I just wanted to compare all of the maps of the 5 regions. It is annoyingly time consuming but hey. It's one of those things I just wanted to do.

Gen 3, Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald, Hoenn region map.

Diamond, Pearl and Platinum Gen 4 region, Sinnoh map. Thank you to its creator, Tsunamia.
The HeartGold and SoulSilver map will not go here, refer to the one for the original Gen 2 above.
All maps were downloaded by using Google images.
Thank you to everyone who worked on these maps, and worked so very hard, as is evident by the map of Sinnoh in particular.
I think on reflection, my favourite map of all is Hoenn. I just loved the way it was laid out.
The second fave would be a tie between gens 1 and 2, from SoulSilver when I jumped from one map to the other. Good times.
Sinnoh was ok-ish but Isshu was not so good.
Probably my main problem with the B/W game all up is the map. Not bad then, huh?
Thanks to psypoke.com and also sorry to those who noticed but it was hard to get a good, clear map of Hoenn.
And if you want to see the images on my blog clearer or larger, you can click on them.
In case you never knew that already.
Funny, I thought the Isshu region was called the Unova region, must be a translation thing.
Also, B2 n W2 map was better than the original map.
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