Friday, November 03, 2017

Why I don't like Ariana Grande (and she is only in this post because some of my Japanese students like her music)

I don't like her because her lyrics are boring and some don't seem to make sense.
Unlike for example, Mariah Carey or Whitney Houston's song lyrics which don't use bad grammar except in the case of natural vernacular.
Ariana herself admitted she disliked the bad grammar of one line in 'Break Free'. So even she knows her lyrics are sometimes poorly written.

I don't care whether or not she writes her own lyrics. I mean that would be good but a lot of catchy stuff is written by one person and performed by another.

I do get annoyed at her singing through her nose, it sounds boring and nasal and frankly, others have sounded better than her (and I hope there will be others after her who also do better).

She isn't particularly interesting to look at.
She doesn't have 'it', she's just another young skinny brunette.
And her album cover for Dangerous Woman, I think it was, is RIDICULOUS.
A stupid black rabbit mask. She just looks like a cross-eyed twit, frankly. There's sexy and cute, or a little scary and she is none of those things in that stupid mask.It actually looks like she is a child who has pulled a pair of underwear over her head and is looking out of the leg holes. Is she meant to look like a playboy bunny? Because yes, I want my (future) daughter to emulate that lifestyle.
Anyway most of the problems I have with her 'look' have nothing to do with her as a person, but rather with how she is being marketed as a product because these days that's the most important point, isn't it?
I guess I shouldn't be taking shots at her because it's pointless, it's the industry that is the problem, not her. So I take it back, Ariana, work hard etc go for it reach for your dreams (even if they are rather empty and vacuous like your lyrics and attempts at showing your personality) and let's hope one day the industry will stop. That's all, just stop.
Game industry stop churning out fps games which are all clones.
Music industry stop reducing down and reducing down your supposed 'singers' or 'artists' to image and nothing else.

Everything needs to change.
Getting stale.
Technology improves but ideas aren't allowed to evolve to use what we have in a new way, companies are afraid to change a formula which has been selling their product. But if they don't change soon, people will stop buying.
I hope that they do, and that it's a wake-up call to huge companies.
Small companies need to be given a chance.

Ok sorry Ariana, it wasn't you, it was me after all. Or perhaps everyone else.

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