Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Television is really bad lately

Hate reality shows about cooking, houses, tribes on islands, hate dramas and soap operas, hate shows about cops or border patrols. New Zealand television is awful. Our shows are either badly acted with the same actors on every show, or boring. Television sucks. Wanted to see two shows this year, really interested. One got boring and gruesome immediately, the other just wasn't what I wanted it to be. Disillusionment is part of television, I suppose. Anyway, now I buy dvds. I hardly watch tv at all. Some of the random tv shows about gardening are actually more interesting and informative than anything else, and I don't even have a garden! How many years did it take for tv to vastly decline in quality? Not many. Less than 100 years. Ironically, image quality is better than ever. It's just content which sucks.

1 comment:

Tensai said...

That's why we play video and computer games. :) The one bright spark. Better use for my TV anyway.