Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Balance Theory

So interesting. I didn't know that this theory needed to be created. Upon reading it, I noticed that it is just common human behaviour or attitude, written about or studied by psychologists.

If someone likes something, and sees that a person they dislike made that thing, they will either; like the person more, or the thing less, or decide not the believe that the person made the thing at all, or avoid both. So what????

Way to go, guys. Keep writing about obvious stuff. Makes it easier to be a psychologist than I previously thought. Psychologists; the Captain Obvious troupe of the universe. No, that's unfair. Most scholars in any field have been guilty of this as well.
I think my favourite quote was from a philosopher who said that we write about --- topic using words. Or it might have been that we talk using words. Either way it was pretty damn amusing to have to read this person's stuff for an assignment.
I won't name the person, or the topic, in case you know who it was and it brings them down in your estimation. Would that be tipping the scales of Balance Theory?

But actually... psychology is interesting. The problem is, what you learn is not exhaustive to every situation or person. So thinking that they know what is going on in someone's head can be dangerous for the psychologist because they may be VERY wrong. Someone who is like that can be manipulated by intelligent people.
Having said that, I would probably still like to learn a bit about psychological method and so on.
Ah well, trying to write a book (constantly in despair that even one sentence by a more accomplished author makes my stuff all look like rubbish) and having trouble. It is hard to force myself to type. Must go!

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