Thursday, August 25, 2011

The end of the world. See you there!

The end of the world and judgement day and so on, well, I suppose you can choose not to believe in it.
I believe because it seems to me that all the things we have learned and achieved would be for nothing if there was not a great conclusion.

I want a tombstone that says, 'See you later.'
If it was 'See you soon', that's kinda scary in a black comedy kinda way, although true if you consider that it would mean, 'everyone dies.'
Anyway, I hope that judgement day happens and that we can all see each other again.

If I choose not to believe, it doesn't matter if that thing I have chosen not to believe in, exists outside of my belief. Which I like to think that God does. Of course I can't prove it empirically. But my not-being-dead is a type of proof.
If God existed only in our minds...
If He only existed within the human mind. Well, He wouldn't be very great at all.
And He'd be a series of impossible contradictions because everyone would want to make Him differently.

I don't need to give Him capitals. But it is kinda respectful.
Maybe it's too much. I don't think he cares either way.

It seems that God does appear to be a series of contradictions at first.
But then I really thought hard about the difference between the God of the Old Testament, and the God of the New Testament. And it hit me.
God changed his approach.
That is all.
If you look at the cultures, expectations and beliefs of people at the time of writing the Scriptures, they had changed.
And so God was careful to approach people in a way that they would understand.
It sorta worked. Over 2000 years of belief.

I wonder if there were a third testament, what would it be like?
If you look at world history since 2000 something years ago, you can sorta see how the third testament would look. It's fascinating.

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