Saturday, November 22, 2014

Pokemon stuff, post number one hundred and somethin', probly...

Ok firstly, I forgot how annoyingly stupid Cilan, Chilli and Cress' logic can be in BW2.
I just went through my W2 game. I never fully finished it because I got bored.
I clocked the main game then that's it. I got W2 first, and played everything to the max in that.
But I enjoyed the sequel story a lot so that's why I got B2.

Anyway, man they are DUMB! They gave their signature Pokemon away to the childcare centre!?
I can't believe it, after all their blab about wanting to get stronger, they got rid of their main Pokemon. Well, ok perhaps the baby elemental monkeys aren't their main Pokemon but they are kinda part of their image! Anyway it is so annoyingly dumb. Don't train your Pokemon, give them away! Duhhh.
I had forgotten that, and then I felt sad because Lenora quit being a gym leader too.
I mean it is nice that Cheren got to do it but he moved away from his family and everything and the way he talked in the first games; I thought he was going to become a researcher or something really different. But instead he becomes your first gym leader, and stays weak. I dunno.
Just kinda sad how things turned out in some ways.

I bought Omega Ruby. I like it so far but I miss the old style. It's sad but I don't like the new look. It was ok for Kalos because everything was new all at once. But in Ruby it's weird. Esp the main characters, their eyes are creepy, too big and starey. And the girl character runs like a duck. I wish I chose the boy one. Orlando lol. Nice name. At least now you can clearly see he's wearing a hat.
I MISS THE OLD GAMESSSSS. I'll get over it. I will.
I know I will.
I'm just feeling a bit sad about how I never got my hands on a genuine cartridge of Ruby or Sapphire.
I have a bootleg of Emerald (which my friend bought me, thinking it real...) and the Japanese version of Ruby (legit copy) but obviously it's not the same because I can barely understand what they are all saying. I can read it though, which is kinda fun. And I have to dictionary or google a lot of stuff but it's still cool.

Anyway, I have fun sneaking up on the Pokemon, and trying to find ones with special Abilities or moves. TBH, I haven't even beaten Roxanne yet, haha. Too much fun. Skitty...*sigh* cute... I used to work hard to catch one but never used it much because it's not a bad Pokemon but there are so many better ones later in the game. Practicality wins over cuteness. Also it's laziness too. It's harder to train a weak Pokemon.
That's why most people go for the tough ones. Saves time and effort. And even when you're level 100, you still need a stat edge for type disadvantages. I think that in Omega Ruby, I will make an effort and try to train up a Skitty to be level 100 and make it TOUGH. Yeahhh booooiiiii tuff skittay. 

1 comment:

Tensai said...

Tuff Skittay. Lol