Sunday, October 17, 2004

A little free advertising
Hey, I forgot to post this nice girl Lauren's URL.
She said such an encouraging thing to me. I had a read of her blog and it is so mature. Way food-for-thought!
But also I wanted to say that my friend Diana has a blog too.
Here is the URL:
That should work.

And I wanted to post my Summer poem, version 2.

Summer v2

Children playing with the hose in their underwear
Squealing and running about all wet
The feeling of ice melting numbly on your hot tongue
Water on your hot flushed face
The glaring sun
Heat haze rising off the ground
Cool breezes, mirages
Sweaty hair pushed out of the way
The smell of sunscreen
The greasy feeling
How cold it is on your neck and back!
The itchy bites on your legs from bugs
The smell of the sunscreen and insect repellent
The buzzing of the bees and wasps around you
The smell of fresh flowers growing
And newly cut grass
The sound of the lawnmower
The sound of the wind rustling the trees and grass
Eating strawberries, squashy and warm from the sun
Mmmmm, the juice squirts out as you bite the soft pulpy fruit
The pits are too small to get in your teeth
Eating an orange, getting it all over you, spitting out pips onto the ground
Sticky and uncomfortable
Wash off the juice
Then ice cream!
It is so hot you have to eat quickly
Or it’ll melt and run all over you
Oh dear
A milky sticky lukewarm stream runs all down your hand
Wiping it up makes it worse
You have to wash yourself again
The sun makes the top of your head burn
You should wear a hat
And sunglasses
The sun glares and it hurts your eyes
But the sky is such a deep, clear, breathless blue today
Small fluffy white clouds drift about aimlessly
They look like popcorn
People splashing and swimming in pools,
Children shouting, crying, laughing all over the place
Dogs racing about barking
The ground is hot, you need to wear shoes or you’ll get burnt feet
But the white concrete is cool and lovely on bare feet
Sit under a tree, it’s cool and comfortable
Lean your back up against the rough bark
Listen to the leaves rustle to each other
The sun dapples you with light in splotches
The flowers are blooming around, attracting butterflies
Monarchs with orange and black, soar lazily over and around obstacles
Cabbage butterflies, white with small black spots, flutter about in a hurry
Just like people
Some rush, some take their time
You watch everything
It’s summer and these longer days seem endless right now,
With you sitting on the grass, under a shady tree.
Lie back on the grass and stare at the blue sky
Such a perfect endlessly smooth shade
Clouds skim past pushed by the impatient wind
They collide with each other and merge to make bigger clouds
A sunshower
Pattering fat raindrops out from the perfect blueness of the sky fall on you
Taste them on your tongue
They taste heavy somehow, but fresh
The ground opens up and it smells wetter
The air around you tastes expectant, excited
It is wonderful

That's all I wanted to say.
God Bless!

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