Thursday, August 25, 2011

Writing inspiration

I have so much out there that I like, but I think my main inspiration is Tove Jansson, and has been for some time.
I just love her style of writing and her artwork too.

She doesn't have to make everything clear, there are a lot of unexplained things her characters say or do, which may be a culturally based thing, but for me it doesn't matter.
I can still love how she doesn't pull her punches and makes her characters say and do mean or bad things, but then they are not made out to be specifically Bad or Good.

Life is often like that, good people do bad things and vice versa.
I wonder how much of her stuff is based on cultural assumption? Maybe I will never know.
But even though I am not Finnish, I still love her work.
I am slowly collecting it.

I prefer European stuff, especially English, like Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan.
The originals are so much better than the bland modern adaptations!
So is Winnie the Pooh.
Most things are, in fact.

American stuff is somehow less nuanced most of the time. I have read some American stuff and they are more open and florid in their writing as a rule, especially these days.
That's great at times when I want a snack, but it can give me mental indigestion.
I prefer the English fare. It's like a cup of tea and a cinnamon tea cake. Delicious and not unhealthy but certainly not the usual food.

I may have a limited palate.
But I am happy.
In the end, we must do what we can to be happy wherever we can.
Pursue happiness in a harmless way and you can feel secure that your happiness is purer.
I hope that my writing will be considered good, one day.
I don't want fame, and money to live off would be good, but in the end, I want to be able to make others enjoy what I write and be a real published writer.

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