Saturday, December 07, 2013

Notes on x and y

Plot was awfully typical, and too short. I expect a better plot next time. And less extra stuff thats essentially useless, eg fashion. If it helped you in-game it would be good but most extra stuff did not matter.

Fave new gen: Espurr and evos. LOVE IT. Finally another cute cat. My all-cat dream team is almost complete.
Least fave: Probably Binacle and its evo. Creepy hand eye things, reminds me of Pan's labyrinth. Which was a horrible movie.

Weird things: why was that story abt the guy who lived for like 3000 yrs even in the plot? Why do you get some parade at the end? Why arent ur friends more useful? And wheres ur dad? He isnt even mentioned, which I was hoping tjey would give ur character a father. If ur mum races rhyhorns, we shd get to see a race at least. Also if theres supposed to be only one mega ring how come ur rival gets one later? Also if ur strong u can beat mega evos anyway so why are they supposed to be great?

Review: music was not that good. Berry thing not bad. But actually cross breeding berries should be optional. Im hoping that we can buy or win berries on gl link soon. Battle chateau too easy. Elite four and champ were too easy and also kinda dumb. Esp Diantha. She was just so boring... Probably because you never get to actually see any of her movies. Or even a short trailer. Loved Pokemon-Amie, but it wasn't enough to rescue the game. Plot was dull and too short, it also barely made sense at certain points. Not much about legends.

Overall: 6 out of 10.
Worst Pokemon game ever. If not for espurr and fletchling, and some of the fairy types, it would have only been a 5. I always felt annoyed that clefairy and jigglypuff were 'normal' types. They seemed like more than that.The special training is a pain as well.

I was slightly impressed by the new 3d style. But once I got over that (after like a week), I realised how it was like putting a glaze on a plain stale bun. Its still stale underneath.

I think I need more plot. If theres a fuller longer plot, its better all round. Why do we have to pay so much money for stuff and why are those cafe seats so expensive just so I get to see only one or two pokemon at once to fill my dex? Never gonna happen...

AND WHY NO MEGA STONE FOR AGGRON IN X?????? Thats my fave pokemon damn it. If I buy Y, it would only be out of irritation or boredom. Not for that megastone.
Speaking of stones, dont let us buy them if you only make 3 available! Its stupid! What kind of shop only sells three things? Why are there so many displays then? Its stupid!

Also hardly anything to do after the game. And why give us medals in the global link? We cant use them so far, or even pick a favourite... They need to step up the pkmn global link and pkmn bank quickly! Also I already clocked the game and could have done so within a week despite work commitments. So if it was that easy even for me, why are they trying to sell us game guides now? Too late, guys. All in all, disappointing. Please give us Ruby and Sapphire back!!!!

1 comment:

Tensai said...

Ugh I hate being disappointed in these guys! I am so sad that I feel this way but frankly, they should do better! Sorry guys. I'm sorry. I hate saying it but no, that is just IT. If they bring out a new one, I actually might not buy it...