Sunday, December 07, 2014

Nintendo... is it going down? Or not?

Apparently Nintendo is concerned about how it's making loss instead of profit. See this video at Game Spot here.
Yet I also see stuff online all the time like this. e.g; they have over 10 billion dollars in the bank despite losses. They can keep going for another 40 years or something. Thanks to Games Radar for that.
So are they going under, or not? If they are, can I get a Wii U cheap now then?
Maybe Nintendo wouldn't be having a loss for a third year in a row if it didn't charge so much for it's games, and if it's consoles were more affordable.
Learn from Sony. Sorry but it's true.
If they have plans for a new console for next year and are interested in the Chinese market, I say small hand-held with touchpad. The size of a cellphone.
Most ppl are crazy about games on their phones. It's way more accessible to every single age group. Maybe they should develop games for cellphones as well as a new console. Forget copying Sony, copy King. The jerks who pirated Candy Swipe and called it Candy Crush and make millions by the year. Pirate someone's cellphone app game, get the rights to it and then sue the original creators. Then make millions.

They wanna hit the so called 'middle class'. That's me, right? A grown-up woman-child who does nothing after work but read books, binge-watch cartoon dvds and play video games. And post blog entries that are uninteresting to everyone but herself. Hello internet! I am your spawn. Narcissus got nothin' on me. Yes, I had to Google how to spell Narcissus. Whatever.

I don't go in for Greek or Roman mythology because their gods are uncomfortably too much like humans with god-like powers...hmm.... like superheroes....or mutants.... Oh yeah, the Norse gods too. Forget those guys. Even though they're kinda my ancestral gods.
I think my main ancestral gods are Germanic which are apparently closely aligned with the Norse gods. Yay for Polytheism! Let's pinch some of this, some of that, and make something like a patchwork quilt as our religion! Fooling no-one. Urgh.
Still, most ppl seem to have done that at some point. I guess copycats have been annoying longer than I thought. I would be SO annoyed if someone stole my carefully crafted legends and characters and changed them a little and then made up other stuff on top. It's like pinching a person's house site, and building a different house on top of the other person's foundations.
Oh wait, did the Vikings invade Germany and force them to convert? In that case, it isn't Polytheism, it's Syncretism, right? Mix n' match, a bit of folklore interspersed with High religion, interspersed with messed-up whatever. Obey the precepts but do your own thing on the sly.

Got a bit dark there...?
ANYWAY! I finished the main quest in Omega.
So annoyed that I had to use my Master Ball on Groudon.
I was too weak and lazy to grind to get stronger, so I had to catch it after like 15 mins of reviving and carefully chipping and then he would go to sleep again and regain health and I would swear at him, and then start over and finally I was like, 'ARGH! I hate using my Master Ball but...!'

You only get ONE.... :(
I wonder if my X or Y game has a spare, I can trade items to myself right? Hmmmmm!
Good to try anyway. Off I go to do that. Yahoo! Ok not going to say yahoo again.
Unless I forget.

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