Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Modernism and Post-Modernism

To sum them both up, I don't really care. And, I don't care.

To add a little to this, Martha Graham, the creator of contemporary dance, refused to call her new dance innovation 'modern' because she thought that the concept of Modernity was constantly changing and so therefore was inexact as a definition. I agree, and believe this applies even more so to so-called 'Post-Modernity'.
To side-track, another thing I like about Martha Graham is that she refused to let people film or photograph her dances whenever possible. She believed that they should only exist on the stage live, and in no other form.

I think that way about painting. My paintings are not very good because I am not trained. But even if they were considered good and collected, I would still feel badly for selling my work because to me it is dead. Most paintings are dead once they have dried. They are alive while you are painting them, but then they die and it is sad. Just as flowers are dead once picked, paintings are like that. But even in death and decay, flowers and leaves are glorious. I wonder if I will be able to see paintings in that way also?

It is true, there are sometimes paintings which seem to be asleep rather than dead, and those are the ones I love the most. But if you asked me which they were specifically, I could not tell you. It depends on the painter, and on the paint and technique used. They exist alive as they are being made. It is something that I do not have the right words to explain.

I have sold one painting at least. I liked it, and I think it was more asleep than dead, otherwise I would not have let it out of my house. I am grateful to the lady who bought it from me. Thank you. I was so happy that someone liked it. I liked it too, and sometimes I wish I could get it back. I get too attached to my stuff.

Back to the modern and post-modern thing... this is the modern era now still, there is no post-modern, I think. Post-Modernity is just a buzz-word (as are so many words these days).
And I think that 100 years from now perhaps we can take another look and decide. But to me, Post-Modernity is just the inevitable tail end of Modernity, so I count them as the same thing. If they are not the same then they are damned similar, in a way that no other era has been to its predecessor.
As well as this, I accept that humanity is changing faster than ever and most likely gathering speed, but Modernity is still young compared to the other eras. They all lasted much longer than Modernity has yet, by at least 100 years. It seems odd that people are trying to convince us all that things are different when there is a generation (who are essentially) in power who are living in the modern mindset still. No, even if Post-Modernity will exist someday, it does not yet. Stop trying to rush things, people.

Bye y'all.

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