Saturday, August 31, 2013

Wow RWBY love it

Ok lots of things to say;
Firstly loving Monty Oum's monster-slaying academy series RWBY which is on the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel.
Look up RWBY there are aprox 6 episodes at least, and look up the full trailers of each main character, there are 4.
The episodes are short but eventful so watch and enjoy!
I love it already.
As usual, my fave characters are the teachers so far and maybe the big sister.
I tend to prefer characters who aren't main characters for some reason...
Pretty sure I'm not the only one though.
Love the music and stuff, am hoping that the girl with black hair is in fact a member of the White Fang with maybe animal powers or something, I am hoping to see more of what she can do.
She's the most mysterious one in terms of ability being revealed by the trailer.
I do like the main character, she is quite endearing.
Watch the first ep here.
It's soo good and I love the theme song (which is at the end of ep 1).

Uh anyway, ok so I just wanted to mention two things in case someone else reads this and is like, 'Hey, yeah!'
Firstly, I was playing Platinum the other day and the male Team Galactic grunt looks a LOT like the Ace Trainer in BnW. Changed his clothes but otherwise awfully similar.
It's not a big deal but it's kinda like, 'Hmmm... I wonder why?'
Maybe they liked the hairstyle and colour and wanted to use it again.
Yes Nintendo, we noticed.
Secondly, notice how in BnW Cheren wears glasses but in B2nW2, Bianca is wearing glasses all of a sudden and Cheren is NOT? Did she steal his glasses? I wonder... Anyway, they both look sweet with glasses so who cares, I just noticed it was interesting.

I didn't know that if I wanted the three shiny legends from DP and P for my BnW games, I have to pre-order X or Y.
I did it of course.
I wanted them shinies! And Pkmn X.
But I'm annoyed because that is not stated clearly anywhere.
Even the flyer you get at Jb HiFi is a bit ambiguous.
It has a little thing at the bottom saying to pre-order, but it doesn't say that getting the shinies is conditional upon pre-order, WHICH SUCKS!
What if some kid can't get their parents to pre-order X or Y?
No shinies for them!
UNFAIR, NINTENDO, or Game Freak or WHOEVER!!!!!
Way to alienate and frustrate your customers.
And don't bother posting to tell me where it says all this junk.
If they want this to be known, they need to spell it out very clearly from the get-go, so that everyone knows it and nobody can say it is ambiguous, which I am now stating that it IS ambiguous.
Just hoping this isn't a thing that only Jb HiFi in NZ is doing, to force more ppl to pre-order games... if they are, then my apologies to Nintendo and the rest.
Ok let's end this on a happy note.

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