy (as in the flesh is fibrous or fluffy) and sweet, two things I dislike in anything I consider to be savoury. But here the pumpkins are more savoury and the flesh is firmer. I also like their tomatoes, they are less sweet too. I may eat more of those and hopefully I can learn to eat meat too.

Saturday, August 22, 2015

Life in Japan so far

Not bad. Decent country town, cheap spacious house, the water tastes different. So does milk and oddly enough, tomatoes and pumpkins. A cuppa here is not the same for the aforementioned reasons, so might put my love for tea with milk on hold soon. Green tea is obviously fine. I was going to make a blog about my time here but frankly, I can't be bothered. I've had a helluva lot to adjust to in this last busy month and it's all a bit of a blur, really. Our assistant has been absolutely invaluable and has been particularly instrumental in helping me with everyday life in Hokkaido. Thank you so much, Komori san, I will shower you with gifts and praise whenever I can. You are a legend and deserve a medal for your patience. I think that will do for now. 

Sunday, August 09, 2015


Everyone here is really kind so far in Noboribetsu. They invited me to a festival in a couple of weeks. It's what is called the Hell Festival so it should be very interesting. Anyway at the moment I have a cold so it's hard to stay home instead of exploring my town like I want to but that's ok. I will be patient. I'm writing this post on my new cellphone but I don't really like the way it works so I might go back to using my laptop. Anyway, take care!

Tuesday, August 04, 2015

In Tokyo. Mushiatsui. Sticky hot weather.

The stickiness is ok (my skin feels softer) but everything else is a bit overwhelming right now. The Keio Plaza Hotel is very nice though. Good food, comfortable place, very nice decor. There are so many of us here. I'm still not sleeping well so it's exhausting getting through each day of orientation, but of course I still feel glad I am here.
Wish me luck in Hokkaido, where I will be working. :)

Monday, July 06, 2015


Stupid Kyogre!
Let me catch you! Stop fainting! Argh! So annoying!
Surely catching Groudon was easier than this....or was it?
I have a vague memory of a similar unpleasantness when I played OR...
Anyway - argh, stop fainting! I have to sit through the cutscene of your primal evo each time and it's boring now!

My new fave team in Alpha Sapphire

Clefairy (to be evolved soon)

They have a lot of weaknesses, I know, but I love them.
I hope to achieve great things with them.
Or at least, be able to beat real trainers online with them.
Because let's face it, the game makes it easy to beat NPCs.
Even the League are kinda weak.
And Victory Road wasn't as long and packed with difficult trainers as I remember.
Maybe I'm improving?
Probably not, though.
I hope you enjoyed ORAS btw if you played it.
I'm enjoying it.

Sunday, July 05, 2015

One brave woman wrote about having Aspergers Syndrome


Interesting take on Aspergers Syndrome.
Brave lady.

Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Nichijou anime

Funny, especially the second time round. Some of the jokes are a bit over the top. But some are great! Anyway, watch it if you can. If you liked Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star, you may like it.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Apparently I did do a review of X and Y so I don't have to now.

So yeah, I did actually do a review of X and Y, ages ago.
It was quite complain-y.
Apparently I was unimpressed after a couple of days of being fooled by shallow new features.
Wow, I'm harsh.
Anyway I realised as I finished reading my own whining 'Give us Ruby and Sapphire back!'; that they DID.
AFTER X and Y.
But yes, why did they release the rebooted R and S after X and Y which some people did complain about?
Was it all a plot?
Like how Coke brought out Cherry Coke because it makes other Coke taste better by comparison?
Was it like that, Nintendo?
I hope not.
BECAUSE - can't think of any more puns...
Um, Absolutely!
Ok confused now, never mind.

In other news... my move to Japan seems to be marching closer and closer and I am not prepared yet.
But I will take two weeks off work and sort everything out in that time.
Please God, help me to make it all work out okay.
I'm nervous...
I am going to become a foreigner.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Secret fave character in Ouran High manga

My secret fave character is Hanninozuka Yasuchika.
Chika is so great every time he is in a story.
Actually I like his bodyguard too. Mori's little bro. Forgot his name... Satoshi, that's right.
But yeah Mori, Hani and their brothers and all their family, love 'em.
Never liked the twins much but their dad seems cool. Their mum annoys me.

Chika is soooo adorable. He makes Hani less annoying too, somehow.
Although when Hani gets serious, it's more interesting.
He and Mori are actually really clued in to everything and it's good to see the twins go to them for help.
So yeah me raving about Ouran again.
Look it up if you haven't read it.
It's pretty light-hearted.

I thought I had done a fave character rant already but haven't found it yet.
Maybe not on this blog.
Out of the Hosts I would say I like Mori best.
If Kyoya was a bit less evil, I would like him best.
I always like the megane characters, because I have glasses.
So in Lucky Star, yes, I like the megane character with the pink hair... Miyuki, right?
In Sailor Moon, I liked Ami-chan best for years, and she wears glasses sometimes.
In Magic Knight Rayearth, I liked Fuu-chan best and still do.
In XXXHolic I like Watanuki best, at first I didn't but then I grew to like him more than everyone else.
In Gintama, I like so many people but secretly I am always happy when Shinpachi or Sacchan gets a storyline for themselves. I guess Hasegawa technically wears glasses, and I do think he is kinda cool.
In NGEvangelion, my fave character is Rei, and she does wear glasses once I think... but I think they were actually Ikari Snr's glasses....
In Free!Iwatobi Swim Club, I like Makoto (no glasses but had to declare my love) first, then Rei.
In Pokemon BW, I love Cheren (yes, glasses again!), and then in the sequel to BnW, my second fave, Bianca has glasses!
In Slam Dunk I actually liked the character and the design of Kogure a lot but he was always in the background... still whenever he got his scene, I was happy.
But yes, back to Ouran, Chika is my actual fave character. Even though he doesn't need glasses, he wears them which actually makes him look cuter, I think.
My fave of the classmates of the Host group would be....
Kasanoda. He is a great character.
But he doesn't have glasses.
Ok ok enough, but one more fave : I like most of the characters in Ranma 1/2, but I think that Mousse and Genma both have more charm when they wear their glasses. Just saying.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

New season of Natsume Yujinchou on Crunchy Roll

This is the link to it.
I like this show a lot, for several reasons, which of course I will now outline.
Spoiler alert, possibly?

Firstly I liked the somewhat dreamy, soft and easy-going art style of the manga and the animation company has tried to emulate that style and succeeded quite well, especially in the first season op and eds.

Secondly, I like the idea of a person trying to understand everyone in the world he lives in; not choosing the easy path of dismissing people or youkai but trying to understand both. Not only that, Natsume tries to help them understand each other also. He may never succeed, he has known futility and frustration and loneliness but he still keeps trying.

Thirdly, it is this idea of living in two worlds simultaneously that appeals to me.
I realised that is one thing that people who are different in some important (as in significant, like for example a disability of some kind or a gift perhaps) way to 'ordinary' or 'normal' people, have to deal with. We live in a world where we are forced to face the fact that people see more than one viewpoint. Then we have to choose our own viewpoint and way of living.
As a person who is classified as being on the Autism Spectrum, I can at least partly identify with other people also on the Spectrum.
But as a high-functioning Autistic person, I can also (usually) understand the Neuro-Typical view as well. This is where it gets complicated of course because many Autistic (AS) people lack empathy, but here is the thing : so too do many NTs (Neuro-Typicals).
Most people are so busy in their own minds that they cannot understand how others think, often it is simply because they do not try. Many people, AS or NT, lack empathy simply because we humans are lazy, we like to keep things simple and put people in boxes in our heads because it is easier to deal with the world that way. There are also many who lack the insight or are mentally impaired in some way and are impeded by that.
And so when a person does sit down and try their best to consider everyone's feelings and needs and beliefs and every messy complicated aspect of an issue or a situation, it can be confusing, difficult and frustrating. Many people realise this and so they make a decision quite early on in life that they will just rush through things and keep them easy for themselves, despite what it costs others.
I somehow realised when I was younger that I have a need to at least try to analyse things and not to just treat people harshly or write them off. This is probably due to being bullied throughout my time at school and college (high school, for all you non-New Zealanders), where other people labelled me as 'weird' or having a 'smart mouth' and not talking to me.
I was so saddened by this, I felt it all the time; as if there was a stone where my heart was supposed to be. I was bitter but not irredeemably so. The only reason I say that is because even when I was bitter, I still kept hoping that people would treat me kindly. That hope has not yet gone away, more than a decade after finishing my school years. The hope and need for kindness and grace is what keeps a person kindly. That is my belief. Of course I believe in God too and I think that also kept me gentle. But that is a whole other topic on it's own! Haha!
So yes, I enjoy Natsume Yujinchou and it's theme of redemption through a struggle for kindness and understanding. And I am interested in Youkai as well!
Nyanko-sensei is my favourite by far. Just saying.
Anyway, it's an interesting show, you should watch it.
I'm moving to Hokkaido in August 2015 yay! Noboribetsu-shi. Onsen!!!!
Yay! Hot Springs, here I come!
I just had to shout it out.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Are you an Empath?

