Sunday, August 08, 2010

Favourite book of the Bible.

Well, my friend posted on his blog what his favourite book of the Bible is. This reminded me that I may have done that already - but if so I will just do it again. I want to do it to!
So, my fave in the NT is Hebrews. Then I guess I like James. These two books really help clear up questions that I have.
In the OT my fave is Amos - and also Micah. I like Isaiah and Jeremiah too. Oh, and Ezekiel! You know what? All of the Prophets are great.
I love the (sometimes raw) imagery they use and their themes of justice and purity of worship.
But I suppose if I have to pick an actual, single favourite, then I choose Psalms. I enjoy Psalms because so many of them seem to be the outcry of my own heart, and yet they were written (aprox) 2000 years before I was born.
As for the Apocryphal books, I think so far I like Judith. It makes me feel as if justice can be done for women after all. I haven't read all of them yet though.

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