Saturday, December 14, 2013
French is better than English when it comes to using one word or phrase to describe certain things...
A l’ouest - If you translate this literally it means "in the west" but no, it's not a phrase you'll hear on a TV weather forecast. "A l'ouest" is usually reserved for describing someone a little strange or different, or who thinks outside of the box. It might also be used to describe someone daydreaming. Perhaps the nearest English expression would be "on another planet."
"Chanter en yaourt/yaourter" - Literally “to yoghurt,” this expression is used for someone trying to sing in a foreign language and getting the words wrong or filling in the words with tra-la-la sounds and the like. Nice to know that when we sang “soggy semolina” for “sonnez les matines” during Frères Jacques at school, the French had the perfect word for us!
"Dépaysement" - This one often crops up in lists of the world’s best untranslatable words. It describes the feeling of disorientation and bewilderment one might feel upon being in a totally foreign environment, for example, how a European might feel in the middle of Japan. It doesn’t only apply to physically moving either, it could also be to used to describe a change of mental state or feelings as a result of any major life event.
"L’appel du vide" - Literally translated this means “the call of the void,” but it’s a term used to describe the sudden inexplicable impulse to jump when in a high place or standing on a high ledge.
Flâner - The most Parisian of all French words; “flâner” was defined in the 19th century by the literary crowd of Paris as the art of leisurely strolling the streets of Paris, without any particular goal or destination, simply for the pleasure of soaking up the beauty of the city. These aimless Paris pedestrians are also known as “flâneurs.”
(My note: is it only for Paris? Because I wander around my city in love with it all the time.)
"L’ésprit d’escalier" - Ever had an argument and come up with the perfect witty comeback just a few hours too late? Then this expression is for you. L’esprit d’escalier is the feeling of finding the perfect retort too late, but literally translated it means, “staircase wit.” 18th century French philosopher Diderot coined the phrase because he found that it was only by walking away from the argument, literally down the stairs, that he could he think of a suitable riposte.
Thanks to 'the local' for this!
Here's the link
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Pokemon which should not exist. As in, they are useless for one reason or another, or they are badly designed.
IMHO of course.
But let's say this: if I had the chance, I would get rid of these Pokemon forever; make it so they never existed. Or! Change how you can get them.
Btw some of them are Pokemon that I like/have used/think are cute.
Most are not, and most are weak/useless anyway.
They are actually not necessary, the vast type representatives are such that now we could actually do away with some and not miss them.
There's at least ONE good Pokemon from each type by now, right?
Some of these will not surprise you. Some might.
I suppose I will have to give my reasoning... so I will then.
My main idea is that Pokemon should not appear like humans. It's creepy and weird.
Also, that they should not be made from inanimate objects, it's ok if they appear to be similar to inanimate objects but not that they BE inanimate objects that came alive.
I'm not a follower of Shinto, or Animism, etc. It doesn't make sense, or we'd have umbrellas and books etc coming alive all the time. Has that ever happened to me, no matter how fond I am of a book or my fave umbrella etc? NEVERRRRR.
My point is also that rules need to be followed.
There needs to be explanations of how certain Pokemon existed, and those rules should be able to be followed. For example, Honedge and it's evos. I grant that they explain how it came into being.
(If anyone dares to grab its hilt, it wraps a blue cloth around that person's arm and drains that person's life energy completely.
Apparently this Pokémon is born when a departed spirit inhabits a sword. It attaches itself to people and drinks their life force.) |
It's based off the Animistic belief that objects can come alive if a spirit inhabits them. You can't attach Animistic belief to an object or in this case, Pokemon, then make it common and easy to catch in the regular way. It shouldn't be that easy because Honedge etc are not usual Pokemon, their back story is special. All the Ghost types, btw are on my list simply because ghosts are not mortal. They are spirit beings, and so usual rules shouldn't apply to them. They should only be able to be caught by special spirit pokeballs or something, because it doesn't make sense that mortal Pokemon rules apply to catching them. |
Anyway one more thing: Robot Pokemon.
If they are robots like Magnemite etc, you should be able to make or purchase them, they shouldn't be in the wild. They shouldn't be able to breed, either.
Anyway enough of that, it's just an explanation of why I think some of these Pokemon shouldn't be Pokemon. At least not as they are.
Starting from Gen 1 and going to Gen 6.
Machop and it's evos. Creepy grey ppl. Sorry guys, ur out.
Magnemite and evos. Keep em but diff scenario. They aren't wild animals. They're robots!
Grimer and Muk. Get rid of em. Poor design. Not useful. Plenty of Poison types. Weak idea, 'made from toxic waste' that came alive. Nonsense. At least say that they are like, mutated slugs or something.
Gastly etc, you know my opinion on ghosts. Ghosts aren't mortal. Situation should be different, catch them with special spirit pokeballs and they should be RARE. All ghosts should be RAREEEEE. At least most ghost types are restricted to certain areas only.
Drowzee and Hypno... not sure. A bit humanish looking but ...... yeah, get rid of 'em. Abra and co will do for Psychics.
Voltorb and co? Goodbye. Poor design, not needed anyway.
Hitmonlee and Hitmonchan etc? Get rid of 'em. Too humanish. Actually, Hitmonlee is ok. Get rid of Hitmonchan only. Hitmontop is... ok I guess...
Lickitung...weird but not human enough to be disqualified. Ok, you can stay.
Get rid of Mr Mime, and Jynx. And their evos and pre-evos or whatever order it goes in. WEIRD LOOKING. SCARY. Not needed. Esp Mr Mime! WHAT IS THAT THING?
Now they treat Porygon the way they should! They make it clear what it is and such, and it's hard to get, most of the time, which is how it should be! So it can stay.
Fossil Pokemon... yep they can stay. It's not really possible to revive fossils YET! But maybe one day. And also they don't look like humans or robots, and most of their designs are good.
Ok that's Gen 1. I think I will do these in separate posts for each Gen.
It's easier...
Yay ttyl!
BTW I KNOW it's just a game, and 'get over it' but I just suddenly started thinking about it.
So I'm blogging it! If you don't like it, don't read. :)
I'm not going to like, mail Game Freak or anything, I love Pokemon to bits.
Ok disclaimer is finished now.
Saturday, December 07, 2013
Positive Thinking is not good on it's own. Esp not if it's forced.
So this seems a little anti-American but I don't think it's racist, it's more about what America can be like, but there are other countries which fall into the same trap too. The woman narrating is American too, btw.
