Friday, November 12, 2004

Here is an excerpt from the DNRC newsletter on, concerning blogs.
I find it refreshing and reassuring.

Dear Dogbert, Lots of people write blogs, but I've never heard of anyone who actually reads them. What's up with that?


Dear Skirt,
Blogs exist to fill the important market niche of writing that is so dull that your eyes will burrow out of the back of your head to escape.
People do read blogs, usually by accident, sometimes on a dare, but those readers are later mistaken for Mafia victims with what appears to be two holes in the back of their heads.
On closer inspection, you might find their eyeballs clinging to the drapes directly behind them. Unless the cat gets them first.

Sincerely, Dogbert

People should make Scott Adams the president of the US.
Actually, no they shouldn't... scratch that. I will not be held responsible for all the Scott Adams fans who storm the White House and take the president hostage. Haha that would actually be funny for about 5 minutes.

Of course they are wrong. A lot of people read blogs, including myself. I liked the concept so much, [ie; my own mini world where I had completely free speech and so could say things like 'yargle' or 'mookghhahh' and then laugh to myself like a moron-] that I decided to get my own.
And here we are.
Becuase I am such an UUUuuupppp! then Ddownnn... person, my blog is weird and not very static. However a 'perfect' example of a static thing is a dead body, so .

I also love biblical topics. Most people do not care for such ideas as the state of their immortal soul. 'Just ignore it and it will probably go away.' seems to be the attitude. Nice one, people!
To them, I say either ; 'BLEAHHH!!!' [:PPPPPPPPPPPPP]
Or, on an adult day(of which there are not many), I say, 'Well, this blog is mine and free speech is in the constitution-thingy that the Americans have, so leave me alone. If it bores you or you object to it, go find something else to read. Or, better yet, start your own blog and talk about what you think is important.'

Then, I win, you win, and more importantly, the service providers win.
A great big, self-absorbed, self-opinionated family.
Well, I am going to bed now. was it three or two posts in one day today? Three, I think.

God Bless You, whether you want Him to or not... ^_^

I'm hurting and I DON'T CARE IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT!!!

Damn it, I'm going to say it!
He'll never read this, frankly, he would never think of it and I have tried to show him things I do before, but he doesn't seem interested in me.

My Father.......
Two Years Ago..........
And I Am ...
Still Hurting.............

Let me guess what you, the reader, are going to say (if you haven't already gone off in boredom or disgust) ; 'Build a bridge and get over it' (Hah good one, my favourite slapdown) or 'suck it up' is the favourite. (Haha, suck it up! That always makes me laugh...)

I WON'T!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm crying right now, and nobody can see me. Except God, of course. He counts and without Him, I wouldn't have even talked about it.

But right now, as usual, I am focusing on ME!!!!! I MATTER!


I am your child, dad, this is my letter to you that I would never dare let you see.
I don't want to hurt you. I've been conditioned from childhood by you very carefully so as to spare you as much pain as possible. I realise this now.

I am 23 but inside I am still a child. And this child is very very upset still.
Two years is a grain of sand in my palm.
I cannot forgive you.
You won't admit you have done wrong.

You say 'sorry' whenever you feel all soulful (usually at odd moments when I am not thinking about it), but you are not sorry at all. You are very good at saying sorry.
I myself find it very hard to apologise. Perhaps that is good. It means that when I say it, it means something!

I'm not like you. I learn and I mature every day.
I go through hard times, I try not to hurt the ones I care for. But you go the easy ways and you leave everyone broken behind you. Yoiu fend for yourself, even though you taught my sister and I to always think of our family first.
I can't trust you. 80% of the time, you let me down.

I love you so much, but you are so confusing.

It has taken me years to understand you this well and I feel there must be more to you, surely a person cannot be this selfish and uncaring. However, it seems that you are.
You told us divorce was bad and so was adultery.
Yet you committed adultery and left us and divorced us.
Then you tried to apply the same rules to us again, as if nothing had happened.
You broke the rules!

You want everything to be 'alright'. IT IS NOT ALRIGHT.
I try to pretend it is when I am around you because I couldn't handle it if you got upset.
I can't believe you did this.
But you did!
You didn't just divorce mum, you divorced ALL of us.
You chose, and now, maybe I will have to choose to leave YOU behind someday soon.

It hurts to be this cold but I am telling you now, I will.
If I have to, I will cut you off. I will be a girl with no father.
But it won't be my fault if this happens.
I will keep trying for now.
We will see what happens. Maybe you will try to mend this bridge.
Maybe you won't.

But I will not wait forever. One day, we are going to have to sort this out, once and for all.
I'm waiting.
Please hear me.
I don't want to lose you, dad.
I love you!

