Friday, September 25, 2015

My Top 5 Blue-eyed Pokemon

These Pokemon all have eyes that look blue, but some in certain artwork or games only. For example it's sometimes hard to see, but Sandshrew's eyes are blue. I made this list to celebrate the Pokemon whose design I felt was enhanced by their eye colour.
So my top 5 Pokemon with blue eyes:
Aron and it's evos.

Honorable mention: Charmander and Charmeleon. But since I like Charmander more and it's eyes sometimes look a bit more green than blue in contrast to Charmeleon, I decided not to count them in my list.
There are other blue-eyed Pokemon like Torchic and Mew and Celebi and likely more but there are not many blue-eyed Pokemon compared to the red-eyed ones. So many Pokemon have red eyes! I wonder why... probably not hangovers.

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