Sunday, January 22, 2017

Inspiring people

Inspiration. Who inspires me?
Nobody in particular.
Just any person who did some work and lived their life respecting others.
An ordinary person. They are the only people who keep me going.
The lady in the queue who is polite even if someone pushes her.
The guy in the shop who maintains his professional attitude even if I thoughtlessly snap at him.
These people make me pause and think, "I need to be more like you. I'm going to try harder, going to let go of my stress and start again."
Real people that we meet every day are more important than flashy, fake people.

I am so tired of actors, singers, 'personalities' who actually lack true personality being pushed at me on social media and tv and on the radio, in movies, as someone to look up to.
I don't mind watching them, but I don't admire them.
They are fake and very fickle.
I hate that. It makes me sick.

I'm not going to apologise for that either.
Because I am on the Autism Spectrum.
It's not an excuse to be rude.
But it means (in this context) that I can never be 'perfect', like these flashy people are supposed to inspire us to be. I can't ever "reach for the stars" like a Neuro-Typical can.
I will never be like them.
Because my brain developed differently a long time ago.
So the pressure is off, I suppose.
Well, the truth is; theres a lot of pressure to stay as 'normal ' as possible, like a disguise.
But I see good people around me, genuine people who inspire me, every day.
They are worth looking up to.
It makes me happy to say this.

Thank you.

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