I am an empathic person.
I don't know if I would call myself an Empath because I watched too much Star Trek Next Gen.
So I will never be a Troi. But that's good actually. It would be too much to be like her.
However, I do believe (after thinking about it for a bit) that yes, I am strongly empathic.
I saw a couple of things on Facebook that a friend linked to.
I had a look and yes, I am indeed an empath, according to these criteria or traits.
So I need to remember that and take care of myself or I will take out my emotions on others.
Which I tend to do sometimes...


That was the 30 empathic traits page. To be straight up, I will say that not all of those traits fit me. But some of them I was surprised to realise fit me perfectly and I had never noticed. And some behaviours I have exhibited but I never knew the reason behind them. Anyway it's interesting.

Here is another link which is helpful for ways to de-stress.


Anyway, regardless of whether or not you are a major empathic person or not, it's always fun to match your personality to lists and quizzes.
I used to do so many quizzes at emode.com, like what type of dog are you, what colour expresses your personality, all kinds of fun quizzes like that.
I don't know if it is still going or not.
Should check it out.
Ah, the memories.

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Gintama...every now and then, it just makes me cry. Usually I'm laughing. But not this time.

Reading Gintama...
Soraichi keeps making me cry...
It better be a 'just kidding, we didn't really do that, it was just a time-jumping hallucination, the main characters will still save the day, this is just a joke' kinda arc.
But I have the feeling it isn't.... WHAT WILL THEY DO WITHOUT YOUUUUU?????
But it's likely you don't have a clue who I'm talking about anyway.
In other news, still waiting to hear about my placement for my new job in Japan, wondering if it is all some kind of mix-up and it will not happen after all.
Good thing I still have my other job and didn't resign yet.
Also, no word on signing a contract.
Double :(.
So that's :( :(
So frustrating. Supposed to be leaving in August.
The longer they drag this out, the harder it is for me to pull up my entire LIFE and move to another country. It's kind of a big deal.
Two months left before I'm supposed to do this amazing, challenging and stressful thing and they are messing around.
I'm getting a little worried.
This is actually my dream.
I'm so close that I wonder if it will ever actually happen.
All my years of work toward this goal -
May still come to nothing...
I'm nervous.
Anyway, pray for me.
If you know how to pray.

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Skyrim Headless Horseman

Possibly spoiler alert? I guess...

Lotsa ppl in forums seen a headless ghost riding around on his ghostly horse but I found him by mistake,  just sitting on his horse by some coffins. There was a locked chest but I had no lockpicks....
Anyway, after I finished the Dustmans Cairn quest which was very close by, it said I had also cleared this quest so don't do the Companion's Dustmans Cairn quest if you want to do the headless horseman quest, I guess. Disappointed.
I don't think it was much of a quest but still! To be unable to do it is annoying.

Happy Birthday Maru.

Happy birthday, Otanjoubi omedetou to Maru-chan, one of my most favourite internet cats.

IMHO he is more amusing and cute than some of the American ones.
Even though he is not as well-publicized; AKA nobody shoves him down people's throats on tv (yes, G.C., I went there, because you filmed a bad Christmas special (that I really enjoyed but an internet cat who is really just a meme should not have a movie), even a Christmas special that has Russell Peters in a cameo (he is charming) -end bracket? sorry got carried away with exposition), youtube and facebook as much as the other cats.

Uh, what?
What was I saying? I derailed amazingly there for a minute.

Oh yes, Maru is great.
His great charm lies in the fact that he is just a cat doin' cat stuffs.
And so serious in the face while doin' said cats stuffs.
Even if he falls on his round furry bum while trying to climb something.
So serious. Love it.

See his blog here, and his videos are on youtube (his own channel) and on his blog.
I think he made me laugh more times than any other cat-lebrity.
Is that a word?
To quote a certain other amazing cat.

Friday, May 22, 2015

Odd fact

Apparently the hair of an adult can stretch 25% of its length without breaking.

Sunday, May 17, 2015

Moving to another country can be a pain. Or is it always a pain, no exception?

I'm moving to Japan in two months.
I don't really know how to feel about it, just kinda everything at once, like, excited and scared and irritated at all the junk I have to sort out before I go.
I really want to do well at my job.
I will be working as an assistant but I'm not sure if the company I work for will take me seriously.
Oh well, no point in worrying.
I will do my best.
I am just that kind of person who takes things seriously; even when I try to relax, it's no good.
So wish me luck!
I really appreciate it.
No, no, you're right, I am amazingly talented and all that sort of stuff, but you don't have to gush.
Well, okay, I guess if you want to tell me I'm awesome, I won't argue.
I mean, I was going to say it but you beat me to it.
Wow, you really think a lot of me.
I won't say you're wrong.

Anyway enough of all that.
I get it, I get it.
I think you're great too.
Not as great as me, though.
Thanks for the good wishes.
I suppose I will continue this waste-of-time blog.
I enjoy it, so yup.
I'd better start a Japan blog too.
In case anyone needs to know what it's like to live and teach in Japan.

I have a secret, though.
I'm actually very shy.
So I have to push myself to be louder and more positive and so on.
It's funny, I like shy people best.
But most other people don't like shyness.
They seem to feel that if you aren't confident, then you are not competent.
That is wrong, but since I can't change people's minds immediately; I will have to do it by trying to make a good impression first up.
After that, once they get to know me a bit, they will be more forgiving.
I hope.

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Some of my favourite comics

I'm using the word 'comic' but I guess some people prefer the words 'graphic novel' or 'comedian'. I realised the word has two connotations so I will list both.

Ellen DeGeneres
Trevor Noah
Billy T James
Russell Peters

Manga (translated to English):
Strawberry Marshmallow
Ranma 1/2
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon
Ouran High School Host Club
Magic Knight Rayearth
Azumanga Daioh
What's Michael?
Honey and Clover
Slam Dunk
Aah Megami-sama
Natsume Yuujinchou

Garfield (preferrably earlier ones)
Calvin and Hobbes
Fred Basset (sometimes)
Get Fuzzy (check out the Go Comics website, it has some of the comics I like)
9 Chickweed Lane
Gamercat (on Taptastic)
The Scott Pilgrim series

I can't remember but there are others... Anyway, I have a sly sense of humour so these usually make me laugh a bit or at least smile sometimes. Not all of the manga are meant to be comedic though.
A lot of the comics I like seem to be about animals. Never noticed.

Sunday, May 10, 2015

My favourite season

I keep vacillating (is that spelled correctly?) or wavering as to which is my favourite season. But in my heart I know that my love lies with Autumn. The trees changing colours, the damp air, sometimes hot clear days, sometimes rainy and cool. The special smells of Autumn. Apples, smoke, grass, earth. I love walking in rustling leaves, looking to find mushrooms. Yes, Autumn is the one. Cold mornings and nights, warmer days. The other day we went to Mission Bay, a beach area with cafes. I watched the ocean, it had gone a beautiful teal green, the tide was in; a warm wind buffeted us, and caused waves to grab at the sand. It was a lovely trip.
Last night the sunset was so pure I couldn't stop looking. Cream merged to light green, and met with a soft grey-blue, then the cream became gold, the green became orange, the blue became a deep violet, the gold went pink which ran into the orange, and the violet turned deep indigo. A star came out, just one. I made a wish of course. I didn't see the moon. My window doesn't face it at this time of year, it moves up higher and beams into my room later in the night.

Saturday, May 02, 2015

Problem: Steam would not run. Fixed it myself. If you have a problem, read this.

Right, nobody told me this and I didn't find it mentioned on the forums so I will blog about this in case someone else has the same problem.

Have had Steam for a while, it was running fine.
Injustice: Gods Among Us was very laggy but that's very likely my computer, and not Steam or the server or anything else.
Skyrim was fine, Child of Light was fine, FFVIII fine and so on.
Anyway one day Steam just didn't run.

I had a short while earlier updated Windows 7 with a buncha stuff that I actually didn't pay attention to. This may have been the cause somehow. Never update Windows, everyone.
Every time I tried to run Steam, the login would come up, I would login, then it would sometimes say 'Updating Steam' and sometimes not.
But whatever it said, after the login box disappeared, nothing would happen.

