Monday, December 01, 2014

Here goes... My top ten fave Gym leaders!

Ok, whoooo. Here goes.
I often would come up against a Gym leader and really like their character design for appearance, dialogue and maybe how they designed their gym too.
About 3/4 of the leaders were pushovers.
But there was always one at least per game that I found surprisingly tough.
However that's not why I'm rating them. Appearance mostly.

My Top Ten Faves!

1) I do not know why but ever since I saw Falkner, I was like, this kid is COOL. I always liked him the most. Strange how a character's design sticks in the mind.

2) I have always liked Erika's design. Don't like her name though. Never mind. A minor issue.

3) Ok to cheat, I am counting Koga and Janine together, because he ended up becoming Elite so he sorta doesn't count, yet he also does. They are both great. Because they are father and daughter, I'm counting them as one to give me more space on my list.

4) Roxanne. Super cute!

5) Jasmine. So cute! And Steel type too. I was surprised. I suppose I shouldn't have been. Can't ever tell what kind of Pokemon a trainer would like.

6) Roark. Awesome person. Do not know why I think so. Probably personality.

7) Volkner. Stupid hair, nice guy. Don't know why I like him either, just made a good impression.

8) Lenora. Not just 'cause she's black. But she was such a cool character, a scholar and archeologist and a gym leader. And tall.

9) A toss-up between Ramos and Korrina. I think in the end, Ramos wins because of his awesome scissor-styled sheers he uses to walk with like a cane (and presumably prunes plants and grass type Pokemon).

10) Another toss-up, between Flannery and Winona. I think Flannery wins, because she is more down-to-earth (sorry about the flying related pun there...).

Honorable mention to my fave crush, Cheren... cute, earnest boy, very cute earnest young man and kinda useless gym leader. But like I said... cuuuttteeeeee.... whether with glasses or without.
I love you Cheren...
Oh also, I like all the old man gym leaders, Blaine, Pryce etc, but there are no old lady gym leaders. Not with white hair, anyway. Strange!!!!
Yet there are two old white-haired lady Elite Four members, and only one old man.
Does this mean old ladies are more likely to be better at battling?
Shall we start a gender flame war? Let's not.
Because if you count 'em, there's more male Elite Four than there are female.
Sooo yes, let's gloss that one over.

Gym Leaders I hated particularly? (design or personality-wise)

Burgh ('I'm an artist! I love bugs! I dress terribly! blah blah blah')
WALLACE (I hate you, Wallace. I wish I knew why.)
Fantina (her hair...urgh. her accent... urgh! stereotype!)
Brycen is annoying for some reason.
And Valerie's eyes creep me out. She has eyes unlike ANY other person in Kalos. She looks like an alien. Weird! Yuck. Get away from me now.

Ok that's that.
I feel good about this ranty favourite session. Jolly good.
Time for bed, I think.

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