Monday, January 20, 2014

FREE! Iwatobi Swim Club... :)

Guilty of watching Free! Iwatobi Swim Club.
And liking it.
At least, I only watched ep 1.
It wasn't as gay or sexist as everyone says.

I hardly noticed their bodies at all, it was just kinda funny and the characters are quite likeable.
Except the rival guy, Rin. As usual, the rival is annoying.
Blue guy (aka Haruka, aka main character) is funny but predictable.
I liked his best friend the most, Makoto. In fact, Makoto is so obviously manipulative that it's funny.
If it was someone more intelligent, his comments wouldn't work at all.
Lucky for Mako-chan, Haru-chan is dumb.
Nagisa was kinda annoying but useful to keep the plot going. Also, you have to have a cute one.
They do act a bit girly but not as much in the actual show as in the promo videos. So I went in preparing to cringe and instead I was kinda like, 'Oh well, it's not bad, actually.'
You can watch for free some of the eps at crunchy roll.
I use crunchy roll a lot for anime just because its more reliable than many fan websites.
No, I did not get asked to say that.
I'm just telling you in case you are like me and get annoyed at anime streaming not working on random sites.

Go watch FREE! Iwatobi Swim Club (and GinTama, and SKET Dance).

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