So at first I thought maybe it just auto-minimized to the task bar for some reason. Nope.
Looked in Task Manager, (ctrl-alt-delete) and nope, nothing.
It wasn't running at all.

So after trying some junk off the forums and some advice from my computer technician father (none of which made any difference at all, sadly), I finally rick clicked the icon for Steam and found that I could run it in 'Compatability Mode' for many versions of Windows etc.
I changed it to Window 7 Compatability Mode and it started first time. SWEEETTTTTT!


Anyway, it turns out I am more amazing than even I thought.
And I mean, I am my own biggest fan.

The only person who adores me more than me; is my Eevee that I brought to my Alpha game from Diamond.
His name is Jack.
I say he adores me but he hates me actually.
Because I won't let him evolve, and we lose battles all the time.
He is level 65 and he still gets stomped by level 40-ish Pokemon.
I kind of find it endearing, but I doubt he agrees.
So I am now going to Pokemon Amie him with my current AS incarnation and hopefully he will no longer hate me.
And I just wanted to brag about my favourite Pokemon.
Because all of us who have more than one gen game know that we have that one or more Pokemon we had to migrate over, right?
You just get attached.
For whatever reason.

I have actually migrated a LOT of my old Pokemon over, but not as many as I thought I would.
Still, I have plenty of time to do that.

What was I talking about?
Oh yes, I named him Jack because of Jack from Titanic.
Jack!!!!! NOOOO!!!! Don't die! Again!
I dunno why I love to say that, every time he faints.
I need to use him in a sea battle so he can sink slowly into the water.... My name isn't Rose though.
Maybe I'm being silly but life is silly.
We should all be silly more often.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Why I love GinTama so much.

I have had an horrific realisation.
I love GinTama because I really identify with the main character, Hasegawa.
Just kidding, I mean Gintoki, obviously.
I don;t love the manga for any other weird reasons.
Not because I think the creator, Soraichi Hideaki is attractive.
Even though he kind of is.
In a 'He's actually my age for once, no more crushes on younger men anymore' kind of way.

Also, he writes in such a darkly humorous way that I laugh with genuine amusement.
I have a wry sense of humour.

I wrote a big long entry about how much I'm like Gin but let's ignore it because I accidentally deleted it and I can't be bothered writing it all out again, it's a pain.

Long story short: I love the Gintama manga (and anime) and if you haven't read it yet, look it up on Manga Fox (manga) and Crunchyroll (anime) they are both free to read and watch online (at the time of writing this).

Monday, April 27, 2015

Avengers Age of Ultron obviously spoilers

Spoiler Alert ok?


Yeah my impressions...


Too much fighting, they had to do slow mo to show Black Widow in with the guys, kicking butt etc. Because she doesn't look flashy like Iron Man and has no magic powers, whoops sorry, super powers. And no cool bow and arrows like Hawkeye. Awkward interview, btw, Renner and Evans! But I shrugged it off. It wasn't serious and also the interviewer led you into it by saying, "Both of you".

But back to the movie.
It felt forced and dull sometimes.
The whole thing with Stark's reasoning about why he should mess around with the infinity stone etc felt insincere. I mean it was like RDJr was trying to explain Stark's motivation to whoever was there, usually a boring and depressed Ruffalo. Most of RDJr's scenes felt like a practice runthrough of the script.
Also I don't like how Banner hasn't changed at all during the time the Avengers have been a team. Still mopey dope.
Thor seemed ok, actually. He kept it lighter than it could have been. Hawkeye's secret family felt awkward, tbh. It was like, huh...  oh, who actually cares.
And Captn USA was weird with his whole, "I'm suddenly ok with my frankly, lousy life" thing at the end.
And where was Clark Gregg's character? Coulson is alive damnit! Reunion please!
Cobie Smulders was there and once again underused.
Uh what else? Hate the Hulk Black Widow thing. Hate how Banner is such a pushover and supposedly brilliant but never seems to be used at all except by Stark as his butt monkey. Hate what they did to BW. All the previous movies she was a consistently strong, excellently scheming and mercenary character, loyal but not clingy, tough but not butch. Now she's all weird. Can't have babies, so now suddenly wants to throw herself at Bruce Banner???? How does that make any sense? And why doesn't he mention his true love Betty at all? Or was that whole backstory retconned?
Ummm who else?
Oh yes, I liked Ultron a lot but felt his death lacked something. It was an anticlimactic confrontation with The Vision, btw I must have missed when they named him. Suddenly referring to him by his name without actually telling the audience, good thing I watched some stuff to give me backstory before the movie or I would've been like huh?
Is that all? Um, Scarlet Witch good but her powers improperly explained, and hand-waved as "she's weird" which is inaccurate and mean! Also why did they kill off Quicksilver so quickly? I liked him. He was shaping up to be cool. Anyway I waited til the end of the credits and those sneaky mongrels only had one credits scene this time. The Avengers Will Return! Haha, everyone who stayed deliberately to see a sneak preview as we have all come to expect, we all laughed. They got us.

Btw I am just not impressed by that purple guy. Forgot his name.
He has been waiting for years to do anything now suddenly picks up the (I'm guessing the name here) Infinity Gauntlet and says "I'll do it myself" or something like that.
I know he's meant to be really awful or something but whatever. I'm not into the Avengers anymore, tbh. I'm over them now.
I don't even know if I will watch their next movie. Esp if BW and Hulk are a couple for reals. Weird.

More Pokemon observations

Well, I realised that three Pokemon I like have one thing in common. Can you guess what it is?
Let me list them first, Sandshrew, Aron and Joltik.

Ok, so you probably already guessed it but; the thing about each of them that I think makes their design particularly attractive, is their blue eyes.
I only realised that after playing for years.... Ah well, that's Pokemon. Always more to like.
Ah, I just realised I never reviewed X and Y properly. Will do that soon.

Just another note, I have a lot of Pokemon in my pcs in all my games from over the years that I have never used.
So I have finally started to transfer 'em around, either to the PBank or my Alpha game.
I wanted to play AS differently to how I played OR so I am using a lot of diff gen starters on my team, and my Flying type is Skarmory.
I wanted to use Tropius but I always liked Skarmory's design and yet I prefer Aron for my Steel type so after a bit, Skarmory will inevitably end up in my box again, game after game.
So! I am going to try hard to use it this time. Unless I can unearth that Mew my mate traded me.
In that case, hell yeah, Mew!
Wheeeee....flyin' around the world with Mew
Incidentally, or, while we are on the topic of Mew, it is a pain in the Ash (haha, c wat I did there) in Pokepark 1.
I mean, I got it in the end but MAN!!!
There was one point in the game where it was just being a right little mongrel.
I better finish my X and Y review and post it.

Saturday, April 25, 2015

Different games, different feelings.

I will admit it, I am picky.
There are certain Pokemon I have not liked from when they were first revealed.
To list some, Loudred, Grovyle, Wigglytuff, Bidoof, Sunflora, Spinda (to name but a few).
Since playing the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, I have warmed to them.
Turns out they just needed a bit of backstory or cute dialogue and I realised how great they were. Clever Nintendo!
Very clever.
Well-played, one might even say.
I just wish they wouldn't keep typecasting Dark, Ghost and Poison types as villains.
They keep saying there are no bad Pokemon, but then they also keep making certain types bad guys all the time.
Make a villainous Skitty or something.
*So cute... A scheming Skitty... Rubbing it's paws together and laughing in an evil squeak...*
I would love that...

Thursday, April 23, 2015


I have realised two things.
One, I was afraid since childhood that becoming an adult means embracing mediocrity. I was right.
I used to draw and paint and sing and write. I am now no longer really able to do those things. I used to strive to be original. But I don't need to anymore either.

Two, I was afraid that I would no longer want to do those things, that I would be accepting of my creative decline. That has occured also. I no longer thirst for anything creative. My job sucks all my mental and spiritual energy. I don't know what to do. It bothers me that it doesn't bother me much at all. I wonder if I should care that all the things I loved to make and do and dream of are dying.