I am cultured. To prove it, here is a quotation from Pascal.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
Blaise Pascal

I got this quote from, but there are many good quotation sites you can go to these days. I like Pascal, he remeinds me of me, (ie; very dark and depressed, with shots of sentimental optimism) but I prefer Tacitus. Anyway, back to the subject of today's lecture.

I agree with Pascal on this!!!!! How many 'witches' were burnt at the stake in religous and supersticious mania? A lot of those women, if not all of them, were innocent.
(If you find out how to spell supersticious properly, please tell me)

Joan of Arc was burnt because she had visions. It was mainly because she was so useful, the english wanted to kill her but they needed a proper reason to kill such a good soldier who helped the king. Jerks. But if I were Joan, I'd have shut up about it. Oh well.
If that happened these days, she'd be a media sensation. She'd probably have written a book by now, and have her own disciples.

Jesus was killed for heresy also, in a strange twist. So were many of His followers.
It still happens in the less 'civilized' countries.
And it isn't just jewish and christian people who do it, either.
I suspect there are (and have always been) bloodthirsty people everywhere who want an excuse to kill or hurt others and just pick religon as the easiest way.
Great! It's nice to know. Because of a lot of horrible killers and snobs, my beliefs are considered hysterical and superior, with accents of condescention.

Oh well, I suppose it was inevitable. Humans have always slaughtered each other for ridiculous reasons. Cain and Abel, for example. My sister and I had a lengthy argument about that the other night. Poor Hannah and Dave had to sit and wait for us to finish yelling.
We tend to yell... apparently it is embarrassing to other people. Oops.
So I said that Cain meant to kill his brother but my sister said she thought it was manslaughter, not murder.
I knew it was murder because it says that Cain was angry when God rejected his offering. Then it says that Cain and Abel talked and went to the field and Cain killed Abel.
So, to me, that means he had planned it, to talk Abel out alone and kill him. But my sister thinks that Cain just killed Abel in a fit of anger. You decide anyway. It doesn't really matter. But if you want to read it, go to Genesis chapter 4.

Nowadays, you don't really need a reason to kill, because as soon as you get caught, your lawyer can supply you with many reasons. Isn't that useful.
Well, thats all. Just wanted to tell you that I have had a good week, a bit emotional but who doesn't get like that every now and then?
God Bless!
Hi Diana!!!!

Thursday, November 04, 2004

Hey! I put my foot in it! (and Psalm 51)

Ok so I'm talking to my friend on the internet, an American friend, and I say, 'Hey, Bush got in again, that sux, huh?' and she said, 'No, actually I don't think it sux because I voted for him...'

So yeah!!!!!! I needed to do an emergency foot-from-mouth-ectomy...

Anyway we discussed why she voted for Bush and I guess I agree with her. He doesn't support abortion (I think abortion is murder) and it seems that Kerry would allow gay mardigras or something and I do not agree with practicing homosexuality.
So, yay, George Bush! Way to go, bro! As we say here in NZ. Or, Good one, cuz!!!
Good thing I'm not a voter for the US or it would be in trouble, I am so easily swayed....

Hey, change of subject (C.O.S) I was photocopying a couple of songs for my friend Hannah the maths teacher (poor Hannah has to face up to teenagers every day....^^;)
So yeah I was doing that when I realised that one of the songs spoke to my heart.

It was 'Create In Me A Clean Heart'. (taken from Psalm 51)
Every single word in the song was what I wanted God to do for me. It seemed as if the original writer, a psalmist, (possibly King David) felt the same way as I did exactly, word for word, feeling for feeling. It was an amazing thing.
Every now and then, no matter how deep your relationship with God is, you need a soul cleanup. Thats how I think of it, anyway.
I needed that, so I sang to God, and I meant it.
Thats the difference. If you ask God to do something, unless you mean it from your true heart, you won't get it.
Everyone has a true heart. Thats where their secret sorrows come from, their secret joys too.
I think its where pity for others comes from too. So many people supress their true heart because it is so emotional but I think if you want to 'keep it real' as they say these days, you have to speak from your true heart.
If people don't think you are genuine, they won't like you or listen to you.
Here is part of that Psalm right now, we need it spread over the world!!!!!

6 Behold, thou desirest truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part thou shalt make me to know wisdom.
7 Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow.
8 Make me to hear joy and gladness; that the bones which thou hast broken may rejoice.
9 Hide thy face from my sins, and blot out all mine iniquities.
10 Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me.
11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me.
12 Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

There's a lot more, a LOT, but this is the part which really touched my heart.
Anyway thats all for now.

Bye! God Bless you today!