Friday, November 12, 2004

I am cultured. To prove it, here is a quotation from Pascal.

Men never do evil so completely and cheerfully as when they do it from a religious conviction.
Blaise Pascal

I got this quote from, but there are many good quotation sites you can go to these days. I like Pascal, he remeinds me of me, (ie; very dark and depressed, with shots of sentimental optimism) but I prefer Tacitus. Anyway, back to the subject of today's lecture.

I agree with Pascal on this!!!!! How many 'witches' were burnt at the stake in religous and supersticious mania? A lot of those women, if not all of them, were innocent.
(If you find out how to spell supersticious properly, please tell me)

Joan of Arc was burnt because she had visions. It was mainly because she was so useful, the english wanted to kill her but they needed a proper reason to kill such a good soldier who helped the king. Jerks. But if I were Joan, I'd have shut up about it. Oh well.
If that happened these days, she'd be a media sensation. She'd probably have written a book by now, and have her own disciples.

Jesus was killed for heresy also, in a strange twist. So were many of His followers.
It still happens in the less 'civilized' countries.
And it isn't just jewish and christian people who do it, either.
I suspect there are (and have always been) bloodthirsty people everywhere who want an excuse to kill or hurt others and just pick religon as the easiest way.
Great! It's nice to know. Because of a lot of horrible killers and snobs, my beliefs are considered hysterical and superior, with accents of condescention.

Oh well, I suppose it was inevitable. Humans have always slaughtered each other for ridiculous reasons. Cain and Abel, for example. My sister and I had a lengthy argument about that the other night. Poor Hannah and Dave had to sit and wait for us to finish yelling.
We tend to yell... apparently it is embarrassing to other people. Oops.
So I said that Cain meant to kill his brother but my sister said she thought it was manslaughter, not murder.
I knew it was murder because it says that Cain was angry when God rejected his offering. Then it says that Cain and Abel talked and went to the field and Cain killed Abel.
So, to me, that means he had planned it, to talk Abel out alone and kill him. But my sister thinks that Cain just killed Abel in a fit of anger. You decide anyway. It doesn't really matter. But if you want to read it, go to Genesis chapter 4.

Nowadays, you don't really need a reason to kill, because as soon as you get caught, your lawyer can supply you with many reasons. Isn't that useful.
Well, thats all. Just wanted to tell you that I have had a good week, a bit emotional but who doesn't get like that every now and then?
God Bless!
Hi Diana!!!!

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