Sunday, March 29, 2015

Things that fill me with a gentle joy

Reading a familar book.
Having a warm drink.
Tasting words on my tongue, usually words with several syllables: "Mezza luna. Chiarascuro. Shizuka. Mathematical." M-words are often words that sound nice.
Eating feijoas, or other fruit I have eaten every year since I can remember.
Sitting quietly out of everyone's way and just watching.
Eating a delicious meal, like pasta with sauce and lotsa cheese.
Mixing batter, for pikelets, bikkies, cupcakes, whatever. Mixing batter is so satisfying.
Smelling a scent and remembering the person who I associate that scent with.
Curling up warm in bed on a cold night, knowing it's time for delicious sleep. I always sleep better in winter.
Having a relaxing footbath.
Dressing in something that I love to wear, regardless of how it looks.

I guess that list will do for now.

Saturday, March 28, 2015


Wow. Never noticed.

I have nothing much to say

I have nothing much to say, so I had better say it.
Most of the internet is full of people like me, who have thoughts and opinions that don't really matter much to anyone.
That is the beauty of the internet. We all spew out ourselves in different formats, blogs, pinterest, fb, tweeting, tumbling etc.
Other people look at our attempts at self expression with mild interest, like flicking through an old magazine.
We all want to be acknowledged, for someone to tell us we matter on some level, shallow or deep.
That is what dating stuff is for, tinder etc.
People need each other to feel validated.
No matter how.
That is all I have to say. I have said this before, I think.
Btw I think pinterest is great!
Myself in pictures! Who I am, who I was, who I wish I was, maybe even who I will be! Wonderful.
I would tell you to look me up but I can't remember  my login name thingy. We on the internet (back when it first came to my country, long ago when I was in my early teens) used to call it your 'handle' and your avatar was your avatar so at least one thing didn't change. Ah, shrine pages. Good times surfing back then.
Gripped by an obsession, use different search engines (google wasn't a thing yet) and look for pictures and information on that current obsession.
Mine was usually manga and anime. Sailor Moon... Or Ranma 1/2. Or anything by CLAMP.
Good times. Ah, nostalgia.
Video was so tiny and grainy too. Very short clips, if it was a movie it could take days to download.
You had to keep pausing it so your parents could check their emails and look up Babylon 5 shrines... Well, if your dad was a geek like mine. He was so good at downloading episodes etc, way better than me.
Wolf 3D, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem. Good times indeed.
Right, enough nostalgia.
I have clocked most of those games... Probably mostly through cheats. I admit it.
Ooh, I also used to play Sims and Warcraft and Mortal Kombat was a big favourite too... I miss them all!
I wish they would bring them back for PC so I could play them again.
I want the originals, no stupid reboots.
Hopefully one day.
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Human nature

Stuff I learned about human nature at Bible college :

1) Humans can be shortsightedly stupid about everything. Much of the Theology we have accepted unthinkingly today was at one time declared heretical and some have died (sorry, been horribly murdered) for sticking to it. Even if it was harmless belief, such as trying to live an absolutely peaceful, giving life and truly serve others like the Apostles in Acts. I noticed that trend (of fear of new ideas) occurring throughout Church History class and in Theology class too.

2) People kill each other all the time and use religion, race, gender, politics, anything as an excuse. But hey, God said "Love your neighbour", not "Use any excuse to kill your neighbour".
To sum up; if you say you want someone to believe in your almighty God, threatening to kill them unless they convert is not a good way to convince them of how wonderful your God is.

Conversion through fear is not true conversion. As well as this, believing and declaring that everyone who is not a 'true believer' is going to hell, is so rude! It staggers my mind how rude and presumptuous people can be. Some religious people actually force others to convert to their religion as second-class believers who will never be given the privileges of a 'true believer', but they need to convert anyway, "so we can all lord it over you". Oh, and when you die, you can't come to our heaven, you are either a slave in our heaven or you go to a second-class heaven-ish place.

3) Some people layer a veneer of religion over their own personal issues and are not true believers in a faith. They are the hardest ones to put up with!
One man told me that if I dared to get ordained, it was unBiblical and would displease God.
I asked if I would be sent to hell and he generously conceded that, no, God wouldn't do that (because once saved, always saved), but I would probably only ever be a servant to everyone else in heaven, sweeping the streets and so on.
I replied in sincerity that it would be an honour.

