Sunday, June 07, 2015

Are you an Empath?

I am an empathic person.
I don't know if I would call myself an Empath because I watched too much Star Trek Next Gen.
So I will never be a Troi. But that's good actually. It would be too much to be like her.
However, I do believe (after thinking about it for a bit) that yes, I am strongly empathic.
I saw a couple of things on Facebook that a friend linked to.
I had a look and yes, I am indeed an empath, according to these criteria or traits.
So I need to remember that and take care of myself or I will take out my emotions on others.
Which I tend to do sometimes...

That was the 30 empathic traits page. To be straight up, I will say that not all of those traits fit me. But some of them I was surprised to realise fit me perfectly and I had never noticed. And some behaviours I have exhibited but I never knew the reason behind them. Anyway it's interesting.

Here is another link which is helpful for ways to de-stress.

Anyway, regardless of whether or not you are a major empathic person or not, it's always fun to match your personality to lists and quizzes.
I used to do so many quizzes at, like what type of dog are you, what colour expresses your personality, all kinds of fun quizzes like that.
I don't know if it is still going or not.
Should check it out.
Ah, the memories.

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