I found her ideas toward the end of the clip to be very interesting.
Funnily enough, I have met several Americans from all over and they were all very positive people.
One American guy told me that if I wanted to be liked, I had to be more cheerful.
At first I was a little offended because I'm not that morose, but compared to him, I was quite gloomy or perhaps more reserved.
Then I realised he was applying American values to me.
I'm not American.
So of course my culture is quite different.
I felt sorry for him, because he didn't realise that not everyone has to be super positive and cheerful all the time. He also didn't realise that he was trying to tell me to change myself to please others. Shallow!
I'm real, if I'm sad, I don't hide it.
If I'm happy, I don't hide it.
:) I feel quite happy right now, actually.
Anyway, if they want to be fake, that's their choice.
I'm real. That's me.
Some people in my country try to be happy all the time too, but most people are more neutral.
Over here, being positive gets you false friends but not much else.
What good is that?
Well, gtg ttyl :D
UK Parliament is told Christianity is ‘most persecuted religion’
Does not surprise me. It's often on the news about the situations in Egypt and Syria atm.
I know a lot of ppl in Africa and China get in trouble for being Christian.
So sad, people can't be allowed to hold a belief that tells them to love others and live good lives, without persecution.
Notes on x and y
Plot was awfully typical, and too short. I expect a better plot next time. And less extra stuff thats essentially useless, eg fashion. If it helped you in-game it would be good but most extra stuff did not matter.
Fave new gen: Espurr and evos. LOVE IT. Finally another cute cat. My all-cat dream team is almost complete.
Least fave: Probably Binacle and its evo. Creepy hand eye things, reminds me of Pan's labyrinth. Which was a horrible movie.
Weird things: why was that story abt the guy who lived for like 3000 yrs even in the plot? Why do you get some parade at the end? Why arent ur friends more useful? And wheres ur dad? He isnt even mentioned, which I was hoping tjey would give ur character a father. If ur mum races rhyhorns, we shd get to see a race at least. Also if theres supposed to be only one mega ring how come ur rival gets one later? Also if ur strong u can beat mega evos anyway so why are they supposed to be great?
Review: music was not that good. Berry thing not bad. But actually cross breeding berries should be optional. Im hoping that we can buy or win berries on gl link soon. Battle chateau too easy. Elite four and champ were too easy and also kinda dumb. Esp Diantha. She was just so boring... Probably because you never get to actually see any of her movies. Or even a short trailer. Loved Pokemon-Amie, but it wasn't enough to rescue the game. Plot was dull and too short, it also barely made sense at certain points. Not much about legends.
Overall: 6 out of 10.
Worst Pokemon game ever. If not for espurr and fletchling, and some of the fairy types, it would have only been a 5. I always felt annoyed that clefairy and jigglypuff were 'normal' types. They seemed like more than that.The special training is a pain as well.
I was slightly impressed by the new 3d style. But once I got over that (after like a week), I realised how it was like putting a glaze on a plain stale bun. Its still stale underneath.
I think I need more plot. If theres a fuller longer plot, its better all round. Why do we have to pay so much money for stuff and why are those cafe seats so expensive just so I get to see only one or two pokemon at once to fill my dex? Never gonna happen...
AND WHY NO MEGA STONE FOR AGGRON IN X?????? Thats my fave pokemon damn it. If I buy Y, it would only be out of irritation or boredom. Not for that megastone.
Speaking of stones, dont let us buy them if you only make 3 available! Its stupid! What kind of shop only sells three things? Why are there so many displays then? Its stupid!
Also hardly anything to do after the game. And why give us medals in the global link? We cant use them so far, or even pick a favourite... They need to step up the pkmn global link and pkmn bank quickly! Also I already clocked the game and could have done so within a week despite work commitments. So if it was that easy even for me, why are they trying to sell us game guides now? Too late, guys. All in all, disappointing. Please give us Ruby and Sapphire back!!!!
Sunday, December 01, 2013
Just wanted to say something I noticed and then noticed and then noticed and kept forgetting to mention.
I know I talk about Pokemon a LOT.
It's the game I have been consistently playing since it came out.
I play/have played a lot of games.
I loved playing Doom and Doom 2, for example, and Wolfenstein as well.
I have played Halo and Quake and Tekken, and Street Fighter and GTA (several) and lots of Finbal Fantasy games as well as other RPGs and JRPGs etc etc blah blah blah.
Also I loved Mortal Kombat. SO GREAT!
And Jazz Jackrabbit is an unsung hero, imho. So is Commander Keen.
ANYWAY - I've mentioned games before, I think.
Man, Streets of Rage was so addictive... look it up. It's awesome.
Sorry... I digressed once again...
I have played a lot of games. Some which others may have liked, I found dull.
I want a game that is not just boring crap or has just copied previous games.
If they do it better but add a twist to make the game unique (which is so HARD these days, I will admit that!), then yep, I'll give it a go.
PC, DS, Wii, PStation, Xbox etcetc yeah yeah yeah.
I've tried em, all. Owned most of em.
Pokemon stuck with me. I think it's because I like the little extra stuff like the NPC dialogue always cracks me up, and I love the many options you can have for a team. Also, I will admit it, the things are cute. Some are, anyway...
Two things I want to mention.
I am about due to review Pokemon X and Y.
But not yet.
The thing here I have been meaning to say just because I wanted to say it to someone and I only know one other person who plays Pokemon.
Here it is: It bothers me that the Pokedex entries for many of the Pokemon don't seem to match the actual Pokemon universe. I mean I was playing Pokepark 1, and the ghost Pokemon were not dangerous at ALL. The ghost area on the game is not that scary at all, it's more quirky and cute. I was a tad confused. But I suppose if your character got scared off it would be too complicated to finish the game. Which is ridiculously simple and disappointed me btw.
Putting that aside, the Pokemon games, starting from Red and Blue and going to X and Y, the entries don't usually fit. If you want to know what I mean because you really never looked at your dex entries, go on youtube and look up creepy Pokedex entries or something. Better people than I have discussed it and its actually interesting.
