Saturday, January 24, 2015

Quick question on choices

Ok quick question:

Do you like to have dozens of choices or just about 10 or so, or even less?

Take fragrances or perfumes, whatever you prefer to call them. I like the one I use sometimes (it's a green tea-based one which is kinda tangy and citrus-y). But choosing my 'signature scent' was such a pain. There are so many perfumes out there!

I like to go to a shop, pick out what I want, buy it and go home.
In that respect I will admit it seems like I am more masculine.
Regardless of masculine trait stereotypes versus feminine ones, I find having too many options overwhelming.

I go into T2 for example(a tea shop or tea boutique, once again, use whatever term you prefer), and when I go into it, I am struck immediately by the many, many boxes on the shelves strafing from the doorway all the way down to the back of the store. So MANY BOXES. All differently-flavoured teas and tisanes. I have tried quite a few but have only barely scratched the surface. They have over 200. The link should lead to a page which says, 'Over 200 teas and counting'. Eep!

Anyway the point is!
I like choices.
They are great.
Choices are part of being human, having the option to choose (most of the time freely), whatever you want. It is fabulous.
(Yes, I used the 'f 'word. FAB-U-LOSS)
Sometimes it is a bit too much.
So, do you feel the same?
Just wondering.

P.S. It would be good if they had a helper person to talk you through it or a catalogue with which you could use tick boxes to choose categories and sub-categories to help make a decision.
Oh wait... you can ask for help in shops, right?
That's what the shop people are there for...
I forgot.
Also in New Zealand, our service industry sucks.
Many shop assistants are not very helpful, they have been poorly-trained and so have low people-skills and also often know nothing about their products.
The fault doesn't just lie with them, but also their managers who don't train or motivate them well at all. Some of it is the fact that they are lazy and entitled (this generation! Gosh!) but also that they take a job just to get buy while they are students.
They often do need to get their heads into work-mode, and they are usually quite bad at that. It's managerial responsibility to help them but they need to do their part also.

To be on record: the T2 staff here in NZ are actually all very nice. They have been well-chosen. They often are able to answer customer questions too. And T2 has a catalogue. Hehe!
I guess I should've just called this entry : 'Why T2 is awesome.'
It's only failing is that it is an *erk* Australian company...! Just kidding (NZ and Australia have a rivalry thing going on btw in case you didn't know that).

:D  T2 is a great shop. Retail chain. Store. Thingy.
I loved it from the moment I saw it...
My fave tea atm is Melbourne Breakfast blend.
Don't tell anyone from NZ... they might get offended because - Melbourne!
Not a NZ city! Argh!
But it is a lovely blend.
Vanilla black tea. Very tasty.

Have a good day.
Drink some tea. Or coffee, whatever.
I just don't like coffee because it's bitter and also because if I wanted legit proper coffee I would have to select and blend and grind my own beans. Much easier and less bad-breath (seriously, coffee gives me bad breath! Am I the only one?) to just buy tea in loose-leaf form or tea bag form.
Yes I am a tea slave who doesn't care what form it is in, I am NOT a purist.
Having said that, there are coffee bags now.  Apparently they are quite good.
Maybe I should buy some to make coffee syrup to pour onto ice-cream or something.
Argh I meant to stop several sentences ago!

Fine ok ok have a great day bye!

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