Well, there was more but these are the things that stuck out the most.
Such an education I got!

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maybe, maybe not.

Year 34 - the year of change...
Also, they want to charge people GST for internet purchases but I don't think that will make any real difference in the long run except to give our greedy government more money that they don't need or deserve.
Those jerk politicians get paid tonnes more than they need, and most of them have jobs on the side and take kickbacks for endorsing stuff too. They get free cars and plane trips too, and guess who pays for that? Taxpayers when they already have enough money (again from taxpayers) to pay for their own damn cars, business meals ('expenses') and coffees and plane trips. Those Plastic Bags (this is a useful insult I have decided to use for useless, shallow people). If we got all their extra money for one year and put it in the national budget, we could do so much more for this country. SCHOOLS! We could open more instead of closing them down! Hospitals! They could buy new equipment! Maybe healthcare and cleaning staff could get paid a proper amount instead of the bare minimum!
I guess I am finally an adult.
I care about stuff but feel like it's impossible to do anything about it, so I stress out at work and blog pointless rage posts.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015


Wow Futurama, Charleston Chew is real! I want to try it. Quite a lot... They look good. I wonder if I would like vanilla, chocolate or strawberry the most? I hope I get the chance one day. I reckon there's a fifty-fifty chance it will taste good. Google Charleston Chew and you will see what I mean. Yum....

Sunday, March 15, 2015

Morrowind vs Oblivion vs Skyrim

I was the best ever in Morrowind. I ruled. The only person I didn't kill yet was Vivec. And then I lost my save file. Anyway, I played Oblivion. I hated it. The stupidest parts about Oblivion were how boring it was, and how it was actually hard to avoid triggering events that forced you through the game. You had to be careful in order to take your time. That made it feel rushed. Anyway; Skyrim. I suck but I'm enjoying it except for one thing it lacks. WHERE is my journal? I can't remember all the quests I have started... I don't remember if Oblivion had any quest track help... That's something that helped a LOT in Morrowind.
I have noticed in Skyrim the music is familiar... It turns out they remixed music from Morrowind yeeeaaahhhhh! To be frank, the music suits the Nords better than the Dunmer anyway. Right. It had to be said. Now I have said it. I still find the Khajit to be adorable... But I admire the Orc's strength. Oh and one last thing, if I am Dragonborn, why do I have to kill the dragons? I should be able to unite them and take over the planet with my dragon army. "The Dragonborn's Dragoons." That's what we should be called. Ah, to dominate the world... My dream.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Pear shapes

Why do people think pears and pear shapes are erotic?  It's difficult to find a pear with good texture and flavour. They overripen at the drop of a hat. There is a saying, "It's all gone pear-shaped" which means something has gone awry. And finally, being somewhat pear-shaped myself, I would like to say that I do not usually look at myself and say, "Goodness me, I'm looking ever so erotic this morning!" or anything like that. So! In conclusion, pears are not erotic, but they are very nice with yoghurt, cinnamon and stewed plum compote or fresh raspberries and cream, or, all of the above. Oh, and with a really good vanilla icecream and chocolate sauce too. Some have them with cheese but I do not have a preference. Although that might be nice with an aged bit of cheddar, come to think of it. Hmmmm.

Thursday, March 05, 2015

Jogging with prams

It's creepy when people are jogging while pushing a kid in a pram in front of them. It's just creepy. I don't know why.

The Cup Noodle inventor was so smart!

Momofuku Ando (who invented cup noodles) is a real inspiration to me because he only made real progress in his late 40's. Same with Rex Stout, the author. He only  became well-established as in author when he was in his middle age too. These men worked hard but didn't really seem to get the results they wanted immediately which inspires me because these days it seems like if you don't have instant talent, you're never going to be successful. That is untrue. And I'm glad to have these two guys (and many other people's lives too) to remind me of that.

Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Samurai Pizza Cats Season 2

Season 2 of this show is great! I think I'm enjoying it more than I did Season 1. The Big Cheese is adorable... I always thought he was so well-designed. Never understood why they made out he was a rat when it's obvious he's a fox. And on the B Team, Meowzma is my fave, he is so cute too. I always liked Princess Vi's design, as well as Polly, Lucille and Francine. But their personalities... Ah well. You can't have everything.