Thursday, May 19, 2011

Trainers. Comparison.

One more Pokemon post. I always meant to do this but kept forgetting.
It doesn't have much to do with the actual game but, first, it bugs me that if you're a girl trainer, you often get pink gear. Otherwise it makes no diff to how you play, thank goodness.
Above this text are images of the trainers from each generation of Pokemon (probably in the wrong order since I can't be bothered trying to drag them around).
I got most of these images here (see link below).
Cool url.
Right, my point is, the boys usually look cooler. Not fair! That is all I have to say. Ok except for Diamond/Pearl.
Also, the girl for Pokemon B/W needs to get some proper pants, they are too TIGHT! And you get a serious cheesecake shot every single battle when she kinda leans to throw the Pokeball. Not cool, Game Freak.

I just wanted to say, my fave male trainer is hard to choose but the white haired kid (Brendan?) is probably the coolest looking one. The re-vamped Red is the next.
And for the girls, 'Dawn' from D/P and then B/W girl I guess. The rest of the girls just don't look that good.

Worst? girl from HG/SS. Stupid hat...! The original trainers from Silver and Gold don't look much worse, but the girl actually looks slightly less dorky in the original, and that's saying something. You can tell which are the same by the boy's hat, compare them. They didn't mess with him much, and a good thing because they could've ruined him... like they did with a lot of the girls' designs.
And the boy from D/P has a dumb outfit. Looks like an NPC artist-wannabe. Dork.
Ah well. At least you hardly have to see yourself in much detail.

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