I mean taking the anime into it as well, apparently Haunter's tongue is poisonous so if it licks anyone or anything, the victim will shake and then die. But in the anime Haunter licks lotsa people and Pokemon, and they don't die. Also, most ghost and psychic Pokemon in the anime are friendly, or just behave like other Pokemon, scared or angry because of their situation (usually mistreated or abandoned). Although in the Best Wishes anime, I think the Litwick and co do try to take everyone to the underworld which surprised me. And in the first series, in Kanto, there was that Gastly which possessed men by pretending to be a human ghost bride. But like I said, there are not many that are like that. Mostly they say that there are no bad Pokemon, only bad trainers. But then you get discrepancies like in the mystery dungeon games, most of the bad Pokemon are dark, poison or ghost types. And the 'Team insert enemy name here' people that you fight, they always seem to have those types for battling. Not purely, they do have certain others, but there is a definite trend, isn't there? It's confusing! You can't have it both ways!
Also, there's stuff that doesn't make sense like the tails from the Slowpoke being served as food in X and Y at a certain restaurant. It's cruelty to Pokemon, which the main philosophy of the game says is wrong!
Just a note for all of you 'battling is wrong' people, I will admit, I am disliking the battling more lately but that's not to say it's wrong. Because Pokemon already battle each other in the wild. It's been mentioned in several places that they do. It's better to let them battle with help than battle alone. Besides, it's JUST A GAME!
The second thing I wanted to mention is this:
In game, it seems that Pokemon don't die in battle, but one trainer, I think it was Alder from Unova, his backstory implies that his beloved Pokemon died in battle and that's why he isn't what he used to be. Also, 'Looker' the International Policeman's backstory implies something similar, which is why he doesn't have any Pokemon. I wonder what 'Looker's' real name is. Also, Cubone's mother from Red and Blue, and that poor little girl from Black 2 and White 2. You think she's just playing at astral projection with her Abra, but they decided to make it awful in the sequel. WHYYYYY????? Btw I never hated Darkrai until then. Now I hate it. And the OLD MAN! ARGH I nearly cried! The note! AWWW!!!!! :(
I wouldn't mind it if they didn't just make almost everything sweet and safe and then they do stuff like THAT. It's actually confusing.
I just wanted to mention those inconsistencies.
They are the sorts of things that make you go, 'Ugh!' or 'What???' and mess with your mind.
And after all, Pokemon is aimed at kids, that's why it really bothers me, I think.
Anyway that's it for now.
I had some other stuff to mention but frankly, I forgot.
Someone else, somewhere else would probably have already said it!
That's the beauty of the Internet.
If you can call it beauty.
Have a great day!
Btw someone suggested Pokemon is over now and they won't be making any more Pokemon games.
I somehow doubt that. Even if they take a break, they will bring them back sometime.
And I am waiting for a remake of Ruby and Sapphire. Emerald sucked. Just saying.
Tuesday, September 03, 2013
... I hate it when I'm right, sometimes.
"Get Shiny Dialga!
Dialga will be available for your Pokémon Black Version, Pokémon White Version, Pokémon Black Version 2, or Pokémon White Version 2 game through September 8th. Take your game in to the store, along with your system from the Nintendo DS or Nintendo 3DS family to receive Dialga.
Dialga is the first of three Shiny Legendary Pokémon distributions at coming to GameStop stores. Starting on September 9th, 2013, return to GameStop to get the Palkia. Then, starting on September 30th, 2013, make another trip to GameStop to get the Giratina!
Remember that when you visit GameStop stores beginning on August 19th, you’ll be able to preorder your copy of Pokémon X or Pokémon Ywhile you’re there! Learn more about these upcoming games at!"
Saturday, August 31, 2013
Wow RWBY love it
Firstly loving Monty Oum's monster-slaying academy series RWBY which is on the Rooster Teeth YouTube channel.
Look up RWBY there are aprox 6 episodes at least, and look up the full trailers of each main character, there are 4.
The episodes are short but eventful so watch and enjoy!
I love it already.
As usual, my fave characters are the teachers so far and maybe the big sister.
I tend to prefer characters who aren't main characters for some reason...
Pretty sure I'm not the only one though.
Love the music and stuff, am hoping that the girl with black hair is in fact a member of the White Fang with maybe animal powers or something, I am hoping to see more of what she can do.
She's the most mysterious one in terms of ability being revealed by the trailer.
I do like the main character, she is quite endearing.
Watch the first ep here.
It's soo good and I love the theme song (which is at the end of ep 1).
Uh anyway, ok so I just wanted to mention two things in case someone else reads this and is like, 'Hey, yeah!'
Firstly, I was playing Platinum the other day and the male Team Galactic grunt looks a LOT like the Ace Trainer in BnW. Changed his clothes but otherwise awfully similar.
It's not a big deal but it's kinda like, 'Hmmm... I wonder why?'
Maybe they liked the hairstyle and colour and wanted to use it again.
Yes Nintendo, we noticed.
Secondly, notice how in BnW Cheren wears glasses but in B2nW2, Bianca is wearing glasses all of a sudden and Cheren is NOT? Did she steal his glasses? I wonder... Anyway, they both look sweet with glasses so who cares, I just noticed it was interesting.
I didn't know that if I wanted the three shiny legends from DP and P for my BnW games, I have to pre-order X or Y.
I did it of course.
I wanted them shinies! And Pkmn X.
But I'm annoyed because that is not stated clearly anywhere.
Even the flyer you get at Jb HiFi is a bit ambiguous.
It has a little thing at the bottom saying to pre-order, but it doesn't say that getting the shinies is conditional upon pre-order, WHICH SUCKS!
What if some kid can't get their parents to pre-order X or Y?
No shinies for them!
UNFAIR, NINTENDO, or Game Freak or WHOEVER!!!!!
Way to alienate and frustrate your customers.
And don't bother posting to tell me where it says all this junk.
If they want this to be known, they need to spell it out very clearly from the get-go, so that everyone knows it and nobody can say it is ambiguous, which I am now stating that it IS ambiguous.
Just hoping this isn't a thing that only Jb HiFi in NZ is doing, to force more ppl to pre-order games... if they are, then my apologies to Nintendo and the rest.
Ok let's end this on a happy note.
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
People tell me I have a nice voice, one person said it was like the voice of an angel.
I can't hear that of course, because it is my voice.
I can only tell if I go off pitch or whatever it's called.
They tell me I should be doing something with it.
I am.
I use it to sing with!
But people seem to think that if you have something and you don't want to show it off on television or on a stage, or exhibit it somehow, that you are wasting your talent.
It isn't wasted if the people I choose to sing for enjoy hearing it.
Just saying.
Besides, I am untrained and can't afford lessons.
So I don't see any way to develop my voice further.
I like the feeling I get when I can hit the perfect note and it rings out clear.
That makes me happy.
I don't need anything else.
Although it would be nice if I could make a comfortable living by singing.
