Saturday, March 28, 2015

I have nothing much to say

I have nothing much to say, so I had better say it.
Most of the internet is full of people like me, who have thoughts and opinions that don't really matter much to anyone.
That is the beauty of the internet. We all spew out ourselves in different formats, blogs, pinterest, fb, tweeting, tumbling etc.
Other people look at our attempts at self expression with mild interest, like flicking through an old magazine.
We all want to be acknowledged, for someone to tell us we matter on some level, shallow or deep.
That is what dating stuff is for, tinder etc.
People need each other to feel validated.
No matter how.
That is all I have to say. I have said this before, I think.
Btw I think pinterest is great!
Myself in pictures! Who I am, who I was, who I wish I was, maybe even who I will be! Wonderful.
I would tell you to look me up but I can't remember  my login name thingy. We on the internet (back when it first came to my country, long ago when I was in my early teens) used to call it your 'handle' and your avatar was your avatar so at least one thing didn't change. Ah, shrine pages. Good times surfing back then.
Gripped by an obsession, use different search engines (google wasn't a thing yet) and look for pictures and information on that current obsession.
Mine was usually manga and anime. Sailor Moon... Or Ranma 1/2. Or anything by CLAMP.
Good times. Ah, nostalgia.
Video was so tiny and grainy too. Very short clips, if it was a movie it could take days to download.
You had to keep pausing it so your parents could check their emails and look up Babylon 5 shrines... Well, if your dad was a geek like mine. He was so good at downloading episodes etc, way better than me.
Wolf 3D, Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem. Good times indeed.
Right, enough nostalgia.
I have clocked most of those games... Probably mostly through cheats. I admit it.
Ooh, I also used to play Sims and Warcraft and Mortal Kombat was a big favourite too... I miss them all!
I wish they would bring them back for PC so I could play them again.
I want the originals, no stupid reboots.
Hopefully one day.
I'm pretty sure I'm not alone on this.

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