I also wonder if this is just a season, and that I will one day be creative again, and my ideas will burn inside me again.
Did I give up my own originality for a minimum wage job at reduced hours? Just for money, and not much of it at that?
I used to care so much.
I used to suffer a lot more too, though.
But my ideas were my own. Nobody put them down, not like now.
I wrote so many stories, invented hundreds of characters. Not many hundreds, but still a lot. Ever since I started school I can remember feeling excited about new ideas for a story to draw or write.
I don't know if I can be bothered to care anymore. Work is stressful. I can't do anything after work, my mind gets tied up and tired.
But maybe I am going to wake up again. Maybe that's what this blog post is about.
I need to make a big decision, I think. I can sense that change is needed.
I wonder what I will do. I hope that whatever I decide, it is authentic and not fearful.
I took this job out of desperation. But staying in it for the rest of my working life is not what I want. Hmmmm.... It's going to be a tough one, this.
I need to find a job that suits my temperament.
Maybe it's time to look for something new.

Monday, April 20, 2015

Bug type Pokemon gym leader

I agree with Tamashii Hiroka that Bugsy is a tough gym leader at the point in the game where you fight him. And yes, he is more of a challenge than Burgh. Ugh I hate Burgh. But I also hate Tate and Liza, and Roxie. So TH's faves are not mine at all. Except for Cheren... *sigh* she is so right about Cheren being excellent. Wattson is a pain in the such and such.... So tough. He seems like a nice friendly old guy but he doesn't go easy on you at all. I cursed him often. To continue the Tamashii Hiroka theme, I liked Drayden too, and I liked the BnW 1 and 2 games. They were just so great. Ok well I just wanted to note this for my future self.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Food, a small incomplete list.

My favourite things to eat :
Cauliflower and broccoli with cheese sauce.
Vegetarian pizza with asparagus, feta and olives and capers and capsicum, mozzarella, cheddar, onion, garlic paste, herbs and a good tomato sauce.
Macaroni with cheese sauce and a crusty baked cheese and breadcrumb topping.
Also with the cheese sause and topping - potato au gratin.
Broccoli and edamame with soy sauce and roasted sesame seeds.
Cheese straws.
French onion soup.
Tomato soup.
Vegetarian minestrone soup.
Pasta with lotsa herby, garlicky tomato sauce and cheddar cheese, mushrooms, olives and capsicum.
Pumpkin soup.
Hot chips.
Potato chips, especially ready salted or nori seaweed flavour.
Soft baked pita bread with cheese melted on it.
Cheesey mashed or chopped potato.
Port salut cheese with very good wholegrain crackers and some grapes.
A poached egg with buttered toast soldiers.
Herb and cheese scrambled eggs.
Spring onion pancake, Chinese style.
Vegetarian steamed buns or fried dumplings.
Custard buns are good too.
Chocolate taiyaki.
Ichigo daifuku.
Any of the Yukimi daifuku icecreams except red bean.
Aloo paratha. Wonderful.
Bombay aloo is also good.
Masala chicken.
Vegetarian samosas, home-made is best.
Mango lassi.
Cardamom semifreddo. I forgot the Hindi name.
Feta (plain or with cumin seeds in it) with bread and garlic olive oil.
Bread with basil pesto, olive tapenade and tomato paste for dipping.
Apple pie with vanilla icecream.
Jelly and icecream.
Jelly and runny cream is also delicious.
Apple shortcake with proper thick custard.
Or just spiced stewed apple with or without custard.
Lemon self-saucing pudding with vanilla icecream.
Cherry pie.
Mangoes freshly picked when ripe.
Good raspberries, esp with cream.
Proper layered trifle.
Passionfruit yoghurt icecream.
Fruit salad icecream.
Strawberry yoghurt icecream.
Hawaiian fruit salad (the one with coconut cream and marshmallows etc).
Ambrosia, a proper one.
Pineapple muffins.
Louise cake.
Fruit tart (done properly with chocolate to line the pastry case so it doesn't get soggy from the custard, strawberries and jelly).
Proper gingerbread, loaf or biscuit form, either way with lotsa ginger and def not moist. Dry and low crumb.
Fish fingers.
There are other things but this makes me sleepy. So I had better stop.
Last thing : real fruit icecream.
Strange, I seem to not have chocolate as a favourite. I never noticed until now.
I do like chocolate spiced tea, or moccachinos though. And my own recipe for chocolate spiced muffins or choc chip spice cookies. And I can only tolerate banana cake if it has choc chips in it.
But generally not a big choc lover. Huh.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sketchbook anime... yay!

This is a link to the first episode (or part of it) with english subs.
I think the four panel (yonkoma?) manga is hard to make into a good anime but it can be done.
I'm still deciding if I like the anime yet.

One reason why I like Sketchbook by Kobako Totan : Negishi. He is one great character.

Here is Negishi talking to the main character, Sora Kajiwara. 
She is very shy and hardly ever talks. REALLY SHY.
But Negishi is great. So is everyone else! But Negishi is great.
Btw from this panel I thought his name was Suzuki but the grammatical translation here is a mistake. Neither of these characters are named Suzuki, so Negishi should say; 'I've never met anyone named Suzuki.' instead of 'I've never met another person named Suzuki.'

More manga opinions or reviews; if you want to call what is purely my opinion with lack of expertise, a review.

Natsume Yuujinchou is a very interesting manga, I also liked xxxHolic.
Less than enthusiastic about the crossover with Tsubasa though. In fact, I never read Tsubasa.
I think I bought vol 1 but then I became rapidly disinterested.
The plot seemed like it would get very complicated. I also disliked Fai and Kurogane, as a couple. That is, it seemed as if they might become a couple and the interplay between them irritated me.
It's a typical CLAMP pairing, one person more mature, experienced and sarcastic, mocking the more pure, naive and grumpy one. I just feel sick of that particular pairing.

Back to what I was saying, I read the synopsis of Tsubasa in order to see if it really did affect xxxHolic but to be honest, reading the synopsis was enough. I loved the art style from xxxHolic and the stories were interesting. It was a bit dark but then it was basically a dark manga anyway. I loved the little fox character, and the pipe spirit. Which was also a fox? Watanuki was neat, but I disliked the ending.
*spoiler alert* for xxxHolic and Tsubasa, below.

It seemed to me that the manga ending implied that Yuuko would try to be reborn to return to see Watanuki one day, however it was extremely vague. You could just as easily say that she would never return. Apparently in Tsubasa it is heavily implied that she will not return because she died as a price for Sakura's clone to become human? However she was a witch so she could return somehow. She was very powerful in her own field. I personally hope that she will be able to come back to Watanuki's world since he now can never leave the shop, nor age.
It's sad how he started to act like her. ALthough it is possible that the reason he acts like Yuuko is either A: He misses her so much that acting like her gives him a sense of comfort.
or B: He is acting like her because living int he shop makes every shop proprietor act like that.
There is also C: He is actually totally unaware that he is turning into a male version of her.
There was a complicated thing about Watanuki being some alternate version of Shaoran, so does that mean he doesn't exist without Shaoran or that he isn't 'real'? If that is the case, it may explain why his personality changed over time.

Anyway -

Spoilers over I guess.

I would like to go back to my discussion of Natsume Yuujinchou.
I loved the art, and I actually feel the anime does the manga justice.
UNLIKE the butchering of Ouran High School Host Club!
So upset at the terrible job the producers of the anime did. Too short! Last episodes were TERRIBLE! Obviously a rush to finish the story and man, did it feel rushed and contrived. Ruined the series.

Also, Suoh is not a blonde! The manga says his hair is BROWN. He is a mixed blood Japanese and French! His mother may be blonde but he is unlikely to be according to genetics!
I know several Eurasian people and none are blonde. One girl has black hair with a cocoa-soft sheen to it which makes it look like a beautiful colour job (but it's real) but all the others just have black or brown hair. None have blue eyes. Hazel, brown, even green, but none of the kids with blonde blue-eyed parents look European at all. They all look more Asian than anything.
SO my point is!
Don't colour Suoh like that!!!!!!!
He is still attractive! Princely characters don't have to be blonde and blue (or in his case, lavender?) eyed! And Hunny sempai should also have hair more the colour that the twins have.
Hunny should not be blonde either!
Actually, I'm fussing over nothing. In anime, weird hair and eye colours are the norm.
I will just get over it.
This anime sucks anyway.
Gonna buy ALL the manga and read it over and over til the horrible memory of the anime is all gone.

Ahem...oh! Natsume Yuujinchou!
Loved the anime. Music wonderful, voices perfect, style like the manga. It worked very well.
I love the manga, I am interested in the Japanese understanding of the supernatural, particularly Youkai. The spirit world is different for every country, I think.
Anyway I wish I could buy this series on the Kindle, but sadly, it is as if it never existed.
*sob sob*
I will go and read it at Mangafox.
It's still ongoing, I think.

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Magic Knight Rayearth on Kindle Paperwhite yay!

