Wednesday, November 03, 2010


Well I totally read 9 volumes of Yotsubato! this week, which is by the same person who did Azumanga Daioh (Kiyohiko Azuma, possb?) and I must say I like both.
I prefer Azumanga Daioh slightly because I have seen the anime (and own it, yeah!) but Yotsuba is funny too. Oh man I love her dad and his two friends, they are great! Really immature! Fantastic! And no perverts.
I give it a 5 out of 7 ******* because I didn't really get into the feeling of it. Something wasn't quite as good... probably because he didn't draw Yotsuba properly, always making her too semi-deformed. I feel like I never saw her real face. I know it's supposed to be cute but to me it just didn't work.
Faves: Fuuka probably wins, but all of that family are great. 'Asagi was a mistake.' Best line ever, mum!
Guys: I like Jumbo best ('Gaooo!'). But Yotsuba's dad is also cool, and I love how everyone treats Yanda. Yanda himself is actually kinda funny, being more deadpan than everyone else.
At first I hated him and also Miura but they are just not as generally silly as everyone else, they try to be factual or more realistic. They are great for contrast with other characters.
Well, the only failing in this manga is the drawing style chosen for Yotsuba, and a lack of proper plot movement. But since this genre is slice 'o life, which means that not much is supposed to happen, that's probably a moot point.
Yeah, liked it a lot. Want to buy it someday. I get so sick of manga that's all fighting and fan service, although there is a bit of that for this manga. Thankfully, it's way more subtle than usual types.
Hope there's more. Vol 10 not yet out I think... yay!
Btw LOVE Strawberry Marshmallow by Barasui.
These two manga are similar but not the same.
So if you like Yotsubato! (if you don't know it, look it up) then you will probably like Strawberry Marshmallow too.
If you ever wondered why I don't really give a summary or any real character info, it's because they might be classed as spoilers, and I don't want to ruin anything for people who are still reading or want to read.
Gtg bye
Nice day outside, gonna go for a walk.

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