Monday, November 24, 2014

RANTTTT about event Pokemon...

So annoyed about how EB Games aka Game Stop? and JB HiFi screw ppl over by not giving out Pokemon codes without you making a purchase or pre-order (blackmail? extortion?) or not having enough, as in they only have fifty of them instore when they know damn well there's more than fifty players out there, even in New Zealand which I will admit, is small.
I never got a Heracross or Pinsir even though I BOUGHT both X and Y!
I'm not like those pricks who take more than one code and offer it to ppl online to rip them off.

And I never got a Diancie. No chance....
I don't actually want one, but it would be nice to have. Besides, how do I know what it's like if I can't even get one???? Why do they not give them out online???? They did that for Victini, didn't they?
I got ALL event Pokemon from BnW, so why the trouble now?

Whose fault is all this?
EB Games? Nintendo? Who????

You're a jerk, screwing your customers over who pay high prices for your games and consoles.
Btw just so you know, Sony is much nicer to their customers.

Their games are all cheaper.
And the Vita is better than the 3DS, sorry but it is.
Club Nintendo you suck too, I spend hundreds of dollars, now over a thousand dollars on your merchandise and I have almost no star points to get your cutesy Mario based crap like stickers or whatever.
The amount I have spent over the years on your stuff, you would think it would add up to something. I got a cardboard game card storage wallet thing, lined with foam.
It was worth more than 1000 stars.
It was the best thing out of the weak, pathetic line up of crap they have to offer us.
I hate Mario, btw.
Not that I'm racist or anything...
So if they had more Pokemon stuff I would probably be more annoyed about this, but actually I'm not.
Having said all that, you know I will stay a customer.
A) Not much else to do
B) I love Pokemon.
C) Even though the Vita is superior in many respects, it still often steers like a drunken cow when it comes to games.... At least the DS controls are better than that.

So this rant achieves nothing.
Oh well.

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