Monday, February 21, 2011

DM freakn L!

Argh I hate my life, everythingshdjustdie. Whydoihavetomakeawholenewresumeforthatstupidjobwebsiteanyway?
And also...well, that was it really. Looking for work is harder than having work.
I think I should get a medal, a MEDAL! For all of this. Myanxietylevelsarehigherthannormalppls,saysmypsyche. Thank you. I agree.
And yeah I said everything shdjustdie, because anyone who says, 'Life is hard, I want to die,' is a coward! If you think of dying to escape everything, you should stay alive and suffer more, as punishment for your laziness. Yes, yes, I must be a masochist. You need to know who is at fault. That's why you should blame everyone else and say 'I wish they never existed' instead of saying it about yourself.

In fact, I wish I were a life coach. I know more about life than half the idiots I meet (actually I don't really meet them).
I would really enjoy waking up people who never get anything done. Since I never really got anywhere in life yet, I might be able to help other people actually do something.
This world needs a cynical snarker like me. I'm not deadpan though. I really identify well with Hasegawa Ossan, from Gintama. He and I are the same except for a few key details. Ok, we are not much alike at all. He is more successful than me... so sad... Perhaps if he met me he could cheer up.

Yesterday, the bus driver thought I was a student. I am now 30 years old. He said I was 'beautiful girl'. I hear that a lot from OLD MEN! Usually not men from my culture either. Foreign men from Asia or the Pacific Islands or Africa. Which would be fine if they weren't scary. Which they usually are. Sorry, scary men. I don't mind older men, but none of you are cute enough. I only ever crush on guys who aren't interested or aren't good for me. I never fell in love. Is that bad?

Well, there isn't much I can do about it. My type is obviously the type that gets a man later in life or whatever. I am short and a bit fat. So maybe I am the motherly type who is the type men want to keep, even if they cheat on her, with younger hotter girls. In the end they come crawling back. Well... let's save time and just not bother. I don't want to waste my life looking for love. There are more women than men in the world so obviously some women have to miss out.
I am so going to go and drink my green tea now and think about how life is like climbing a mountain backward. Every time you turn your head to see where to go, there's a fog or you hurt your neck. Just don't bother.
So there ya go. Happy new year post.

Hmmm... I will probably regret posting this outburst and vicious waste of text, and delete it later. Or I may find it amusing and keep it forever (Internet version of forever, which is aprox 3 or so years).

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