Thursday, May 30, 2013

The Bus is GREAT. If only it were on time and more frequent, and cheaper. HA!

Every day, I clamber into the warm, crowded, steamy belly of a growly, grumbly, rickety beast to hurtle through the cold, grey, (sometimes) rainy streets. It is comforting. In hot-blooded November it is too stifling, slow, slothful. In cold-hearted June it is wonderful, winderful, winterful.
That is how I feel about the bus.

One day I hope that my dream will come true for this badly-planned city, and the bus and train service (ha what a joke, service ain't in it) will meet a proper standard, and we will have lots of busses and trains that come at least every 15 minutes (a pipe-dream, I know) and will not be so expensive (that one will never happen) and will be ON TIME.
It is the only thing in this sprawling city full of politicians who give accounts and portfolios to those who use millions of dollars and then roll out ill-prepared work that does not help anyone and they procrastinate too, (take a breath now) that I really want.
Just a little rant there.

Btw, just so everyone knows because the (current) mayor wants everyone to know, Auckland is the most liveable city.
Compared to what?
He never says.

And how the jerks who apparently 'run things' manage to year after year carefully neglect to properly upgrade the embarrassing transport system in this city is beyond me.
They spend a lot on the motorways but not on the machines which would enable more people to travel on them. The traffic jams here are awful, apparently worse than New York.
How humiliating.

And I'm not even going to mention the awful mess that went on during the World Cup. I would like to apologise to everyone who was affected by that.
It's not our fault, it's the fault of those who don't put their sleeves up and get on with the messy job of sorting this all out. They just don't want to make the effort because it will be time-consuming, frustrating and expensive, three things everyone hates.
But if they did do it, I am sure it would improve things.
Since they refuse to do much, things keep steadily degenerating.

1 comment:

Tensai said...

It's buses, I think, rather than busses. Sorry!