Friday, November 12, 2004

Here is an excerpt from the DNRC newsletter on, concerning blogs.
I find it refreshing and reassuring.

Dear Dogbert, Lots of people write blogs, but I've never heard of anyone who actually reads them. What's up with that?


Dear Skirt,
Blogs exist to fill the important market niche of writing that is so dull that your eyes will burrow out of the back of your head to escape.
People do read blogs, usually by accident, sometimes on a dare, but those readers are later mistaken for Mafia victims with what appears to be two holes in the back of their heads.
On closer inspection, you might find their eyeballs clinging to the drapes directly behind them. Unless the cat gets them first.

Sincerely, Dogbert

People should make Scott Adams the president of the US.
Actually, no they shouldn't... scratch that. I will not be held responsible for all the Scott Adams fans who storm the White House and take the president hostage. Haha that would actually be funny for about 5 minutes.

Of course they are wrong. A lot of people read blogs, including myself. I liked the concept so much, [ie; my own mini world where I had completely free speech and so could say things like 'yargle' or 'mookghhahh' and then laugh to myself like a moron-] that I decided to get my own.
And here we are.
Becuase I am such an UUUuuupppp! then Ddownnn... person, my blog is weird and not very static. However a 'perfect' example of a static thing is a dead body, so .

I also love biblical topics. Most people do not care for such ideas as the state of their immortal soul. 'Just ignore it and it will probably go away.' seems to be the attitude. Nice one, people!
To them, I say either ; 'BLEAHHH!!!' [:PPPPPPPPPPPPP]
Or, on an adult day(of which there are not many), I say, 'Well, this blog is mine and free speech is in the constitution-thingy that the Americans have, so leave me alone. If it bores you or you object to it, go find something else to read. Or, better yet, start your own blog and talk about what you think is important.'

Then, I win, you win, and more importantly, the service providers win.
A great big, self-absorbed, self-opinionated family.
Well, I am going to bed now. was it three or two posts in one day today? Three, I think.

God Bless You, whether you want Him to or not... ^_^

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