Saturday, November 05, 2011

Sket Dance

I have watched almost 32 eps of SKET Dance and I can honestly say I love it.
I found it by accident watching GinTama (which I have a love-hate relationship with) and saw a cross-over ep.
So then I watched all of SKET Dance that is available online in good quality.

I like it, but Switch's backstory is... really messed up.
It's similar to a story from the (self-same titled) manga, with a sibling love triangley thing - never mind, that won't exactly spoil the plot for you, so don't worry.

Let's just say I actually like all of the SKET-dan team members. Since there's only 3, it's easy.
Anyway I like Switch best I think. Otaku are awesome. Cute ones are, anyway.
I just wonder, if you take away an otaku's obsession, what is left over? I have worried about this because I have things I get really obsessed over, and I used to worry that I couldn't stop being obsessed because if I did...(take a breath, that was a long sentence!), then without my obsession, what would remain of me? ANd did I spell obsessed correctly?
I existed and enjoyed life before I discovered manga and anime. But... then it would just be reading. Mostly fiction. Then after that, what? I like to draw and write. But if I take that away, then what?
So I used to get upset and feel bad for defining myself by these things. I couldn't let them go and change because I was afraid if I let them go, there would be nothing left of me.
But I am learning that they are my hobbies but they don't really shape my character. So it's ok.
One day I may even stop watching anime and reading manga.
I'm already very select and kinda scathing about quality and so on, so I guess eventually I will grow tired of everything. Haha!
But for now, I like SKET Dance. Check it out sometime!
I think I like the anime best because I saw it first. But I might try and finish the manga as well.
One thing that makes SKET good is the genre-savvy attitude they have, which, I will admit is more the rule than the exception these days. Soon that itself will become a clique, if it isn't already. A lot of manga and anime break the fourth wall now.
But the question is, how long will that be funny? :)
For now, it still is. I like it.

Well I better go watch Pokemon season 1 I guess.
Gotta watch it before I give it to my friend. XD
I love you guys... even Brock aka Takeshi who is really Captain Obvious almost from day one and I tell you now, that hasn't changed, even in the Diamond seasons. Hahaha!
Btw for some reason I can't post my entries on this laptop so I will have to save this and post it later... even my 150th post had to be saved! T.T So sad.

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