But hey!
That's life!
We can't all be professional singers, right?
Also... I had to sing with my eyes shut when I performed for people last time.
I didn't want to see them looking at me.
I'm shy!
Well, I know being shy is unpopular.
But I am shy and that's that.
I wish I could sing for whoever is reading this so they can hear me and then this post would seem to have more depth.
But never mind!
Sunday, August 11, 2013
Fishy-tasting tea?
Anyway, this post is about a problem I have noticed from time to time, but thankfully, not often.
Sometimes when I have a cup of tea, it smells and/or tastes slightly or strongly fishy and stale.
I always forget about looking it up.
So I finally looked it up.
I found a couple of great websites to explain why it could be.
Basically they said (and they were all forums so no official tea expert's verdict given), that it would be due to improper storage or perhaps even the tea was improperly processed in the first place.
I believe hard water or stale water was also suggested.
I have had an experience with fishiness both with green and black teas, and milk makes no difference.
So if it's fishy, try tossing the liquor and re-steeping the bag/leaves.
If that doesn't work, it's a bad bag or bad leaves. Sorry!
Be sure to tell the company you got the tea from.
They shouldn't be allowing that to happen.
There is one other thing mentioned, that age is good for tea, so if the tea is left for months or years, it may improve in flavour.
However I don't know if that applies to tea bags, or leaves only.
I also thought that if you don't keep your tea in a cool dry place, it will possibly get damp and maybe that could cause fishiness?
Just a little ponder that I was pondering.
Pu-erh tea is also often said to be fishy. I have experienced it myself too.
In answer to that problem, the verdict seemed to be that if it is a very good quality Pu-erh, it will not taste or smell fishy.
Also remember with Pu-erh, you can usually re-steep it several times if the leaves are good.
Steep them for only about 10-15 seconds each time, then take them out.
If the fishiness is there, rinse the leaves before re-steeping.
That should fix it.
However, I promise nothing and I am not a professional at all.
So, give it a go!
Don't give up on tea, ok?
Here's a link to a great page about Pu-erh.
Another Pu-erh link,
Here's a link to a cute blog post about fishy tea, very interesting.
One more blog, this one just about Pu-erh tea alone.
If anyone is a massive fan of Pu-erh, here you are! Ha ha, that rhymed...
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Ok fine, let's talk about church
I have no doubt that I am a follower of Jesus, and I am absolutely saved.
However, church always makes me feel stretched and pulled and tired and awkward and like I don't fit.
It usually feels fake too.
I just get sick of people running their mouths about how to treat others, and asking me for money when they ; A) act like jerks by cutting in line at the bank, or out and out cheating on their taxes or B) treating other people like they don't matter, or even worse, C) doing really nasty things to other people like abusing children etc.
I hate nasty small-mindedness and dishonesty in anybody but especially in religious people.
I hate it so much!
I hate having to put up with people telling me how to behave, telling me that I pray wrong, or that I should not be there, or not do this or that.
Two-faced jerks!
They let others get away with awful behaviour and overlook it, but they think they can tell me off all the time, because I have no power.
Well, they are WRONG.
I have as much power as anyone else because I am a child of God as much as anyone else!
I don't care what they think, or what they say.
I used to!
But not anymore.
And if that means I have a fun weekend, every weekend, and not at church, then I don't care what church-goers think of me.
In the end, they are definitely not better than me, no matter how many church hours they log in.
And that's that.
By the way, I still think church as the body of Christ where all belong should work, but in order for it to work, we need a slightly different attitude to the one I consistently see.
So when I say I hate church, I hate the attitudes that make it like it so often is.
A boring club for try-hard fakers who are always down on others.
Let me tell you something.
I keep trying!
Even now, I still go to church sometimes.
I never completely give it up because sometimes church is great.
I went to a church once, in a town up North.
My friend and I needed a ride, so an elderly couple offered.
At first it was fine, our house was on their way to church so it was no trouble.
Then nothing changed but their attitude.
They began to stop feeling all good like they were helping us, and simply began to resent having to commit to helping us.
They became a little cooler, and dropped verbal hints about time and commitment.
Basically, they just got sick of picking us up.
Let me make this clear, we did not cause them trouble.
We would walk down to the road which they always had to drive along in order to get to church, and we would wait for them.
We did not ask them to pick us up from our house.
When church was over, we would wait for them to say when they wanted to leave, despite whether or not we were ready, and we would simply go with them, no protest or anything.
We were always grateful and thanked them.
They never invited us to lunch or coffee or talked much to us, even though we were as friendly as we could be without overdoing it.
And when we realised what they wanted (i.e. to stop helping us), we simply thanked them for the rides we had been given, and agreed that we didn't want to make things difficult for them.
My friend was DETERMINED to continue going to this church so we took a taxi.
It cost her about $20.00 each Sunday.
I refused to do that, but I went with her because she didn't want to go alone, and she was probably worried about my soul.
I told her so often that we should try to get another ride, and it was ridiculous cost.
But she was adamant.
This was the best, safest way.
I tried to volunteer at the church, they kept standing up every bulletin time and ask for volunteers in the sunday school.
I tried to volunteer, but they actually kept passing me around from class to class, no teacher wanted me!
I was a young woman, who got on well with children and knew her Bible, I was willing to take direction from a senior, but still they didn't want me.
So I gave up.
And I was angry every time they stood up and asked for volunteers for sunday school.
What they wanted was someone that they knew, or a parent of one of the sunday school kids.
They didn't want me.
Nobody in the church tried to get to know my friend or myself, and we tried so hard to talk to people, we joined the youth group and they didn't warm to us either!
Nobody ever asked us to have coffee or to lunch after church (except my friend's relatives, ONCE), which I remember used to happen a lot when I was growing up.
People always did that at church, it was the usual thing.
Have lunch with someone after church.
When I left the church, I asked for a recommendation from the youth pastor for my Bible College application.
He rebuked me (gently) for not telling him I wanted to go to Bible College.
I said to him, 'Nobody asked me anything, why would I tell them? Do you know we have been coming here for more than a year now, and most people don't even know our names? Why would I tell you anything? You and your wife have never asked us anything about ourselves, even though we have been coming to your youth group for a long time. If you don't want to recommend me, that's ok.' He gave me a recommendation. It was pleasingly generic of course.
That church was amusingly terrible at adding people.
They didn't want anyone new.
They were happy as they were.
Everyone knew everyone.
And that church was everything I hate about church.
Going to church is a chore.
A detestable chore.
