Sunday, March 24, 2013

Is it really March already? Ah well.

Happy Easter (soon).
Ummmm anyway, I meant to say, Happy New Year, but it's late March already...
My bad.
No postings.
Ah well, since I don't know if anyone reads it, it's ok to just post whatever, whenever.
Of course! Mochiron!
Now I want Mochi Choco...
This is what happens when I answer my own rhetorical questions...
I missed my first post of the year which I like to do in January.
Let's pretend, (said Alice Liddell to Kitty) that it is January!
Wow, last year just flew by.
Time flies, tempus fugit. Is that correct?
Who cares, it's pretentious to spout Latin cliques, anyhow.
I may not be at this job much longer. They want to shave my already minimum hours. They already pay me just above minimum wage. I hope I can get a pay rise before they cut my hours. I want to work in JAPANNNNNNNN.....................
But mostly because if I don't do it, I will always wonder what it would have been like. I know it will be very hard for me though... Ah well, life is sometimes about taking risks.
Reading all the Baum 'OZ' books I can find. Some are more interesting than others. Poor man, forced to write book after book, even though he didn't want to continue after like the 6th one. I wonder if J.K. Rowling felt like she was rushed after the third or fourth Potter book...
Well, I will try to get to Japan somehow. Hopefully by next year it should be sorted. Must try. Must do my best.
TTFN, ta-ta for now. :)
Thanks, Tigger. Good little abbreviation there.

Which is better?

Ok so which is better?
Harvest Moon series or Rune Factory?
I loved Harvest Moon's Friends of Mineral Town but now I really enjoy Tale of Two Towns.
Not sure which is best, each has its own plus and minus points.
And of course I can ask which is better; Shoot 'em-ups or RPGs? Well, one could argue that the Elder Scrolls series is kind of both. So is that other one... ah, I forgot the name. Actually there are a few like that, but of course my heart belongs to Morrowind.
As for RPGs, which is best, Pokemon or the usual traditional type? To be honest, Pokemon is pretty much a standard RPG anyway, you build a team, fight bosses, train, acquire items, do quests etc. So perhaps that question is irrelevant.
Ok then, my hardest questions are these: Star Wars or Star Trek (Universes, not just movies)?
Which Pokemon world is best (assuming I mean the standard games, not Ranger or Mystery Dungeon etc)? Btw I love the Mystery Dungeon stuff... Love love LOVE! So fun. And the music is great! Actually better than the usual games.
Uh.. sorry. Next question, is Johto better than Kanto? Oh right. I already asked that previously...
Ok ok. GinTama or Naruto?
Ok then, Naruto or Bleach?
Naruto or DragonBall (all series)?
And what about OnePiece?
Not to mention Fairy Tail. Actually, Fairy Tail is still a youngster. Let's leave Fairy Tail out of this. I love it anyway.
In that case, with regard to all of those things above, which game based off an anime/movie/tv series has been the most enjoyable? I mean, overall. Some games are better than others. Some of the DB games have been lame, but some are great. Legend of Goku, for example, I loved that. Sure it was too easy, but that happens to be how I like my games. Easy.
Ah, I really want a Wii U... and a PS3... but first, a Wii U.
I wanna play Pokemon on the Wii...
Speaking of games, let's get back to the 'is A better than B' questions.
Is Superman better than Batman? Of course not.
Superman is like that guy in your team who camps til everyone else is dead, then claims victory.
I mean, he is basically invincible. That's cheating. They made him too invincible.
That's why they have to keep inventing new colours of Kryptonite and random enemies, to try to fool us into thinking, 'Oh no, this is it, really, he's actually in danger this time!' Please. I'm asking you all. Who cares? Batman is way cooler cause he's actually a mortal man. That's why, even though I like Wolverine, he's not as cool as Batman. It's almost impossible to kill Wolverine.
Ah, I meant to get back to games...
Ok so... Mario or Zelda? Hmmm, unfair. Too different. Ok then, Mario or Sonic?
Whooo, that's too tricky for me. I like both...
I guess in the end, I liked the Disney (TM) Aladdin and Lion King games more than Mario or Sonic, cause I actually managed to have some success at playing through the levels. I couldn't believe how fun they were.
Man, I suck at Mario. But I suck at Sonic too, haha! I was better as the support, Tails, in two-player.
Well, it's good to know your own weaknesses.
I sure have a lot of them though.
I used to be good at Doom, and Quake, and Woldenstein 3d and Duke Nukem and also Halo for a bit.
But no practice has made me bad again... :(
Ah well, I can join the ranks of gaming losers. It doesn't matter if you lose, as long as you love to play.
That's what makes a true gamer. Otherwise, the game designers wouldn't make any money.
Btw I loved the SNES Sailor Moon games. I was actually good at SNES. I aced almost every Sailor Moon game they had, even the balloon popping games. The only one I never clocked was the RPG, because I got bored every time I got to the S arc with Mistress 9, and I always would save then forget it for a while, and whenever I would go back to start level grinding again, I would find my saved game had corrupted... :( So sad!
Argh level grinding! Final Fantasy! Which one was the best so far?
Well, I say VIII, my friend likes XII I think, and we both also like X and X2. But many people like VII best, don't they? I never actually got to play it yet. I loved Advent Children though. Ah, nostalgia... :)
Well, that's enough rambling from me, I suppose. Maybe I will compare similar characters from diff manga and anime. Like Sakuragi from Slam Dunk and Naruto from Naruto. They have a lot in common, being typical Jump main characters, as GinTama has plainly spelled out (although more referencing Son Goku and Luffy I think).
Oh but one thing I love lately is to watch Rage Quit on YouTube. He is hilarious! I actually recognise myself in him a LOT. Which is scary because we would never be considered alike if you saw us side-by-side.
Oh wow I'm starving, ttyl.