Thursday, May 26, 2016

More about tea in Japan

I must say, Genmaicha is particularly good with rice crackers. But not sweet ones. Frankly, sweet rice crackers are an abomination, to my mind. I like the rice crackers which are shoyu (soy sauce) flavour. Or the ones baked in part with wheat flour which contain black sesame seeds in abundance. I do like a lot of the food here in Hokkaido despite the marked weather difference and much less lush greenery. Tokyo in Spring is very different to my little town in the south of Hokkaido. I still prefer it here. But back to tea. I really do think Genmaicha (green tea with toasted brown rice) is my favourite tea, more so than any other tea most of the time. I love black tea with milk but it has one disadvantage, for me. When it goes cold, it isn't as nice. I drink it and it's ok. But Genmaicha and most green or black teas without milk or sugar, are equally good despite temperature. Hot or warm or cool or cold, doesn't matter. Always delicious.

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