Sunday, March 29, 2015

Things that fill me with a gentle joy

Reading a familar book.
Having a warm drink.
Tasting words on my tongue, usually words with several syllables: "Mezza luna. Chiarascuro. Shizuka. Mathematical." M-words are often words that sound nice.
Eating feijoas, or other fruit I have eaten every year since I can remember.
Sitting quietly out of everyone's way and just watching.
Eating a delicious meal, like pasta with sauce and lotsa cheese.
Mixing batter, for pikelets, bikkies, cupcakes, whatever. Mixing batter is so satisfying.
Smelling a scent and remembering the person who I associate that scent with.
Curling up warm in bed on a cold night, knowing it's time for delicious sleep. I always sleep better in winter.
Having a relaxing footbath.
Dressing in something that I love to wear, regardless of how it looks.

I guess that list will do for now.

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