Saturday, November 22, 2014

Mirrors, age and other thoughts.

I was just reading about Jorge Luis Borges, and his mirror motifs (among many other motifs he favoured).
It reminded me about mirrors.
I do not like them much.

I once looked in the mirror and found an expression in my eyes that frightened me so much that I had to look away. Ever since then, I have been a little afraid of mirrors.
Perhaps I saw too much.
Perhaps it was only my imagination.
Perhaps it was a trick of the light.
But I remember what it was I thought I saw...
I will never forget that look.
You see - I had never seen anyone look like that before.
To see that look on my own face, myself observing myself, and to have such a look - I became afraid of myself.

There are two ways of receiving this.
One is to shiver.
The other is to say, 'Idiot!'

I still do not feel certain which way I want to deal with it.
I know that in writing this out, I feel a bit better.

I know that I see things differently to other people sometimes.
I have been told this by others and have noticed it for myself as well.
That is probably the only reason why I do not simply laugh it off.

There are so many stories about mirrors.
I now understand why this is; for the first time I have a inkling.
Other people may have had similar experiences, perhaps.

Well, it's easy to take fright at things that are unusual.

I once told someone that I occasionally look in the mirror and do not recognise myself, but that is inaccurate. What actually happens is that usually when I look at my reflection, I get a pleasant surprise.
It isn't that I forget what I look like, or who I am.
It's more that I don't look the way I feel, usually.
So seeing myself there, quite fresh-faced and young, is a surprise. A pleasant one.
To explain, I was born gloomy and somewhat curmudgeonly.
I  both dislike and appreciate technology; but most of all, I love old-fashioned things.
I'm basically an old person in a young woman's body.

I keep thinking, 'It used to be better when I was younger.' and 'Things cost so much these days, I remember when stamps were only 20 cents, etc' Now that's nothing for a 30 year old (which I am). But I started thinking like this when I hit my early TEENS. I used to say to kids, 'When I was your age...' and so on. My friends used to call me an old man. Which was obviously comedic since I am in fact, a woman.

Apparently my thoughts on mirrors have gone astray.
Never mind. It doesn't pay to dwell on fearful things which are only half-understood.
Am I afraid of them, or not?
It depends. On what?
On whatever. There we are.
There are not always easy answers to things deep inside.
So let us move on!

In other news, I'm getting more interested in Pokemon Omega Ruby, now that I am getting more proficient. Onward I go. To GLORY! By glory I mean victory. Not death. Just to clarify.

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