Sunday, May 26, 2013

Smoking a pipe is great.

Great night out with the guys.
Smoked my pipe, love that taste, that was my first time smoking a pipe.
TABACCO, ok? Not anything else.
Also Whiskey Liqueur. Very nice.
Cold Brewed Coffee as well!
All in all, great night.

Will probably not do it again but it's nice to have a night out once or twice a year.
I scarcely go out at night.

In other news, my fabulous friend got me a GBC.
I love it.
I'm playing Pokemon Blue, and it's great! I missed the music so much.
I don't actually miss the extra stuff like the running shoes or abilities or whatever.
Simple is good.
I was actually surprised to find that I can catch Caterpie on Route 2!
I've never done that before.
I always thought you could only get them in Viridian Forest and that was it!
Live and learn!

Guess I'll be playing Pokemon most of the day to recover from last night.
It's not that I over-indulged, but simply that I can't sleep if I don't go to bed by a certain time.
I got home at 3am THANKS BRO FOR THE RIDE BTW (he won't read this but whatever, the sentiment is there), and didn't sleep til 4am ish.
Woke up at 6ish, then again at 8 and couldn't sleep so here we are!

Blogging, watching anime on cruncyhroll (love Natsume Yuujinchou) and deciding if I should buy Nichijou (aka My Ordinary Life), or not.
Will probably buy it once I pay the dentist off.
Just so expensive here, over 50 dollars for each series...
Anime is my most expensive habit... I guess there are worse ones, and I don't watch hentai or ecchi stuff.
I'm clean!
Just want to get all of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (the Japanese version) on dvd and then it's like, 'Ah, I have achieved everything I ever wanted out of anime or tv shows so far...'

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