Saturday, August 22, 2015

Life in Japan so far

Not bad. Decent country town, cheap spacious house, the water tastes different. So does milk and oddly enough, tomatoes and pumpkins. A cuppa here is not the same for the aforementioned reasons, so might put my love for tea with milk on hold soon. Green tea is obviously fine. I was going to make a blog about my time here but frankly, I can't be bothered. I've had a helluva lot to adjust to in this last busy month and it's all a bit of a blur, really. Our assistant has been absolutely invaluable and has been particularly instrumental in helping me with everyday life in Hokkaido. Thank you so much, Komori san, I will shower you with gifts and praise whenever I can. You are a legend and deserve a medal for your patience. I think that will do for now. 

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