A place where detestable people shut each other out, and call it belief.
There has to be something better.
Read this!
This girl is so RIGHT!
:) I hope that we can fix this.
I believe in the Church as the bride of Christ.
But at the moment, why would he want the church I have experienced?
Friday, July 05, 2013
Progress is painful
Octavio Paz (Mexican Poet and Essayist)
'Progress has peopled history with the marvels and monsters of technology, but has depopulated the life of man. It has given us more things but not more being.'
(The Other Mexico: Critique of the Pyramid, 1972)
It hurts, wherever it is.
It's a hole in me.
It hurts the way a phantom limb would hurt, or nerve damage, or a gaping gap in your gum where a tooth had been.
I feel so stretched out and tense all the time, but not in the body. In the mind? In the spirit?
I love my computer and my consoles and my phone but sometimes I just leave them all off and stare at the wall so I don't have to feel like they are killing me anymore.
Too clear, too bright, too machin-ised...
Machines machines machines
No more machines.
That guy who wanted to live forever with his character uploaded into a cyborg body, what a nutter!
Who wants to live forever in this world?
Not like this, anyway.
I better stop playing my console for more than two hours straight until it feels like my brain is sore and my eyes have dried out.
This is what happens if you play too many games, kids!
You rant on the internet about machines and souls etc!
And you then quit and go and have dinner and a drink for goodness sake.
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Can't wait for Pokemon Amie, btw.
X and Y sure, sure.
Pokemon Amie, hellz yeah!
I wish they made a whole Pokemon game where you could just play with Pokemon...
oh wait that's Poke-park for the Wii.
Ok, I wish they made a game where you are a Pokemon...
oh wait, that's the Mystery Dungeon series for the DS...
Ok then, I wish they made a whole game where you could dress your Pokemon up, and teach it tricks and talk to it and feed and brush it... that's mostly Pokemon Amie but I want a really solid game like that, you could call it like, Pokemon Pet Show or something.
And so you could actually win prizes and unlock stuff if you get the Pokemon to be at it's best and loving you 100% and stuff.
Similar to Nintendogs.
I'd also like to try the game where you take photos of Pokemon after you feed them and stuff.
I never got to try that one. Was it Pokemon Snap? Or something?
Wednesday, June 05, 2013
Well then, *&^%. And also, *&^$#. :D
First of all, it's no fun destroying another player in a battle if you are stronger than they are it's just freakin' pointless.
But that wasn't what I wanted to say.
I've forgotten now...
Oh yes, I realised that if I have to see ads on the internet, I hate them less if they are in a language I think is interesting or classy.
Like Italian.
How about that.
Irritation failed to erupt when I was forced to close an ad page that just popped up, simply because it was in Italian, and I didn't understand it.
So it didn't force itself into my consciousness as much.
So it wasn't as annoying.
So I closed it with a cheerful 'Hmm! That was less infuriating than usual!'
In other news, maybe I have an anger problem.
I do sometimes shout at people on the TV, and sometimes I get angry at DJs on the radio.
On the other hand, they are usually the types of people who are annoying.
Professional annoying $%^ks.
Like my censor there?
It is so much fun.
To censor things.
Like the other day I went to the ^%$# and bought some *&^@.
I swear I am not a man, btw.
Thursday, May 30, 2013
Not sure even now if she realised what she said or not...
Among many things, I am anaemic.
Did I spell that correctly? Anyway, my mother knows this.
So we are sitting in a cafe (very nice cafe, btw, must go back there one day soonish)
and she says to me in passing, 'You're very blue under your eyes.'
And I reply, 'Well, I AM anaemic, mum.'
I thought it was funny anyway.
Like when you're sick and people keep asking you if you are ok, or telling you how awful you look.
Ford Prefect would understand.
'It's a nice day'
'You're very tall.'
'So this is it, we're going to die.'
You know....
Sometimes I find that I really do think better when I am talking to someone.
Ideas keep firing off in my brain.
Like Gordon Way.
Poor man.
Poor secretary Susan at the office.
I guess Douglas Adams did have a theory about people's thinking and talking being connected.
He mentioned it in both his major series' (sp?).
The punchline is Bellosom.
Ok so I'm lazy and didn't want to type, just took this pic from cheezburger.
Thanks to the one who created this pic, I've seen similar ideas but this one is the most interesting so far.
I did this and to my surprise, my Pokemon is Bellosom!
I actually don't dislike that idea.
Anyway, pleased to be able to beat Gary a lot.
Easily too.
Even when I'm weaker than him, level wise.
He is just not the best battler, is he?
To my advantage!
Damn it I love this cat.
The Bus is GREAT. If only it were on time and more frequent, and cheaper. HA!
Every day, I clamber into the warm, crowded, steamy belly of a growly, grumbly, rickety beast to hurtle through the cold, grey, (sometimes) rainy streets. It is comforting. In hot-blooded November it is too stifling, slow, slothful. In cold-hearted June it is wonderful, winderful, winterful.
That is how I feel about the bus.
One day I hope that my dream will come true for this badly-planned city, and the bus and train service (ha what a joke, service ain't in it) will meet a proper standard, and we will have lots of busses and trains that come at least every 15 minutes (a pipe-dream, I know) and will not be so expensive (that one will never happen) and will be ON TIME.
It is the only thing in this sprawling city full of politicians who give accounts and portfolios to those who use millions of dollars and then roll out ill-prepared work that does not help anyone and they procrastinate too, (take a breath now) that I really want.
Just a little rant there.
Btw, just so everyone knows because the (current) mayor wants everyone to know, Auckland is the most liveable city.
Compared to what?
He never says.
And how the jerks who apparently 'run things' manage to year after year carefully neglect to properly upgrade the embarrassing transport system in this city is beyond me.
They spend a lot on the motorways but not on the machines which would enable more people to travel on them. The traffic jams here are awful, apparently worse than New York.
How humiliating.
And I'm not even going to mention the awful mess that went on during the World Cup. I would like to apologise to everyone who was affected by that.
It's not our fault, it's the fault of those who don't put their sleeves up and get on with the messy job of sorting this all out. They just don't want to make the effort because it will be time-consuming, frustrating and expensive, three things everyone hates.
But if they did do it, I am sure it would improve things.
Since they refuse to do much, things keep steadily degenerating.
Sunday, May 26, 2013
Original sprites Pkmn R and B. Weirder than I remember!
Some o' these guys are uglier than I remember.
Also some look bigger than they do later on, PORYGON!
