Friday, April 26, 2013

One thing that is confusing...

One thing:
In GinTama which I love, they always call Gintoki 'natural perm-head' or whatever. But Sakamoto has curlier hair than that, and always did. I wonder why nobody calls him natural perm as well...
Also, in Pokemon, they're not supposed to die, yet several characters reference a Pokemon they used to have that died. It's confusing. And no, I don't mean flippin' Blue's flippin' Raticate. It's probably not dead for goodness' sake. What do you think the PC is for???????????? How many Pokemon that you have do you store on the PC? Use your brains, people.
Also, why do they keep making movies about Superman when he sucks. How much money and time will be wasted before everyone admits it... And Spiderman is annoying. But he's better than Superman. Also, Wolverine should not ever have been played by Hugh Jackman. He's too small! No offence, H.J.
One more thing that doesn't make sense. Ah, I forgot. But it was the most confusing one of all. When I remember, I will post it.

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