I had forgotten how charming CLAMP's earlier work is. Or was?
No, it has lost none of that refreshing charm.
Although Hikaru is permanently etched into my memory forever as the symbol of MKR (and rightfully so, *spoiler alert* oh...too late, sorry!), I still love Fuu's character the most.
She is so amusing and sensible, logical to the point of ridiculous. I know it's a bit obvious for a person with glasses like myself to like the megane character the most, I still can't shrug it off.
I used to dislike Umi but now I like them all as they are all excellent contrasts to each other. They were all very well designed.

Anyway, speaking of megane characters, I also love Kyoya from Ouran High School Host Club.
My fave volume so far is vol 7. The Kyoya story and getting to meet Mori and Hunny's brothers was delightful. I also like Kasanoda.
Seeing Haruhi able to relate to him easily was a nice break from the Host Club boys and their usual cloying over-attention and madcap antics. I read the whole series a while ago. I loved it, and to be able to buy it on the Kindle is also great for me.

I was disappointed in the lack of manga available on Kindle though. Naruto, Bleach, Dragonball and DBZ are there, a bit of Fairy Tail. One Piece is there too.
But not a lot of the slice of life manga I tend to favour lately ( Yotsuba&, Azumanga Daioh, Sketchbook, Strawberry Marshmallow, not a bit of any of 'em. No Lucky Star either).
No Ranma or Sailor Moon or Slam Dunk either. Aah My Goddess is there though, thank goodness. Wonderful series.

Oh, no Pokemon manga either! Again, surprised and disappointed.
As well as that, some books by authors I love are not available but others are.
So I can't have a complete Gerald Durrell or Laura Childs collection. If they are going to put an author's books on Kindle, they should put them ALL. Not just a few.

Oh, Honey and Clover is another manga series I want which isn't available. They do have some of CLAMP's work, so I am going to get whatever I can and try to be grateful.
I guess I just feel annoyed that I can read and even download scanlation manga for free, and everything I could want is there. But because I want to purchase legally, I miss out on a lot that isn't on Kindle yet.

I don't know if they will ever release Sketchbook, for example. It's kind of an obscure title I found (although calling it obscure without any real consensus about it's worldwide status is thoughtless I suppose. I meant obscure in comparison to mainstream popular shonen and shoujo manga, I guess). I liked it a lot, it was funny as heck in a mild way. The author's pen name is Totan Kobako. Actually, the manga has an entry on Wikipedia. You can read it at Mangafox. I recommend it to people who like slice of life, amusing stuff with slow plot and quirky characters.

Friday, April 03, 2015

Narnia series

Out of the C.S. Lewis books, I like The Magician's Nephew best, then The Silver Chair. Then The Voyage of The Dawn Treader, then The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Next I like The Last Battle, then Prince Caspian. The Horse and His Boy is my least fave. Dunno why. Maybe because I didn't like the main characters. But all the stories are better than a lot of the dull stuff you get these days. Not all books for younger people are dull, but there are an awful lot just about everyday life. Who wants to read about that? Maybe some do, or the books wouldn't sell.

Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Regular Show review and more besides

I actually like The Regular Show. I say actually because at first I hated it. The characters were interesting but I disliked their world. But then I got hooked anyway. Imho Pops is the best character. Just saying. I think besides the episode with the baby ducks, the one with the Tants and the one with Pops' poetry are my faves. A lot of the charm of the show comes from the great voice acting. And ironically, I think that Rigby is very cute when he isn't talking. Wow, that's mean. Aha haha, too bad. It's true! I like The Amazing World of Gumball too, but it's slightly too shallow. I like Gumball and his mom Nicole and sister Anaise (Anais?), but not really Darwin or Richard. I also dislike most of Gumball's classmates. Having said that, it's still quite amusing and again the voice acting is great. I prefer Gumball's animation style to Regular Show's, but there's too many characters introduced to keep up with. As well as the shallow stories, it's not entirely original because it's just another 'loser at school' premise. With Regular Show, they're adults at least, even if they're immature. I guess I relate to the 'adult slice of life' premise a bit more. And after watching so much high school anime and Disney tween shows, I am entirely over seeing 'school life' as a basis for a show. That's also why I eventually started watching Adventure Time. I disliked that at first (made no sense at first, lazy animation style), but now I'm hooked on it too. I have so many fave characters on that show. Probably besides Finn and Jake, I would say I also like BMO best. And Ice King. Most of the male characters actually. I have already mentioned in a previous post about my disappointment in the princesses in this show. Well, that's enough talk. Going to go watch Nigella Bites. Man, she was SO young haha! Great show though.

Mai tai - the first one I have tried

Had my first and LAST Mai Tai - felt extremely ill, ended up puking in the toilets at the train station. Not happy. No more Mai Tais. Maybe should avoid rum full stop...?

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Things that fill me with a gentle joy

Reading a familar book.
Having a warm drink.
Tasting words on my tongue, usually words with several syllables: "Mezza luna. Chiarascuro. Shizuka. Mathematical." M-words are often words that sound nice.
Eating feijoas, or other fruit I have eaten every year since I can remember.
Sitting quietly out of everyone's way and just watching.
Eating a delicious meal, like pasta with sauce and lotsa cheese.
Mixing batter, for pikelets, bikkies, cupcakes, whatever. Mixing batter is so satisfying.
Smelling a scent and remembering the person who I associate that scent with.
Curling up warm in bed on a cold night, knowing it's time for delicious sleep. I always sleep better in winter.
Having a relaxing footbath.
Dressing in something that I love to wear, regardless of how it looks.

I guess that list will do for now.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Wow. Never noticed.

I have nothing much to say

I have nothing much to say, so I had better say it.
Most of the internet is full of people like me, who have thoughts and opinions that don't really matter much to anyone.
That is the beauty of the internet. We all spew out ourselves in different formats, blogs, pinterest, fb, tweeting, tumbling etc.
Other people look at our attempts at self expression with mild interest, like flicking through an old magazine.
We all want to be acknowledged, for someone to tell us we matter on some level, shallow or deep.
That is what dating stuff is for, tinder etc.
People need each other to feel validated.
No matter how.
That is all I have to say. I have said this before, I think.
Btw I think pinterest is great!
Myself in pictures! Who I am, who I was, who I wish I was, maybe even who I will be! Wonderful.
I would tell you to look me up but I can't remember  my login name thingy. We on the internet (back when it first came to my country, long ago when I was in my early teens) used to call it your 'handle' and your avatar was your avatar so at least one thing didn't change. Ah, shrine pages. Good times surfing back then.
Gripped by an obsession, use different search engines (google wasn't a thing yet) and look for pictures and information on that current obsession.
Mine was usually manga and anime. Sailor Moon... Or Ranma 1/2. Or anything by CLAMP.
Good times. Ah, nostalgia.
Video was so tiny and grainy too. Very short clips, if it was a movie it could take days to download.
You had to keep pausing it so your parents could check their emails and look up Babylon 5 shrines... Well, if your dad was a geek like mine. He was so good at downloading episodes etc, way better than me.
Wolf 3D, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem. Good times indeed.
Right, enough nostalgia.
I have clocked most of those games... Probably mostly through cheats. I admit it.
Ooh, I also used to play Sims and Warcraft and Mortal Kombat was a big favourite too... I miss them all!
I wish they would bring them back for PC so I could play them again.
I want the originals, no stupid reboots.
Hopefully one day.
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Human nature

Stuff I learned about human nature at Bible college :

1) Humans can be shortsightedly stupid about everything. Much of the Theology we have accepted unthinkingly today was at one time declared heretical and some have died (sorry, been horribly murdered) for sticking to it. Even if it was harmless belief, such as trying to live an absolutely peaceful, giving life and truly serve others like the Apostles in Acts. I noticed that trend (of fear of new ideas) occurring throughout Church History class and in Theology class too.

2) People kill each other all the time and use religion, race, gender, politics, anything as an excuse. But hey, God said "Love your neighbour", not "Use any excuse to kill your neighbour".
To sum up; if you say you want someone to believe in your almighty God, threatening to kill them unless they convert is not a good way to convince them of how wonderful your God is.

Conversion through fear is not true conversion. As well as this, believing and declaring that everyone who is not a 'true believer' is going to hell, is so rude! It staggers my mind how rude and presumptuous people can be. Some religious people actually force others to convert to their religion as second-class believers who will never be given the privileges of a 'true believer', but they need to convert anyway, "so we can all lord it over you". Oh, and when you die, you can't come to our heaven, you are either a slave in our heaven or you go to a second-class heaven-ish place.