I'm talking about you!
I think because I watched the anime a lot in the early days for about the first three or four seasons, I can't remember much about the original games!
That's kind of annoying but I still get a bit of nostalgia when I do actually remember something.
Ok gonna go to Pewter now.
Sorry man. Sorry. Had to post it. The only time I came up with a legit zinger.
I said, 'Original, right?'
Then I said without thinking, 'Ah, Captain Kirk is lovely! I love him! If only he didn't turn into William Shatner...'
But you know, everyone makes fun of W.Shat.
Even Shat makes fun of himself.
Does that make it ok? Or not?
Actually, just to be clear, I like him a lot.
I always watch something if I see he's in it, even if it's only a cameo.
There's just something about him.
I wonder if he and Betty White are sick of being typecast yet?
Maybe they don't mind.
It's money in their pockets, right?
Actors have to take work where they can get it.
Smoking a pipe is great.
Smoked my pipe, love that taste, that was my first time smoking a pipe.
TABACCO, ok? Not anything else.
Also Whiskey Liqueur. Very nice.
Cold Brewed Coffee as well!
All in all, great night.
Will probably not do it again but it's nice to have a night out once or twice a year.
I scarcely go out at night.
In other news, my fabulous friend got me a GBC.
I love it.
I'm playing Pokemon Blue, and it's great! I missed the music so much.
I don't actually miss the extra stuff like the running shoes or abilities or whatever.
Simple is good.
I was actually surprised to find that I can catch Caterpie on Route 2!
I've never done that before.
I always thought you could only get them in Viridian Forest and that was it!
Live and learn!
Guess I'll be playing Pokemon most of the day to recover from last night.
It's not that I over-indulged, but simply that I can't sleep if I don't go to bed by a certain time.
I got home at 3am THANKS BRO FOR THE RIDE BTW (he won't read this but whatever, the sentiment is there), and didn't sleep til 4am ish.
Woke up at 6ish, then again at 8 and couldn't sleep so here we are!
Blogging, watching anime on cruncyhroll (love Natsume Yuujinchou) and deciding if I should buy Nichijou (aka My Ordinary Life), or not.
Will probably buy it once I pay the dentist off.
Just so expensive here, over 50 dollars for each series...
Anime is my most expensive habit... I guess there are worse ones, and I don't watch hentai or ecchi stuff.
I'm clean!
Just want to get all of Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon (the Japanese version) on dvd and then it's like, 'Ah, I have achieved everything I ever wanted out of anime or tv shows so far...'
Tuesday, May 14, 2013
Still here. Still alive. Great. Just grrrreat...
Still alive.
Good for me!
I have been alive for so many consecutive days, I'm expecting a medal for "most days alive since I was last not alive", any day now.
I mean really!
I almost died at least twice in my life, oops sorry forgot that time, three times.
Sorry, miscounted.
So I suppose now I should say that it's good to be alive.
Well, it isn't.
It sucks but hey it's my burden to bear so I am just bearing it.
Being alive is the bloodiest, messiest, most emotional roller-coaster I have ever known.
I hated being alive from an early age, and I still hate it.
I dislike my body, especially my emotions.
I dislike feelings and most of the smells I have to smell.
I dislike textures, and a lot of sounds.
Being autistic will do that to you.
So there we go, I said it.
Having said that, I must admit, the first time I ate cheese was nice (as was almost every other time I have been able to eat cheese).
Not sure about most other things.
My blood sometimes causes me revulsion, even when it's quietly doing it's job inside my veins.
I can't stand rather a lot of my body altogether.
I can't always tell when it's not healthy; I have fainted twice because I was dehydrated but honestly it was so hard to tell that it's not my fault!
I hate the fact that I am almost always in pain for some reason or another.
Early onset arthritis, all other kinds of problems.
I mean really, I'm quite healthy, which is the most annoying thing of all.
If there were a real reason, I could just say, 'Ah well, I'm just not very healthy or strong.'
But no! I'm actually doing well for my age, which is annoying because it just means that the human body is frail and annoying.
I can't complain to The Manufacturer, because He will just laugh at me.
I mean - I have a LIST.
Joint and muscle pains.
Spasmodic jerky movements with no warning which makes me twitch (fortunately rarely) and look like an idiot.
My face doesn't do what normal faces do. Expressions and such.
Voice is same. Sometimes flat, or the wrong tone of voice for the situation.
I can tell, people look at me funny and I think, 'Damn, I thought the normal human thing was working'.
I get tired so much! It's ridiculous!
People tire me out.
Just trying to be alive and a normal human for another day and complete one single task without messing up somehow is exhausting.
I am not joking here.
Life hates me.
Ok, that was a joke.
People tell me life is beautiful.
I say to them. 'It's nice if you can afford it.'
That's not really true, I've never said that to anyone, but I wanted to!
I am not bitter or mean or heartless or even depressed!
Sometimes you just have to say it!
But that's all we have.
There is no other option. Not really.
Death is not like life, it's not another option, it's simply what happens after you were alive.
Well anyway, it's been interesting so far.
That's the only thing life has going for it.
Not emotion, pleasure, pain, feeling, breathing, and so on.
Sensation gets dull.
But thinking.
That's the good stuff.
My brain is always thinking, and quite fast.
To get it to relax, I can only read, and make it focus on one linear line of story or thought.
My curiosity and fatalism are the only two things keeping me alive.
Hope is as cruel as life.
If you have hope, you can and will keep going.
That in itself is frightening and cruel.
But curiosity.
That is the tricky one.
What will happen tomorrow?
Will I wish it had not happened?
I want to know, I need to know.
I want to see, I want to find out.
I can't forget the past.
I live in the present.
I want to see the future.
Maybe it's just me, I used to think I was an alien or a defective humanoid type of thing.
I knew I was different, I over-thought everything, and I felt too much.
I wondered why it was so hard to cope with simple things that others were able to pass by or take in their stride.
Now I know.
I am autistic.
Life is cruel.
I'm lucky, and I hate knowing I'm lucky.
I don't believe in luck, but I don't know if I would call it Providence either.
I don't know why I am able to have a job and work with real people who don't treat me like there's something wrong with me.
I don't know why I can live on my own and feed myself and wash and dress myself, or go out in public and no children will throw stones at me or chase me and nobody will make fun of me.
I hate being lucky sometimes, because it's a real bitch to see those who aren't.
I hate life.
People are in it.
