Thursday, August 28, 2014

Two questions

1) What would you say your motto is, the main idea you live by? E.g. "liberty, truth and justice for all".

Well, it would probably be something like, "Expect the worst, hope for the best". That's pretty much a summary of how I think, and therefore, live. It's kind of weird, I guess, to try and sum up my psyche in one sentence. Well, I think it is. A bit. People are complex. But most of them do follow their own patterns of thought and behaviour. Maybe most people could sum up their lives that easily... Anyway, I have found if I expect the worst and hope for the best, I generally get something in the middle. Usually things turn out better than we think they will. I suppose I am cautiously more optimistic than I was when I was in my twenties.

2) What do you wish your motto was? How do you want to think, or at least be seen?

Wow, that's a difficult question.
Hmmm... Maybe, "Purity, love and honesty." ? I would like to be more gentle, loving, forgiving and pure than I am. I'm already honest. I don't want to be too brutally honest, though. People dislike those who are too honest. I would like a latin motto just for the sake of awesome. But... What about valour? I forgot. I want that too. And mercy. It's not a popular word but I am old-fashioned in some ways. The motto might be too long at this point. Maybe just ... "Courage, love and truth" Courage to be loving, which can include mercy, gentleness and forgiveness. And courage to be truthful too. Love will help soften the truth, make it less brutal. Looks like love tempers out the other two virtues there. Well, it's not that original or anything, but maybe I would like to live more that way.

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