Saturday, July 22, 2017

Unusual snack I tried in Japan - is it spaghetti? Maybe.

Went to a small festival one train stop away in a neighbouring town.
It's tiny and so was the festival but it's nice to see people having fun.

As usual they had takoyaki (octopus in ball-shaped batter), yakisoba (fried noodles) and kakigori (shave ice) and french fries aka 'chips' (which is what we call them in NZ and Eng and Aus) which are all usual festival foods.
Most festivals that I go to happen in Summer, because I hate the cold, especially wind. So that's why I don't want to say these are Summer foods, they aren't (except the shave ice) and the above picture is also food from a festival. They are deep fried spaghetti noodles covered in a a kind of flavouring. I have tried them before, they are weird but good, very crunchy and more-ish, basically you keep eating just one more. I don't know what they are called. Fried spaghetti? Anyway it's nice to eat them sometimes.

Here's a couple of links to websites that talk about noodles in Japan. There's more than Udon, Soba and Ramen out there, but I tell you right now, most Japanese people like Ramen the best. I have asked A LOT of people of different ages, just out of curiosity. I think some people prefer Ramen over rice.

Noodles in Japan

Types of spaghetti in Japan

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