They are so filthy, their little short-sighted minds, their desperation to keep going, to grasp greedily at everything around them, because they are afraid that 'the other guy' will screw them over if they aren't as hard as he is.
Don't they know that when they do that, they push and trample the others who are weaker, and slower, and need to be treated gently?
I know that!
But I am weak too!
I can't do anything much more than rage silently, when I see the way others are treated.
If I were only stronger, and more powerful, I have said to myself.
The problem then arises, that there is a cost to everything you want in this world.
If I were to become strong, what would I have to lose?
I don't want to lose anything.
I need to be weak.
If I am strong, I don't need anyone or anything.
And that is NOT being human.
I can't stand it.
I am walking along the edge of humanity all the time.
I wonder what is wrong with me?
I've always wondered what was wrong with me.
Every now and then, I think, 'Maybe there is nothing wrong with me. Maybe it's everything else that's wrong.'
I just don't fit.
That's the real problem.
Maybe it's not a problem at all.
Sunday, May 12, 2013
Last three contenders for the votes. Happy Mother's Day, btw.
Winner is crowned 'The one who looks most like they feel like a sir'.
In other news, it was Mother's Day and International Nurse's Day.
I took my mum out for lunch at La Porchetta, I give that place a 6 out of 10.
Nice enough but I wanted to go to Lone Star.
It wasn't open... should've checked the times...
Ah well.
Another day.
I missed No Pants Day (May 1st, I think).
Also missed Dishwashing Liquid Appreciation Day...
I think... ?
Final voting here.
I'm tempted to just crown this kitten above.
He really makes it look good.
If you don't have strong features, a moustache just dwarfs your face, doesn't it?
Well, anyway, I won't vote just yet. I want to see if anyone votes.
Then I might vote against them for fun.
Or not!
Happy Mother's Day, y'all.
I like typing the word 'y'all'.
Ellen DeG likes sayin' it.
Right, y'all?
Vote for your fave. Pachirisu, lookin' sharp, yes SIR!
Hmm, it's a close competition between Pachirisu, Pansage and Deerling...
I can't choose yet!
Vote with a comment if you like.
Check previous posts for other pics.
Avengers reassembled?
Good news, Spiderman, you too Batman. You're in the Avengers after all.
They kicked Iron Man, the loser archery guy and that Romanov gal out.
But they kept angry green big dude, blonde timotei model man and the american guy with the stupid hat.
So yeah!
No wonder they save the universe or the world or whatever!
But don't let that Superman guy in, he's a smug jerk.
Everyone hates him anyway.
Seriously, wat...
Come on China, if you make a cheap knock-off of toys and sell them at night markets and in $2 shops, at LEAST get the characters right.
I especially like how Batman is looking the other way, like he doesn't want to be there.
I wouldn't want to be next to Spiderman either, he's annoying.
Not as annoying as the Flash or Deadpool though.
Also, note down under Batman there where it says, 'Annual Masterpiece'.
ok cu later.
I love...
You can follow me on Pinterest if you like.
This is my Pinterest acc.
It's not a bad account, but there are better of course.
I'm surprised at how many people have been following my account, since I hardly update it.
If you want to leave your link for me as a comment, I'll have a look at your Pinterest too.
It's always nice to add more ppl.
Thursday, May 09, 2013
Like a ...? You know!
I found this pic somewhere... I don't like how google does image search now, its more confusing.
Anyway obviously I did not make this picture, whoever did is great, and the credit goes to them!
I came up with names for these guys though.... and I spent FAR too much time doing so.
I used puns to do with royalty or the gentry e.g. shah, tzar, lord, prince, etc.
So here goes!
Shah-mander (or maybe Charming-mander, it's cuter).
Sir-tle (or His Squirtle-ness?).
I feel great now.
Really great.
Kinda like a sir.
Which is quite a feat considering I am in fact, not a man.
Putting moustaches on things does make them funnier or cuter.
I will post pictures of things I have amended this dubious honour to, later on at some point.
Excited about a certain Eevolution shown with the others below!
- Haxorus has the highest Attack base stat of all non-legendary Dragon-type Pokémon.
Name origin
SNSD again. Yep!
So yep, love these gals.
Not like, a LOT, but you can't ignore them easily, they are so cute!
Still like HyoYeon best.
Then I like SooYoung.
Then the rest of them.
SooYoung looked very good with shorter hair.
I don't know why she grew it back.
And there I go, treating them like every other fan, as if they are dolls!
Good grief.
Btw, just for the record (which is irrelevant, since there IS no record), I think this band is better than all the other current girl bands in Korea.
But since I'm not Korean and haven't actually studied and compared all the bands seriously at all, it's basically my lazy opinion, which is, as I have stated above, irrelevant.
Monday, May 06, 2013
I love the way the air smells in Autumn and Winter. Sometimes like wet grass or wet leaves. Sometimes like apples, for some reason. Even if there are no apple trees about. And sometimes, like today, the air smells like woodsmoke. I love that smell. Oh, and I started Pokemon Black 2 yesterday. Now I have all four of the gen V games, and it's just nice.
In other news, Lilian Jackson-Braun, Rex Stout and Laura Childs. Three best things to come out of America. Unless any of 'em happen to be from Canada, in that case, my apologies. I know how it is to be called Australian, so, I feel Canada's pain. Anyway, it seems that the season for reading comfortable mystery fiction is upon me once more.
My, but that Rex Stout sure writes well, doesn't he? Quite wonderful stuff, I sure enjoy perusing his work. Books are like meals for my mind and spirit. Writing styles affect my stomach sometimes. But no danger from any of the afore-mentioned! Wonderful. I wasn't well today, so it's good to stay home, tidy my room, and rest.
One more thing, congratulations to myself for finally posting something from my cellphone. This is a momentous occasion. Thank you.
Sunday, May 05, 2013
So let's see... where should I start?
Bastids. Caps are fun.
And so I'm depressed.
Also Nintendo Club won't let me login, they even refuse to acknowledge my email address, have I lost the few points I managed to scratch together by buying expensive stuff? I finally had enough points to get a facecloth. After spending over 500 REAL dollars, I might add.
My cellphone won't transfer my pictures off it's camera to my computer, it keeps freezing up, piece of JUNK!
And also, my stupid EB Games account thing treats me like Nintendo. I.e.; badly. It says my password is wrong even though its a new password they just generated for me that stupid thing.
Also, my friend who I haven't seen in ages, got sick and cancelled our cafe hangout! And today may have thunderstorms!
Except you know, good stuff.