3) Some people layer a veneer of religion over their own personal issues and are not true believers in a faith. They are the hardest ones to put up with!
One man told me that if I dared to get ordained, it was unBiblical and would displease God.
I asked if I would be sent to hell and he generously conceded that, no, God wouldn't do that (because once saved, always saved), but I would probably only ever be a servant to everyone else in heaven, sweeping the streets and so on.
I replied in sincerity that it would be an honour.

Well, there was more but these are the things that stuck out the most.
Such an education I got!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maybe, maybe not.

Year 34 - the year of change...
Also, they want to charge people GST for internet purchases but I don't think that will make any real difference in the long run except to give our greedy government more money that they don't need or deserve.
Those jerk politicians get paid tonnes more than they need, and most of them have jobs on the side and take kickbacks for endorsing stuff too. They get free cars and plane trips too, and guess who pays for that? Taxpayers when they already have enough money (again from taxpayers) to pay for their own damn cars, business meals ('expenses') and coffees and plane trips. Those Plastic Bags (this is a useful insult I have decided to use for useless, shallow people). If we got all their extra money for one year and put it in the national budget, we could do so much more for this country. SCHOOLS! We could open more instead of closing them down! Hospitals! They could buy new equipment! Maybe healthcare and cleaning staff could get paid a proper amount instead of the bare minimum!
I guess I am finally an adult.
I care about stuff but feel like it's impossible to do anything about it, so I stress out at work and blog pointless rage posts.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Wow Futurama, Charleston Chew is real! I want to try it. Quite a lot... They look good. I wonder if I would like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry the most? I hope I get the chance one day. I reckon there's a fifty-fifty chance it will taste good. Google Charleston Chew and you will see what I mean. Yum....

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Morrowind vs Oblivion vs Skyrim

I was the best ever in Morrowind. I ruled. The only person I didn't kill yet was Vivec. And then I lost my save file. Anyway, I played Oblivion. I hated it. The stupidest parts about Oblivion were how boring it was, and how it was actually hard to avoid triggering events that forced you through the game. You had to be careful in order to take your time. That made it feel rushed. Anyway; Skyrim. I suck but I'm enjoying it except for one thing it lacks. WHERE is my journal? I can't remember all the quests I have started... I don't remember if Oblivion had any quest track help... That's something that helped a LOT in Morrowind.
I have noticed in Skyrim the music is familiar... It turns out they remixed music from Morrowind yeeeaaahhhhh! To be frank, the music suits the Nords better than the Dunmer anyway. Right. It had to be said. Now I have said it. I still find the Khajit to be adorable... But I admire the Orc's strength. Oh and one last thing, if I am Dragonborn, why do I have to kill the dragons? I should be able to unite them and take over the planet with my dragon army. "The Dragonborn's Dragoons." That's what we should be called. Ah, to dominate the world... My dream.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pear shapes

Why do people think pears and pear shapes are erotic?  It's difficult to find a pear with good texture and flavour. They overripen at the drop of a hat. There is a saying, "It's all gone pear-shaped" which means something has gone awry. And finally, being somewhat pear-shaped myself, I would like to say that I do not usually look at myself and say, "Goodness me, I'm looking ever so erotic this morning!" or anything like that. So! In conclusion, pears are not erotic, but they are very nice with yoghurt, cinnamon and stewed plum compote or fresh raspberries and cream, or, all of the above. Oh, and with a really good vanilla icecream and chocolate sauce too. Some have them with cheese but I do not have a preference. Although that might be nice with an aged bit of cheddar, come to think of it. Hmmmm.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Jogging with prams

It's creepy when people are jogging while pushing a kid in a pram in front of them. It's just creepy. I don't know why.

The Cup Noodle inventor was so smart!

Momofuku Ando (who invented cup noodles) is a real inspiration to me because he only made real progress in his late 40's. Same with Rex Stout, the author. He only  became well-established as in author when he was in his middle age too. These men worked hard but didn't really seem to get the results they wanted immediately which inspires me because these days it seems like if you don't have instant talent, you're never going to be successful. That is untrue. And I'm glad to have these two guys (and many other people's lives too) to remind me of that.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Samurai Pizza Cats Season 2

Season 2 of this show is great! I think I'm enjoying it more than I did Season 1. The Big Cheese is adorable... I always thought he was so well-designed. Never understood why they made out he was a rat when it's obvious he's a fox. And on the B Team, Meowzma is my fave, he is so cute too. I always liked Princess Vi's design, as well as Polly, Lucille and Francine. But their personalities... Ah well. You can't have everything.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Clocked LocoRoco wahooo!

Oh I know, it's an easy game but still, finishing something is always satisfying. Right? Why are game achievements more satisfying than life? Maybe it's because life is hard to control and many achievements in life can be taken from you by others.... Maybe! Or maybe it's the pretty colours and guns that video games have!

Friday, February 20, 2015

Paper in Europe, and obesity.

Apparently almost 70% of paper in Europe is collected and recycled. Also apparently: forests in Europe are 30% larger than they were in 1950. It seems like good news and since bad news is our everyday diet, I accept this good news! Thank you, pamphlet that I saw somewhere...
Speaking of diet, I have thought for some time that the global obesity issue is largely (sorry) due to lack of regulation of food costs and junk food manufacturers basically having free rein. We can't afford to eat well most of the time. And many manufacturers put sugar and additives into food that doesn't need these things added. So! There has been a study done by a cancer foundation (I think that's who it was) and they seem to be confirming my suspicions. I just hope it leads to something good happening. E.g. Cheaper fruit and vege and higher costs for junk food! Then we can't make excuses about not eating right. Wow, that last sentence was grammatically confusing. Ah well!

Quite surprised to find this out

Samurai Pizza Cats is still good!
How about that. The ad-libbing is the best. I wonder if Voltron is still as good as it was...

Thursday, February 12, 2015

No offense to a certain actor, I promise. Also tomorrow is my birthday.

Opinions again.
Just irrelevant nonsense really.

Three things:
Firstly, Star Trek Into Darkness didn't really make sense most of the time and also it was kinda boring. Disappointed.
Secondly, Wolverine was only cool in the first X Men movie. After that it was kinda like he lost his edge. Haha should try to make a joke out of that somehow but frankly it isn't worth it; just like watching almost every X Men movie ever isn't worth the price of a movie ticket.
Thirdly, why don't I like Benediction Cucumber? I don't know... probably because in Sherlock -*SPOILER ALERT I guess...*
 Some (most of) the moments that should have been amazing just boil down to 'Sherlock somehow intimidates his opponent with logic that is really just building up their emotion and and bluffing right when they think they win, not real logic and they crumble like stale bread, every time. Even though they shouldn't because after you watch them give up and or die, you think, "But wait, that didn't really make sense..." and stuff.'
Also BC is unattractive in quite a few ways. The best thing he has going for him is his voice. I guess you could say I believe that he has the perfect face for radio?
...he's a great guy though. Not saying I hate him, I just don't think he's as great as his fans seem to squee that he is.

Oh, on an unrelated note which will make this four things instead of three but whatever; the Total Recall remake SUCKED!!!!!!!!! I like Colin Farrell kinda, but really! I think the TR reboot was the WORST remake I have EVER seen. It was just SO disappointing!
All the Terminators after T 2 were better than the TR remake. And they were not great. Although the one with Sam Worthington (is that his name? Australian guy who always seems to shave his head for some reason), Terminator Salvation, right? That one was interesting. I wouldn't say it compares to the first two but still it was interesting. But to resume, yes, the Total Recall remake was the worst remake EVER so far in the history of film. I am not sure if anyone else thinks so but this is my blog so everyone else's opinion is obviously irrelevant.

Right. Well, it's my birthday tomorrow. I will be 34. I think... yes! 34 or 35. I lost count...
Anyway, it's not really important but last night a meteor came past my country very close. Very CLOSE. I wonder if it's a sign. I doubt it. Even if it is a sign, nobody can ever agree on what a sign means,. everyone has a different reason to want the sign to back up their agenda so whatever. I'm claiming it. This year is going to be a year of change for me. No matter what.
I was going to say it will be superlative but that's just because i wanted to use the word superlative which I never get to use very often. Superlative.
Glad we cleared that up.

Monday, February 09, 2015

Andrew Scott in Sherlock

Oh, for goodness sake, I just fell in love with Andrew Scott's Moriarty in the tv series Sherlock and then he died. Now I hear he may or may not return. Quit messing me around! I'm not watching Season 3 if he isn't in it. Not a fan of Cumberbatch. Freeman is ok. If I hear that Scott is actually in episodes after Season 3, I am back in. So apparently I now have to wait for 2016. ARGHHHHHH annoying! This is why I don't watch most tv shows! The good ones either progressively worsen or they take forever and a day to bring out the next season. :( why is so much mindless crap churned out at a rate of knots? Unfair.

