Thursday, October 28, 2010

Oh yeah, another review, of sorts!

Well if you want to add a Facebook badge to your blog using widgets, you should do it through Facebook, not your blog. The Facebook option makes it smaller and nicer. Found that out just now!
And that's not a South African 'just now', but a 'just now' just now!
Since I'm here, I will say I saw the 'Strong World' One Piece movie today (fan subbed yeah!). And I was appalled at the fan service overload for Nami and Robin. Disgusting. Otherwise it was ok but in fact the film was a bit dull, it was just the same old thing. I liked the animation. And I was glad to hear the voice actors... (Sanji and Zoro... AH!!!) and see Chopper. For me, One Piece is all about Tony Tony Chopper, and maybe some Zoro with a bit of Sanji on the side. Some of the comedy is amusing too. But I am sad to say that I find the fighting quite dull. All power and no proper skill. Never mind! DBZ was the same only worse, and Bleach ends up the same in the end. That's why Ranma was awesome because it was definitely about the power but also amusingly weird techniques and diff forms of martial arts. I mean, Martial Arts Cheerleading? LOL! Takahashi is a genius! And to top that off, it wasn't all guys, she let girls be strong too. Most shonen manga is unfair and makes the main girl smart but weak. At least in Naruto some of the girls are real strong!
Anyway that's enough about that.
Have a good weekend. I know it isn't the weekend yet... but have a good one all the same!

P.S Check this out. Every RPG is the same... LOL!


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