Like how yesterday I roundly beat the Unova leaders PWT and the Kanto PWT too. And the Single Battle PWT for Mistralton. They were all easy but for some reason, it felt like I had achieved something momentous. I mean, I had butterflies in my stomach from nervousness, and usually I don't feel like that because most Pokemon in-game battles are easy.
Oh also I beat the Single Train at Gear Station, but only up to a 14-win streak so far. I'm scared to fight the Subway Bosses, because in my Black game, I have this thing where I can beat everyone up to the boss, then get beaten by the boss. So I trained up Pokemon especially to beat the bosses' Pokemon, only to be beaten before I could reach either of them.
WHICH SUCKSSSSS, and leads me back to a hauntingly familiar remark here.
Anyway, how are YOU?
I thought about changing my font, but I'm scared I have Hipster-ish tendencies (mostly because I have glasses and like skirts) and may accidentally pick that font that everyone says is Hipster-ish, is it Helvetica?
But if I were, I would have been one before people thought it was cool.
Apparently, Hipster is the new mainstream.
That always seems to happen with that kind of thing, doesn't it?
I'm glad being an awkward person with Aspergers is not considered cool enough to copy, or I might have an identity crisis.
Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Ten Things for Gen VI, thank you to S. Dickens for this article.
Have a look at this article on Neoseeker about Pokemon games.
I agree with Shayne about these ten things, except for the first one.
I don't mind if Nintendo goes back to doing things like they used to now and then as long as they do occasionally shake things up and make changes.
That's because I like nostalgia.
Nintendo is good at nostalgia.
Oh I also disagree with number eight. I don't want to have to have downloadable content for games because not everyone has internet in every country. It's not fair on some people who will miss out on stuff just because they have no internet connection available.
Otherwise yes I agree, I want more of a serious plot and more rewards for those of us who actually try to complete everything and yes I would like to customise my character a little at least.
Shayne may like all the character designs but I do not.
Esp the female characters.
I have mentioned this all before, so will not go over it again as that may be boring.
Well, I think Shayne sums it all up very well. I don't need to copy him, so that's why I posted the link to his article above. Have a look, see what you think.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Favourite places in all the PkMn games. And no, not Pikmin. I do not mean Pikmin. Sorry, Pikmin fans.
Red, Blue (and Yellow and maybe Green?) - my favourite place in Kanto was Viridian Forest, and also Viridian City. I don't know why. I kinda liked Mount Moon too. And Route 25 behind Cerulean. Because you could catch Abra and Bellsprout (or Oddish). Well, I kinda liked everywhere you went before you got to Vermillion City. Then it got boring somehow. I disliked Lavender Town because it didn't match the rest of the game, it seemed too creepy and out of sync with everywhere else. Death doesn't have to be scary. I also enjoyed battling on the S.S. Anne. I really disliked the Safari Zone and have in every game that has one. It's expensive and very frustrating. I could NEVER catch every Pokemon in the Safari Zone, no matter which generation. But I loved Celadon Dept store.
FireRed and LeafGreen: Different, so you'd think I might like a different area, but no. Although I will say I loved Celadon Dept store even more in the new version. Very cool.
Gold, Silver and Crystal - my fave place in the Johto region was... well to be honest I loved the whole map. I don't know why, I guess it was just charming. Ah wait I remember my fave place now. Slightly more loved than the rest was Ecruteak. I loved battling all the Eevee evolutions. But I tell you, the whole of Johto was wonderful. It just was. I got so excited to go out at night when it was DARK and shake trees!
HeartGold and SoulSilver: The autumn tree trail behind the burned tower in Ecruteak. And still Ecruteak, I even liked the new music. I just can't help but like Ecruteak. I also liked Azalea Town, the Ilex Forest, Olivine City, dang it, I told you I loved the whole map. Even more so in the new version. Picking apricorns to give to Kurt was always fun. Also, loved the adjoining Kanto map, everything about it. Love, love, love.Ok, moving on...
Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald - Wow ok I still listen to music from this game on my mp3 player...
But in terms of fave place, I would say...Fallarbour Town, Route 113, Fortree, Mauville, Pacifidlog, Lilycove... ALL OF THEM but esp that area. I loved the Contests in R and S, Emerald sucked for not having them the same. I love you RSE... I love you Hoenn... COME BACKKKK. I loved you the most of all.
Diamond, Pearl and Platinum - So Sinnoh, right? Disappointed in the difficulty level of these games STILL. Ok ok I will stop complaining. For now. So fave place or places. Does anyone else hate the rival from that game? He's so annoying. Anyway...! I became rather partial to Pastoria and Hearthome (walking cute Pokemon was fun) and also Sunyshore, but also that resort you could go to and battle folks at the restaurant every day. That was great. Also loved Floaroma, Oreburgh, Canalave, and the Eterna Forest... ohh it seems I liked most places. And Snowpoint City was very nice. I think it seemed like the Sinnoh region was bigger than other regions with a lot of inconvenient grassy areas which caused me a lot of trouble and I got lost a lot in this map. But I guess it has a lot to offer too. Well, if I hated it I wouldn't have two out of the three games, right?
Black and White - WELL! Where do I start? I loved most of it. Most of the map is just lovely. I had better mention my favourite bridge, which is the Marvelous Bridge from Pinwheel Forest to Castelia City. I loved Pinwheel Forest, Nacrene City (and the gym as well as the gym leader, she's great, a librarian-archeologist-gym leader? Amazing.), and Striaton. I hated Burgh and Elesa, and Nimbasa is probably the only city I dislike which is annoying since you spend a LOT of time there, even in the sequel game.
Black 2 and White 2 - Oh my, the Marine Tube, the Marine Tube! I loved it. I love it still. I mean, really it's not useful but its somehow captivating. I also really liked the new starter town, Aspertia. And Floccesy Ranch! Charming! Also I liked the two new gyms, and their towns. I guess I liked everything, and must mention Cheren... how I loved him in the first games. And now a gym leader! Not a walkover, either. You go, Cheren! :) I was glad to see N again, but it was sad that my character's mother from my first game was still waiting for her child to come home. Also loved Join Avenue. Ok I will stop, let's just say I loved it all, and be done with it.
Saturday, April 27, 2013
People actually click on a link which leads to my blog... and it seems that it has happened... brace yourself... MORE THAN ONCE.
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As for Dramas, J-Drama and K-Drama (maybe, not sure abt second one), I tried this place, I kinda like Hotaru no Hikari at the moment. Straight drama is boring, I like some comedy too.