Saturday, January 24, 2015

Adventure Time is a great show but it is sexist.

Just realised something.
Was commenting on my fave AT characters and they are BMO, Jake and then Finn.
I also like the Ice King. Then Marceline.
That is pretty much it.

I dislike most of the princesses... except maybe Slime Princess. Great voice. But her personality sucks actually... most of the princesses are portrayed as vapid and shallow...
Which doesn't make sense because if this is a mirror of the human world in many ways (which it does seem to be), then surely if there are females in power then they would display more forceful and independent personalities. Only Marceline and PB (who I hate) really consistently show these types of character traits. The reason I say that they should is simply because the social structures of the kingdoms (which should all be called Princessdoms except the Flame Kingdom and any others I have forgotten which are ruled by legit kings). According to most cultures, whoever is the ruling person will have their every whim obeyed and will be required to make laws and decisions. They will have been raised to rule and so would develop character traits that are common for ruling types.
Bossiness or at least firmness.
Faith in self, as in, not easily swayed by those around them.
Wanting the best for their kingdom.

Most of the princesses seem helpless and easily swayed by any outside stimuli. They are fickle and also they are kinda dumb.
This doesn't really make sense considering their 'jobs' are to be firm rulers with a sense of duty.

Bubblegum is like this. Marceline is more carefree but she still doesn't follow the crowd. The rest of them are basically just messing around all day until the Ice King kidnaps them or they meet up and make some stupid group decision to believe something idiotic (obviously for plot reasons).

I didn't really think about it much but it's a disappointment to me. I liked all their designs but they just never seem to develop their characters throughout the show much at all. I am on season 4 and so far not much development for any of the princesses except for Flame Princess.

I guess besides the lack of proper facial features (but that is art style and it's more Your Mileage May Vary than a real issue), this is the show's main weakness.

oh well, still addicted.
Show would be better if they did develop more people's character (not just the princesses).

Must keep watching.
P.S. Reason I hate PB is because she is too self-opinionated and doesn't let go of stuff when she should. She keeps saying she is mature and so on but sometimes she is very immature. However, flaws are a part of a character so I guess I should say I think she is a great character. I still don't like her though. Weirdly enough, I do admire her.

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