Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Apparently I did do a review of X and Y so I don't have to now.

So yeah, I did actually do a review of X and Y, ages ago.
It was quite complain-y.
Apparently I was unimpressed after a couple of days of being fooled by shallow new features.
Wow, I'm harsh.
Anyway I realised as I finished reading my own whining 'Give us Ruby and Sapphire back!'; that they DID.
AFTER X and Y.
But yes, why did they release the rebooted R and S after X and Y which some people did complain about?
Was it all a plot?
Like how Coke brought out Cherry Coke because it makes other Coke taste better by comparison?
Was it like that, Nintendo?
I hope not.
BECAUSE - can't think of any more puns...
Um, Absolutely!
Ok confused now, never mind.

In other news... my move to Japan seems to be marching closer and closer and I am not prepared yet.
But I will take two weeks off work and sort everything out in that time.
Please God, help me to make it all work out okay.
I'm nervous...
I am going to become a foreigner.

Monday, June 29, 2015

Secret fave character in Ouran High manga

My secret fave character is Hanninozuka Yasuchika.
Chika is so great every time he is in a story.
Actually I like his bodyguard too. Mori's little bro. Forgot his name... Satoshi, that's right.
But yeah Mori, Hani and their brothers and all their family, love 'em.
Never liked the twins much but their dad seems cool. Their mum annoys me.

Chika is soooo adorable. He makes Hani less annoying too, somehow.
Although when Hani gets serious, it's more interesting.
He and Mori are actually really clued in to everything and it's good to see the twins go to them for help.
So yeah me raving about Ouran again.
Look it up if you haven't read it.
It's pretty light-hearted.

I thought I had done a fave character rant already but haven't found it yet.
Maybe not on this blog.
Out of the Hosts I would say I like Mori best.
If Kyoya was a bit less evil, I would like him best.
I always like the megane characters, because I have glasses.
So in Lucky Star, yes, I like the megane character with the pink hair... Miyuki, right?
In Sailor Moon, I liked Ami-chan best for years, and she wears glasses sometimes.
In Magic Knight Rayearth, I liked Fuu-chan best and still do.
In XXXHolic I like Watanuki best, at first I didn't but then I grew to like him more than everyone else.
In Gintama, I like so many people but secretly I am always happy when Shinpachi or Sacchan gets a storyline for themselves. I guess Hasegawa technically wears glasses, and I do think he is kinda cool.
In NGEvangelion, my fave character is Rei, and she does wear glasses once I think... but I think they were actually Ikari Snr's glasses....
In Free!Iwatobi Swim Club, I like Makoto (no glasses but had to declare my love) first, then Rei.
In Pokemon BW, I love Cheren (yes, glasses again!), and then in the sequel to BnW, my second fave, Bianca has glasses!
In Slam Dunk I actually liked the character and the design of Kogure a lot but he was always in the background... still whenever he got his scene, I was happy.
But yes, back to Ouran, Chika is my actual fave character. Even though he doesn't need glasses, he wears them which actually makes him look cuter, I think.
My fave of the classmates of the Host group would be....
Kasanoda. He is a great character.
But he doesn't have glasses.
Ok ok enough, but one more fave : I like most of the characters in Ranma 1/2, but I think that Mousse and Genma both have more charm when they wear their glasses. Just saying.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

New season of Natsume Yujinchou on Crunchy Roll

This is the link to it.
I like this show a lot, for several reasons, which of course I will now outline.
Spoiler alert, possibly?

Firstly I liked the somewhat dreamy, soft and easy-going art style of the manga and the animation company has tried to emulate that style and succeeded quite well, especially in the first season op and eds.

Secondly, I like the idea of a person trying to understand everyone in the world he lives in; not choosing the easy path of dismissing people or youkai but trying to understand both. Not only that, Natsume tries to help them understand each other also. He may never succeed, he has known futility and frustration and loneliness but he still keeps trying.

Thirdly, it is this idea of living in two worlds simultaneously that appeals to me.
I realised that is one thing that people who are different in some important (as in significant, like for example a disability of some kind or a gift perhaps) way to 'ordinary' or 'normal' people, have to deal with. We live in a world where we are forced to face the fact that people see more than one viewpoint. Then we have to choose our own viewpoint and way of living.
As a person who is classified as being on the Autism Spectrum, I can at least partly identify with other people also on the Spectrum.
But as a high-functioning Autistic person, I can also (usually) understand the Neuro-Typical view as well. This is where it gets complicated of course because many Autistic (AS) people lack empathy, but here is the thing : so too do many NTs (Neuro-Typicals).
Most people are so busy in their own minds that they cannot understand how others think, often it is simply because they do not try. Many people, AS or NT, lack empathy simply because we humans are lazy, we like to keep things simple and put people in boxes in our heads because it is easier to deal with the world that way. There are also many who lack the insight or are mentally impaired in some way and are impeded by that.
And so when a person does sit down and try their best to consider everyone's feelings and needs and beliefs and every messy complicated aspect of an issue or a situation, it can be confusing, difficult and frustrating. Many people realise this and so they make a decision quite early on in life that they will just rush through things and keep them easy for themselves, despite what it costs others.
I somehow realised when I was younger that I have a need to at least try to analyse things and not to just treat people harshly or write them off. This is probably due to being bullied throughout my time at school and college (high school, for all you non-New Zealanders), where other people labelled me as 'weird' or having a 'smart mouth' and not talking to me.
I was so saddened by this, I felt it all the time; as if there was a stone where my heart was supposed to be. I was bitter but not irredeemably so. The only reason I say that is because even when I was bitter, I still kept hoping that people would treat me kindly. That hope has not yet gone away, more than a decade after finishing my school years. The hope and need for kindness and grace is what keeps a person kindly. That is my belief. Of course I believe in God too and I think that also kept me gentle. But that is a whole other topic on it's own! Haha!
So yes, I enjoy Natsume Yujinchou and it's theme of redemption through a struggle for kindness and understanding. And I am interested in Youkai as well!
Nyanko-sensei is my favourite by far. Just saying.
Anyway, it's an interesting show, you should watch it.
I'm moving to Hokkaido in August 2015 yay! Noboribetsu-shi. Onsen!!!!
Yay! Hot Springs, here I come!
I just had to shout it out.

Sunday, June 07, 2015

Are you an Empath?

I am an empathic person.
I don't know if I would call myself an Empath because I watched too much Star Trek Next Gen.
So I will never be a Troi. But that's good actually. It would be too much to be like her.
However, I do believe (after thinking about it for a bit) that yes, I am strongly empathic.
I saw a couple of things on Facebook that a friend linked to.
I had a look and yes, I am indeed an empath, according to these criteria or traits.
So I need to remember that and take care of myself or I will take out my emotions on others.
Which I tend to do sometimes...


That was the 30 empathic traits page. To be straight up, I will say that not all of those traits fit me. But some of them I was surprised to realise fit me perfectly and I had never noticed. And some behaviours I have exhibited but I never knew the reason behind them. Anyway it's interesting.

Here is another link which is helpful for ways to de-stress.


Anyway, regardless of whether or not you are a major empathic person or not, it's always fun to match your personality to lists and quizzes.
I used to do so many quizzes at emode.com, like what type of dog are you, what colour expresses your personality, all kinds of fun quizzes like that.
I don't know if it is still going or not.
Should check it out.
Ah, the memories.