Thursday, October 06, 2011

My fave teas

My favourite teas:
I like black because I like Earl Grey (of any kind or brand) and black rose vanilla tea.
I love milk tea... thank you Taiwan. I love you.
I like oolong because it is a bit stronger than green but not as strong as black.
I like green, especially genmaicha.
And jasmine green is nice too.
I want to try green rose...
And I like rooibos. But not as much as I used to.
I was nuts about it for a while. I think I overdid it a bit.

White... I think I would like a very good quality white. But I think I have only had poor quality whites so they are very bland. So not a major fan of white tea.

Don't think I've had yellow tea before.
Apparently the scale goes from lighter to stronger teas; white (lightest), yellow, green, oolong, black (strongest). Not sure where puerh fits in. Maybe after black.
Puerh is good but it might be a bit too strong for me I think.
Some oolong and black gives me a headache.

As for blends or types, eg; Assam, Darjeeling, Chun Mee etc, not sure.
I know that smoky teas like Russian Caravan ... I don't like for every day.
It's nice but the one I had was not the best quality I think. Or maybe it was but it was just too strong for me.

Not sure...
I know I prefer full leaf to broken. It's kinda a smoother taste, like it steeps slower and it tastes better. You can get more drinks too, like refill at least once.

I don't know a LOT about tea yet, but I hope to learn more so that I will understand what I like and why.
I suppose some people are like this about cheese, coffee, wine or beer. Or liquor of any kind.
It is kinda a snob thing but in my case, it isn't about showing off, I don't have anyone to show off to. It's more about learning, and appreciating tea. They know a lot more about tea in Asia, and probably other parts of the world than we do in the West. I want to know more.
Anyway, I won't expect other people to care. I know that much! Haha, people won't be like, 'Oh, you like Kerala Estate? (not a real name) Oh, how quaint of you...'
Time to go have my dinner.
Btw yes I WAS one of the first to go to the new part of the English PGL (Pokemon Global Link) and yep, I got me some new Pokemon whahoooo!!!!
Gonna keep at it.
Not gonna be jealous of the Japanese Dream World players and all the myriad of cool stuff that we poor suckers will never have access to...*cries quietly*
Must cope... with loss....

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