Best Disney couple ever

Aladdin and Jasmine are the best Disney couple ever. They are both well-rounded, interesting characters, even in comparison with say, Rapunzel and Flynn. So yup. That's it.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Doctor Problems

First problem : People only do what the doctor says when they feel like it. This must be somewhat an invalidating and frustrating thing to deal with.

Second problem : Being a doctor does not make you intelligent. Fortunately for most doctor's egos, many doctors make the mistake of assuming that a doctor's qualifications automatically make them more intelligent than almost everyone else. Thus they do not feel any loss of self esteem.

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

R.I.P Monty Oum

Awwww I just discovered who you are! I was going to have a good look at all your work, I only saw RWBY Season One. YOU LEGEND. Monty you were awesome, I really liked your eye for design. And we are the same age too. Argh your presence online will be missed. Goodbye Monty. I'm going to check out all your stuff, I promise. I will look you up on Rooster Teeth. :(

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Ugly books

I hate ugly writing. So-called prose in which the writer gabbles at you or mumbles words or spits venomously at you. I don't care if those styles are popular devices, or modern or post-modern or neo-post-modern. I don't care if it's considered to be clever. I won't read trashily written stuff like that because it literally makes me sick to my stomach. How people read half the rubbish they read is beyond me. The Americans seem to be the worst. There's a general awfulness  about the junk most American writers from the 20th century churn out. Mass-produced paperbacks printed on cheap paper stock that smells unpleasant with ink that sometimes rubs off if you touch it. That was a clumsy sentence. I'm good at those. Let me cover myself here, I am not attacking American authors. Rex Stout was great. So are many others. There are English writers and New Zealand writers I also can't stand. It's just lately I keep getting disappointed by American books. I hate poorly written, ugly, graceless books that are about horrible people doing horrible things to other people who may or may not also be horrible. There is no need for books like that because real life has enough of that. I want to read something that will lift my spirits. I want to read something that is written well enough that sometimes I may be lost in the writing as much as I am in the actual plot. I want to read about characters that I could actually like. Books are like food for the mind and the spirit. Thats why I want to consume something good. Call me a book gourmand. Some may call me a snob. But that would not be true. Anyone from any genre can fit my needs. Childrens books, biographies, any fiction or non-fiction. If written well, even simple fare is satisfying. The same as food.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Blues Brothers

Good movie.
How many times does Ackroyd have to say, "We're on a mission from God" ?

Adventure Time is a great show but it is sexist.

Just realised something.
Was commenting on my fave AT characters and they are BMO, Jake and then Finn.
I also like the Ice King. Then Marceline.
That is pretty much it.

I dislike most of the princesses... except maybe Slime Princess. Great voice. But her personality sucks actually... most of the princesses are portrayed as vapid and shallow...
Which doesn't make sense because if this is a mirror of the human world in many ways (which it does seem to be), then surely if there are females in power then they would display more forceful and independent personalities. Only Marceline and PB (who I hate) really consistently show these types of character traits. The reason I say that they should is simply because the social structures of the kingdoms (which should all be called Princessdoms except the Flame Kingdom and any others I have forgotten which are ruled by legit kings). According to most cultures, whoever is the ruling person will have their every whim obeyed and will be required to make laws and decisions. They will have been raised to rule and so would develop character traits that are common for ruling types.
Bossiness or at least firmness.
Faith in self, as in, not easily swayed by those around them.
Wanting the best for their kingdom.

Most of the princesses seem helpless and easily swayed by any outside stimuli. They are fickle and also they are kinda dumb.
This doesn't really make sense considering their 'jobs' are to be firm rulers with a sense of duty.

Bubblegum is like this. Marceline is more carefree but she still doesn't follow the crowd. The rest of them are basically just messing around all day until the Ice King kidnaps them or they meet up and make some stupid group decision to believe something idiotic (obviously for plot reasons).

I didn't really think about it much but it's a disappointment to me. I liked all their designs but they just never seem to develop their characters throughout the show much at all. I am on season 4 and so far not much development for any of the princesses except for Flame Princess.

I guess besides the lack of proper facial features (but that is art style and it's more Your Mileage May Vary than a real issue), this is the show's main weakness.

oh well, still addicted.
Show would be better if they did develop more people's character (not just the princesses).

Must keep watching.
P.S. Reason I hate PB is because she is too self-opinionated and doesn't let go of stuff when she should. She keeps saying she is mature and so on but sometimes she is very immature. However, flaws are a part of a character so I guess I should say I think she is a great character. I still don't like her though. Weirdly enough, I do admire her.

Quick question on choices

Ok quick question:

Do you like to have dozens of choices or just about 10 or so, or even less?

Take fragrances or perfumes, whatever you prefer to call them. I like the one I use sometimes (it's a green tea-based one which is kinda tangy and citrus-y). But choosing my 'signature scent' was such a pain. There are so many perfumes out there!

I like to go to a shop, pick out what I want, buy it and go home.
In that respect I will admit it seems like I am more masculine.
Regardless of masculine trait stereotypes versus feminine ones, I find having too many options overwhelming.

I go into T2 for example(a tea shop or tea boutique, once again, use whatever term you prefer), and when I go into it, I am struck immediately by the many, many boxes on the shelves strafing from the doorway all the way down to the back of the store. So MANY BOXES. All differently-flavoured teas and tisanes. I have tried quite a few but have only barely scratched the surface. They have over 200. The link should lead to a page which says, 'Over 200 teas and counting'. Eep!

Anyway the point is!
I like choices.
They are great.
Choices are part of being human, having the option to choose (most of the time freely), whatever you want. It is fabulous.
(Yes, I used the 'f 'word. FAB-U-LOSS)
Sometimes it is a bit too much.
So, do you feel the same?
Just wondering.

P.S. It would be good if they had a helper person to talk you through it or a catalogue with which you could use tick boxes to choose categories and sub-categories to help make a decision.
Oh wait... you can ask for help in shops, right?
That's what the shop people are there for...
I forgot.
Also in New Zealand, our service industry sucks.
Many shop assistants are not very helpful, they have been poorly-trained and so have low people-skills and also often know nothing about their products.
The fault doesn't just lie with them, but also their managers who don't train or motivate them well at all. Some of it is the fact that they are lazy and entitled (this generation! Gosh!) but also that they take a job just to get buy while they are students.
They often do need to get their heads into work-mode, and they are usually quite bad at that. It's managerial responsibility to help them but they need to do their part also.

To be on record: the T2 staff here in NZ are actually all very nice. They have been well-chosen. They often are able to answer customer questions too. And T2 has a catalogue. Hehe!
I guess I should've just called this entry : 'Why T2 is awesome.'
It's only failing is that it is an *erk* Australian company...! Just kidding (NZ and Australia have a rivalry thing going on btw in case you didn't know that).

:D  T2 is a great shop. Retail chain. Store. Thingy.
I loved it from the moment I saw it...
My fave tea atm is Melbourne Breakfast blend.
Don't tell anyone from NZ... they might get offended because - Melbourne!
Not a NZ city! Argh!
But it is a lovely blend.
Vanilla black tea. Very tasty.

Have a good day.
Drink some tea. Or coffee, whatever.
I just don't like coffee because it's bitter and also because if I wanted legit proper coffee I would have to select and blend and grind my own beans. Much easier and less bad-breath (seriously, coffee gives me bad breath! Am I the only one?) to just buy tea in loose-leaf form or tea bag form.
Yes I am a tea slave who doesn't care what form it is in, I am NOT a purist.
Having said that, there are coffee bags now.  Apparently they are quite good.
Maybe I should buy some to make coffee syrup to pour onto ice-cream or something.
Argh I meant to stop several sentences ago!

Fine ok ok have a great day bye!

BMO lost episode of Adventure Time

Wow the BMO centred episodes of Adventure Time are my favourites but I have to say, BMO Lost was messed up.

Spoiler below

Finn and Jake laughing at BMO's grief was so cruel. I mean yes they have no idea about BMO's world most of the time but they shouldn't laugh at him. It was actually making me sad...
But then when Bubble becomes air and says that he and BMO will never be apart ever again 'til the end of time, I was like, erk. It was super-awkward. There are several awkward episodes in Adventure Time, but this one is certainly up there. Having said that, it was another great episode.

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Aspergers 'facts' which are actually misconceptions and create a poor image of Aspies in the public mind. Also, you can get a degree!!!

