Tuesday, September 02, 2014

Ok what? Pokemon absentee parents

Why in every Pokemon game is the main character's dad not around? Except in the best gen ever, obviously. Yay November hurry up and get here!
Anyway, childhood rejection stories aside, I'm playing Y after the main game is finished. My character's mum says, "wow, I saw the parade on the tv! The prof really went all out making ppl come along!"
1) why were YOU not there in person, MOTHER?
2) if Sycamore went all out getting ppl to come, why was my MOTHER who is apparently a famous rhyhorn rider in her own right as well as being my mum, not invited to this important event?
It's too dumb to live. This game. Articulation waning... Game haz making the dum.
Oh dear.
Obviously I love it anyway.

Also on a non-Pokemon related note, I heard Wolverine is dead or something. Is that right?
That sucks! Although if they killed Batman (permanently) I would cry. Probably. Haven't they killed Spiderman and Superman and other ones as well before? It's confusing.

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