Monday, March 23, 2015

Human nature

Stuff I learned about human nature at Bible college :

1) Humans can be shortsightedly stupid about everything. Much of the Theology we have accepted unthinkingly today was at one time declared heretical and some have died (sorry, been horribly murdered) for sticking to it. Even if it was harmless belief, such as trying to live an absolutely peaceful, giving life and truly serve others like the Apostles in Acts. I noticed that trend (of fear of new ideas) occurring throughout Church History class and in Theology class too.

2) People kill each other all the time and use religion, race, gender, politics, anything as an excuse. But hey, God said "Love your neighbour", not "Use any excuse to kill your neighbour".
To sum up; if you say you want someone to believe in your almighty God, threatening to kill them unless they convert is not a good way to convince them of how wonderful your God is.

Conversion through fear is not true conversion. As well as this, believing and declaring that everyone who is not a 'true believer' is going to hell, is so rude! It staggers my mind how rude and presumptuous people can be. Some religious people actually force others to convert to their religion as second-class believers who will never be given the privileges of a 'true believer', but they need to convert anyway, "so we can all lord it over you". Oh, and when you die, you can't come to our heaven, you are either a slave in our heaven or you go to a second-class heaven-ish place.

3) Some people layer a veneer of religion over their own personal issues and are not true believers in a faith. They are the hardest ones to put up with!
One man told me that if I dared to get ordained, it was unBiblical and would displease God.
I asked if I would be sent to hell and he generously conceded that, no, God wouldn't do that (because once saved, always saved), but I would probably only ever be a servant to everyone else in heaven, sweeping the streets and so on.
I replied in sincerity that it would be an honour.

Well, there was more but these are the things that stuck out the most.
Such an education I got!

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