Saturday, March 26, 2011


For some reason... the art for Bakugan New Vestroia is really good. It makes me feel all comfy when I watch it. I don't even try to follow the thin dull plot or listen to the awful American dub...I just look at them and go - 'Oooh! Wonderful colours! Excellent hair and clothing design, even if clique!' This must be what Konata calls 'Moe' or my friend calls, 'Igokochi de ii'.
Sorry if I spelt anything wrong in this post. Too lazy to check spelling of some words.

And you know what else? I liked Gundam W best. My fave Gundam would be... (besides the Wing Zero) the RX-78 Gundam. I enjoyed the SD Gundam game I have played so many times. Lol so cute and fun! Nothing like mini robots beating each other up, right?

And I liked Zoids. I LIKED IT! And the game was COOL! Fun to get your collection of Zoids and upgrade them etc. I think I liked the Command Wolf best (or the Saber Fang), and the final version of Liger Zero. My fave season of Zoids was Chaotic Century. I seem to prefer feline or canine styled mecha. This is probably due to watching Voltron and Samurai Pizza Cats when I was younger. I know Voltron is actually not a bunch of lions, and that Americans mixed two diff mecha shows together but to me Voltron is lions. Sorry Japan.

And also...I liked Yugi-oh for a while until it got too confusing. The art sucked mostly though.

And one more thing! I enjoyed all the seasons of Digimon but the 3rd season was my fave (with Henry Wong and Takato and so on)! I always loved Gatomon the most with Terriermon coming a close second. Or was it Palmon...
Well there are a lot of Digimon I like. And to lay this to rest: POKEMON AND DIGIMON ARE NOT ALIKE!!!! They are far different.

Having said that, I love Pokemon. I prefer the games to the anime though. I have a couple of the manga, by diff artists. I like Mato's art best. I'm going to buy Pokemon White as soon as I can so I can get Victini. Not that I'm obsessed...T.T
Ok enough. I'm such a geek...I didn't know that I followed so many anime... and I haven't yet named all of them... I wonder if I will ever do so. :)

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