Thursday, March 19, 2015

Maybe, maybe not.

Year 34 - the year of change...
Also, they want to charge people GST for internet purchases but I don't think that will make any real difference in the long run except to give our greedy government more money that they don't need or deserve.
Those jerk politicians get paid tonnes more than they need, and most of them have jobs on the side and take kickbacks for endorsing stuff too. They get free cars and plane trips too, and guess who pays for that? Taxpayers when they already have enough money (again from taxpayers) to pay for their own damn cars, business meals ('expenses') and coffees and plane trips. Those Plastic Bags (this is a useful insult I have decided to use for useless, shallow people). If we got all their extra money for one year and put it in the national budget, we could do so much more for this country. SCHOOLS! We could open more instead of closing them down! Hospitals! They could buy new equipment! Maybe healthcare and cleaning staff could get paid a proper amount instead of the bare minimum!
I guess I am finally an adult.
I care about stuff but feel like it's impossible to do anything about it, so I stress out at work and blog pointless rage posts.

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