Saturday, April 25, 2015

Different games, different feelings.

I will admit it, I am picky.
There are certain Pokemon I have not liked from when they were first revealed.
To list some, Loudred, Grovyle, Wigglytuff, Bidoof, Sunflora, Spinda (to name but a few).
Since playing the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games, I have warmed to them.
Turns out they just needed a bit of backstory or cute dialogue and I realised how great they were. Clever Nintendo!
Very clever.
Well-played, one might even say.
I just wish they wouldn't keep typecasting Dark, Ghost and Poison types as villains.
They keep saying there are no bad Pokemon, but then they also keep making certain types bad guys all the time.
Make a villainous Skitty or something.
*So cute... A scheming Skitty... Rubbing it's paws together and laughing in an evil squeak...*
I would love that...

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