Ok I'm getting tired of hearing and or reading particular professors and psychologists material or talks about Aspies. They say things like, 'People with Aspergers...' and then proceed to say or write something that is a massive over-arching generalisation about Aspies which is not often true at all.

I want to hear people with Aspergers talking about how they think and feel and what they notice about themselves. We aren't so different to neuro-typicals (people without any form of autism) that we can't provide our own actual, factual information about how our minds work. It isn't scientific research. It's actual, real information. Empirical, if you like. But apparently that word is no longer the coming thing in intellectual circles.
One thing that bugs me the most is when people keep on bringing out that ol' hoary chestnut about how Aspies can't recognise other people's non-verbal cues. That is INCORRECT. 
If you want to be more accurate (and accuracy is important because otherwise we come off as heartless robots), then you should clarify it by saying that we see and hear the same as other people, but we process it differently. 
I am overly sensitive to other people's body language and tone of voice. I recognise these things, alright! If anything, I OVER-interpret them. I get worried easily that someone is upset or angry. If they aren't then I'm wrong. But I never ignore or dismiss other people's feelings or reactions. Quite the contrary.
And so because that is how MY mind works, it is only natural to say that there are likely other Aspies who are the same. The thing is, how WE react to this information that we are processing is what makes people think we don't care about them. Sometimes I blank out in anxiety. That makes me seem weird or uncaring. Sometimes I simply do not know what to do in such a situation, and I may react by trying to ignore it in case I am not supposed to react in such a social situation. So then I can be interpreted as cold or strange or mean. However this is not what is actually happening in my head.

For other Aspies who may flatly state, 'I don't care.' when someone says, 'You really upset Linda when you said she was stupid.', it doesn't really mean they don't care. It's simple (ok maybe not simple but here goes!).
They were annoyed or confused or offended by Linda for some reason (likely she said something they considered foolish or offensive) and so the quickest way to get out of the situation is to resort to brutal bluntness (or maybe some would call it brutal honesty). Then Linda is upset. 
However, some people do not care about the Aspie person's feelings because they don't 'fit' the social structure of the workplace or wherever you happen to be. 
Therefore Linda is 'acting' correctly or 'normally' and the Aspie (which could be me, or whoever) is not acting according to the script of 'normality'. 
So despite the fact that Linda is guilty of doing or saying something offensive or wrong and is, in the Aspie's mind, 'wrong'; because she commits this error in a socially acceptable way within the strange script of our culture, she is still right. 
Linda's reactions fit. The Aspie's actions do not fit. So the Aspie is deemed wrong.

However if you look at this situation from an Aspie view, it is simple.
The person with Aspergers thinks: 
"Linda is wrong.
I am right.
Why did she say that?
I do not know what someone else would do in this situation.
I will just get out of it quickly.
She must be stupid to say that. 
I should tell her so that she knows she is wrong because otherwise it's not fair."

Aspie tells her she is wrong or even stupid.
Linda is upset.
Aspie thinks: 
"What do I do NOW?
Oh for goodness sake I GIVE UP. 
This is becoming a drag. I need to move on."

Aspie escapes situation as quickly as possible.
Later, when the Aspie is disliked for being so rude to poor Linda, the Aspie is mightily sick of the whole undertaking and wants it OVER so says, 'I don't care.'
Then the Aspie is upset because people are mean to him or her, or get angry. Sometimes they can understand why but don't know how to fix it or even avoid it happening again, and sometimes they lack the introspection to even know why.

Because this type of thing happens constantly, especially because in my experience, there are certain types of people who when they perceive someone who doesn't 'fit', or is weaker, will bully them or tease them deliberately; many Aspies become afraid or withdraw from most social interactive situations. Some are scared. Some just have tried and failed a particular amount of times and at some point (often by the time they are teenagers) have said to themselves, 'Forget it. Nobody understands me.' and so they give up.

Many Aspies (but not all!) have little patience with social situations because a lot of the time they either don't make logical sense or they can be complicated, often having a case by case or casuistic law application (I may be using the word casuistic incorrectly...).
It's kind of like, because social situations are often very subtle, and change so quickly according to each person and how that person is feeling and so on in ways that possibly we humans are still not quite aware of, many Aspies feel it is not worth the effort to try and make sense of it all. One reason may be that many Aspies like things to be clear cut or honest. It is more efficient. Or more honest. It depends upon what kind of thinker the Aspie is.

So I get annoyed because it is all a lot more complicated than these learned people who love to lecture want to point out. They love to lecture for hours on history or symptoms of illnesses and so on, but when it comes to trying to really get to the bottom of why so many people with Aspergers make so many social mistakes and faux pas, they can't be bothered to get their facts straight or at least stop generalising.
Now I know a lot of these people would argue that audiences and students these days want everything explained in short lectures of 20 minutes or less, with bullet points and pictures and so on, but sometimes you can't have that!
Besides, all you have to do is say something like, 'Not all people with AS.' or 'some people appear to ...' instead of, 'They do this. This is what they do. This is what they think. No, I don't have AS. I just study it. Yes, reading books means I know everything about it even though I have never experienced it myself.'
I am ssooooo over that.
I learned a LOT when I was studying to get my BA in Theology.
Interestingly, I learned a lot about academia in general rather than simply the topics my papers were on.
And there are some things that I have not forgotten. 

Firstly, if you with your BA or PhD can't explain the basics of something in a short conversation to someone who doesn't have a degree, you are pretty useless to the rest of the world. Remember, you study not just to learn. What use is knowledge unless it is shared?
You need to be able to stay grounded and not go live in your lovely scholarly ivory tower away from everyone else. That is unhealthy and essentially pointless. You may be very productive and churn out books and articles. But what use is that to people who don't read long books full of jargon? 
I know, I know, I am leaving out the fact that educated people with power and money (always money) can change the world by passing laws and so on but I mean REAL change, in people's minds. People operate mostly inside their own heads.
Laws aren't always obeyed. But if enough people in a particular culture believe something is true, that belief can make it pass for true in that culture. So! If you can reach people on their own level, if you can explain things to them, educate them then you can create REAL lasting change. To give a quick example, educating people about hygiene will mean that they will start washing their hands more and so on, and there will be less sick people. It's no good making it the law to wash your hands if people don't believe it's a good law. They will simply not bother to do it unless someone is watching them all the time and enforcing that law 24-7. So if you reach people's minds, you cna create lasting change, and the beauty of that is, they will teach others. It spreads.

Secondly, people who study and learn word for word, and think themselves intelligent, are fools. You learn in order to think, not just blindly copy and parrot other people's stuff. Regurgitating information without applying it is pointless.
I have met people who managed to graduate with degrees who are idiots. They never think.
They argue with everyone and smugly quote scholars.
But if you want them to think about what it all means, to speculate and come up with new ideas, they can't.
Or perhaps, won't. They are either too dumb or too scared.
I think mostly too scared.
Most people are not really dumb.

Which leads to my third point.
Most people could get a degree, if they chose a subject they were willing to spend about 3 or 4 years on.
It only requires discipline and some thought. If you put in the time and the work, you can pass and get a degree.
You don't have to be a genius. It's similar to doing an office job really, in terms of paperwork and deadlines and so on.
Some people do their job without using their brain or initiative much. But they still get their work done.
Other people love their job. Both sets of people are employed and can remain so for 3-4 years.
Why can't those two groups or types of people get degrees?
They CAN! 
You don't need to be that smart. Anyway, I have observed (from what they say and how they act) a lot of people think they aren't intelligent enough or they are mentally lazy.
Or they are like me, I find somethings insurmountable until I turn them around in my brain so that I can find a way of understanding them.
If you like, call it an angle. What angle do I look at it from? Like a movie or a photo.
The way a scene is framed can change the way the picture or scene looks. Same with lighting and zoom.
I am feelings driven so if I feel good, I can be much more efficient. How I feel about something can change how much I am willing to believe I can achieve. A lot more of what we can do is affected by how we feel than we realise. How you look at something can change whether or not you feel or think that you can do it.
Some people say they aren't 'academic'. I knew people studying with me who couldn't grasp stuff without having a discussion group about it, or who were dyslexic or who couldn't spell at all! All those people graduated.
It's about making your studies work for you. If you aren't a classroom type, sit through class and then find a friend or classmate to talk to afterwards, to give you a rundown on what you need to do for your assignments and so on. If you have learning difficulties, get help. There is help most of the time for people who don't speak English well, or who have learning difficulties.
Believe and you will achieve.
What a lame slogan. But it's true.
Well enough lecturing for now.